Everything posted by Fred Sigarto
How To Adjust Choke Cable In A 72 240Z
Also it's a good idea not to grab the choke handle by the knob when pulling it in the choke position, if it's tight. I've broken off a couple in my time, including the posts where it's fastened too, all due to a tight cable. Now after freeing up the cable I usually pull it back by grabbing the handle underneath close to where the setscrew is.
Wanting To Race
I've been doing Autocross events since 91, in a front wheel drive Sentra SE-R and the Z. SCCA , Akron sports car club, Corvette clubs, BMW, & NORA events. Speeds are limited to 60+ mph, although some courses may vary, due to weather conditions. I've gotten into 3rd gear at a Corvette event, with my 218 hp. Z. You're either on the gas or the brakes. I've only done 15 mph in the pits, safety reasons. I work as a SCCA Solo Safety Steward & have a National Pit Marshal license.
Hello From Ohio!
Welcome, been to a lot of Central Ohio Z Club events, Nice people.
A Loss To The Z Car Community
RIP, John
What I Did Today
Cleaned the 9+ inches of snow off the 69 Fairlady Z-L.
Steel wheels for OEM hubcaps.
I'll check my 10/69 Fairlady Z-L later on today, when I get time.
Hands down the best gas cap for our cars.
Was going to ask that question too. I've taken my 72 Z to a few Solo events with a bit more than a quarter of a tank, and it leaked out. Gas cap was about 5 years old. Bought a brand new Nissan gas cap, new flap, went to another event, still leaked. I'll try a bead of silicone, as you suggested, and let you know. Last event next Sunday. ....... thanks
Happy Birthday Mr. K
Happy Birthday ! and many more Mr. K
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Cars & Coffee @ TrackFirst, Hudson, Ohio
Brake pads
I found the brake boxes. Fronts were CT 57-913 Kelate* Metallic. The shoes, was hard to read, either CTS 411-913 or CTS 711-913, or CTS 911-913. (expensive) I worked one of the last 24 hour races at Nelson Ledges as a Pit Marshall. The "Spirit of DC 240Z" won, ran the race without changing the pads & shoes. It was pictured in one of the car magazines, I was standing next to it. I'll try and find it.
Scion FR-S and Datsun 240Z - An Owner's Comparison
"Cassette Tape".... what about what a 78 or 45 was.
Brake pads
i'm out of town this weekend, I'll check when I get back. If i remember correctly I got a compound for Solo/track days. Bought them 5 or 6 rs. ago
Brake pads
I'm running Carbotech on my 240z, both pads & shoes/
Nissan Factory / Commemorative 240z on ebay
Definitely a beauty, don't care for the mudflaps though, guess you gotta like em or not.
Z CON 2014 San Diego CA
same here
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
They also make the Q40 Coupe, which was the G37, before that the G35.
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Took the Z to a car show Fri. nite, parking lot as full. A lot of good comments, mostly lookers. Sat. went to Mentor Nissan for a show. Burgers & hotdogs were provided, There were 5 or 6 old Z's a couple of ZX's. had a good time, thanks Memtor Nissan.
240 clutch slipping, NOT NOW!!!
I'll try that on the Fairlady
Phantom Z Unveiled at Z CON 2014! 2 Movies!
this time no problem.....thanks
Phantom Z Unveiled at Z CON 2014! 2 Movies!
? nothing came up Esprist
Paul Newman Race 1990
Never saw that one before, thanks black gold man!
1970 Series I 240Z Unique Parts
Don't think this was mentioned, early Series I had shortened driveshafts, which made the halfshafts not at right angles to the diff, that lead to the rear end "squat" on acceleration, as was mentioned in early C&D or R&T magazines.
My New 240Z
automatic transmission...you have a stick
Z CON 2014 San Diego CA
Kats, noticed the tywired fan too, haven't seen that since my Air Force days, great looking car.
Next Gen Z?
The targa is butt ugly, I'm with you 100% Bryan