Everything posted by Fred Sigarto
I spy a z!
Visiting in Florida, we took a ride down to Port Charlotte. We stopped at a McDonalds. As we were entering we saw an orange 280Z leaving the "Drive thru". Looked good, sounded great!! Belong to anybody here?
Circuit of the Americas Grand Am Races & Nissan car corral.
Back in the late 80's, early 90's I belonged to Central Ohio & White Rose Z Clubs. They had parade laps at the GTP races with all the Z cars & the new 240SX. 240Z's were at the back, I had high speed driving schools with ''Tracktime'' at Nelson Ledges, MidOhio, and ''CarGuys'' at Summit Point. I remember a guy, Dereck Grubb who had a Fairlady 240Z. We waited at the top of the ''keyhole'' until everyone had cleared out, then Dereck raced a 240SX down the back straight, beat him. I followed, we probably hit 70+.
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Thanks Kats for honoring us with these pictures and keeping us informed. Fred
Datsun Dealership
Granted drivetrain parts wouldn't, except for maybe halfshafts, rearend. except for dash, headlight buckets, bumpers & overriders , interior panels would be the same,
Datsun Dealership
I need headlight buckets for a 10/69 Fairlady ZL, Clutch, pressure plate, throwout bearing, shift & tranny boots, and spring for the early 5 speed ....... thanks
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas .....visiting in Cincinnati 36 degrees Fred & Gloria 10/69 Fairlady ZL 72 240Z
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Great pics Kats, ......I remember visiting Nissan Headquarters in Tokyo in Dec. 71, fell in love with the burgundy Fairlady 432ZL on display, if I can ever figure out how to post the pics I took.
TR6 commanding big bucks these days,,,,Z's should even be higher ,,,,,thougths
Almost bought a TR6 after discharged in early 72, bought my first Z from Stang Motors, $100 down, waited 1 week.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Geoff Brabham, IMSA Nissan GTP
JDM/EURO.... Tail lights......RARE
My 10/69 Fairlady ZL has them too.
Getting Autographs
I worked all the SCCA Runoffs @ MidOhio as a Pit Marshall. One year my wife spoke with Paul Newman as he left pit road. I told her only speak to him about racing, she told him about our Z, which was parked across from Pit road. She said, he was very pleasant, and he autographed her hat. She has two autographs on her hat, Paul Newman and Tony Shumacher (NHRA), our nephew was on his Top Fuel Dragster team at the time.
1970 240z and new electric antenna.
Hi KirkE, I'm in need of an original antenna mast for my 70, someone snapped off the mast. Email me ....fgs3d@aol.com
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Hi Kats, Forgot 1 important fact Stang Motors also sold MG's, Triumph's and AMC's. That's why I was told they got more Z's.
What colour of paint is best for restoration re-sale:
I read years ago on this website that most early Z's were orange. I have orange 240 and silver Fairlady.
5 speed knob reproduction?
Make one for me too, I have a 10/69 Fairlady ZL ......thanks
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
This is how it was when I was discharged from the Air Force in Feb.72. Couldn't buy a Z from I believe it was "Nemet" Car Catalog, advertised in "Playboy". I went to Brunswick Datsun, Bedford Datsun, and a dealer in Mentor, Ohio. All wanted $1000 down and you were put on a list, each dealer got one Z for every 29 cars they sold. I went out to Stang Motors, in Elyria, Ohio and spoke to Tom Tracy, early Sat. morning. I explained the situation, showed him my DD214, and the correspondence from Nissan. All he wanted was a $100 down. A week later he calls, says he has 3, I got a white w/maroon interior, mine had vertical defroster lines in the hatch. No extras were tacked on.
Odometer Trivia
You learn something everyday ... never knew that
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Hi Kats, Just returned home from Richmond, Virginia. Grandson was 2 on the 15th. I checked the serial #, it's 253. To get it back on the road I need clutch, pressure plate which I can purchase here. Things I'll need for the early 5 speed are, rubber shift boot ( under leather shift boot ), Throw out bearing, the 2 wire springs inside the 5 speed, rubber boot for linkage arm. Are the exterior emblems still available? I need hood, both aft side emblems behind the windows , and all hatch back emblems. I have original side Fairlady fender emblems.I have hubcaps with no center emblems. Early cars here have "D" centers. What did the Fairlady ZL have? I picked up brochures when I visited Japan on leave in Dec. 71. Looks as if they were pentagon in the center of the hubcaps. I saw the burgundy Fairlady ZG on display, absolutly a thing of beauty. I'd like to get my Fairlady back on the road so I can move down to West coast of Florida. Hopefully I'll try and post pictures
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Beautiful car Kats, I'm hoping to start restoring my 10/69 Fairlady ZL next year. I already have a new dash, original seats, need to get one of the gauges fix. Restored my 72 240Z in 2000.
Replacement Body Panels
Ditto to Jeff & Granny.... got my floors from Zedd too
Replacement Body Panels
Check your local dealer. In 2000 when restoring my Z, I needed front fenders. My local dealer quoted me a price of $175 apiece, they arrived in 3 days in Nissan boxes. I was quoted $375 each by a Major Dealership way south of me, won't say the dealership.
240z antenna mast possibile reproduction
count me in, I need two
Z's on TV
Got home from Disney World Vacation, tuned into "Cops", Las Vegas 10/25/97 episode. They had pulled over a stolen car, suspect put in custody, took the groceries out, towed the car. took groceries to the suspect's house, a meth house. White 280Z parked there, only could see front end, wheels & bumper.
Anyone going to Heritage Midwest Z show-Dublin Ohio-July 6-8???
I might make it on Saturday. I've done 2 or 3 "TrackTime" driving schools at MidOhio, early 90's. Great fun
Pilot bushing '72 Z
Put mine in the freezer for a few hours, went in pretty easy. First time I ever installed a clutch, flywheel combo.