Everything posted by biddljj
Doesn't run past idle!!
I would focus on the return fuel line. zdisease
Computer Rookie having fun with cars
Yes... I have a poster in the garage that is labled "Reasons for Higher Education" It's a picture of a huge house with the whole bottom layer a series of garages with nice sports cars in each bay..... zdisease
How to tune your su's
I got this rule of thumb for SU carb float level adjustment.... Use a 1/2 inch drill bit for a gauge... A sloppy fit on the drill should do ok Zdisease
What did you find under your seat?
My 240 yielded a bunch of trash & a very clean open end wrench 8mm x 13mm .... VW vintage for sure
Honda Wiper Motor Upgrade for the 240Z
I second it... you da man thanks It's off to the junk yards after xmas
Winter Car..?
I live at 8400 feet in the Colorado Rockies.... The kids and wife all have AWD Subarus of various vintages. My old car was a FWD civic with chains in the trunk. These days my winter car is a Dodge Ram 2500 V10 4x4 with siped mudders and chains. I need the V-Bar chains to due to the snow plow. Zdisease
Bucking and then died and won't start again
Check the grounds on the bulbs ..... If you have a multi-meter check for voltage...
Crankshaft pilot bushing removal?
I borrowed an extractor from auto zone, but it didn't fit The dremmel ground off enough to get the extractor in At that point I tryed pulling the extractor....... Old bushing slid right out. I put the new bushing in the freezer to help get it to slide in.... Worked like a champ Thanks for all the good ideas.....
Gettin the Z back from the Body Shop ?
18 Months ago I put the Z on a trailer and took it to the body shop... Lots bin done.... New floor New Rockers Patches in the engine compartment New Rear arch and fender wells Removal of engine and trans... It's in my garage Removal of all running gear, rear....etc Now the body shops has been sold to a new owner The shop was moved to a new location... Better Paint Booth I am in need of suggestions on how to get the shop to finish the car rather than focus on "Insurance" work..... I asked the owner for a work contract with target dates... After lawyer review.... next Tuesday ???? I was thinking about adding rewards for beating dates... penalties for missing... What do you guys think ? zDisease 72 240Z :beard:
Return fuel line ?
What is a "dizzy" ? zdisease
Removing Smog components
Removing Smog components
Why not improve the car with a new exhaust header that require no air injection. Mine is a header from Arizona Z... Amazing good fit. ZDisease
- Crankshaft pilot bushing removal?
L24 Real Main Seal Replacement
Off to Napa I go.... Thanks
L24 Real Main Seal Replacement
Can I bug you guys for some advice on replacing the real main seal ? I am having a tough time removing the old seal. Thanks in advance Jay 1972 240Z
braided hoses?
My L24 needs new hoses for coolant routing on the right side of the motor. What is best advice for source ?
240 Front Sway Bar Support Bracket ?
My 72 240 is finally moving toward the street. I have some rust in the frame rail right above the front swaybar mount. I thought I saw a clue about sway bar mount re-enforcement on this list a while back.... The search engine doesn't help... sigh Do you guys know where I can find a good bracket or is it fab time ? Thanks, zdisease
Toyota 4X4 Calipers
"I know for sure the calipers are installed correctly (Bleeder screw on top)" Bleeder valve should be on the bottom of the Caliper. Jay
spare parts disease
My 72 240Z came with the whole pile of parts too..... The previous owner had been afflicted by Harley disease after 5 or 6 240Z V8 projects. Jay
Swap Complete!
Off to Colorado next week
Hey.. I live west of Denver by 30 miles... Near Nederland.... The kids (16 to 18) are building snow jumps of the side of the driveway at the moment... we have drifts 5 to 7 feet tall. The wind has benn a bit nuts in the last few days. Hope to have the 240Z back from the body shop in April. Jay
My '72 240.....
My 72 240 was almost as bad... I hope t0 have her back on the rad this spring.... sic
Never seen a ZX like this one!
Painting the grill brown shore screws up the pictures of the front. Jay aka zdisease
Two weeks and nothing....Argggg
April will be one year for my 72Z
Gas pouring everywhere
You go me laughing on this one... I ran a 1941 Power Wagon for a snow plow for a lot of years. During the summer this beast would just rest down by the creek. One fall I climbed into the beast and it stunk bad. Opened the hood... A golden Mantled Marmot had decided the top of the flathead was home and died there. I got the truck running but the smell of dead animal was over powering me even though I had no door windows or floor. FIX: I got a case of tomato juice and a bunch of tomato paste. Mixed up the batch.... Warmed up the powerwagon. Shut down the beast and dumped the mixture over the top of the flat head... I let it sit for a couple of week. Power washed the engine for the first time ever.... From then on the powerwagon smelled like pizza when it was at operating temp. Kinda strange but much better that rotten marmot. Jay.... aka zdisease