Everything posted by Cethern
I miss my Z!!!
There ia also a 240 on Craigslist for barter or 700$ in the Denver area. Heck I may even sell my 76... Eric
Need tips on Buying 1977 280z Please.
Sounds like you got a great deal! Are you still thinking of a 3-2-1 Header? Eric
pilot bearing
From the thread I read..You pretty much pulled the pin on that grenade. Coffey was changing his every 15 to 20 hrs when he changed the clutch. For the little track time I get and as much as I drive my Z I'll go with a oillite bearing. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=111696&highlight=roller+pilot+bearing Eric
pilot bearing
From the thread I read..You pretty much pulled the pin on that grenade. Coffey was changing his every 15 to 20 hrs when he changed the clutch. For the little track time I get and as much as I drive my Z I'll go with a oillite bearing. Eric
pilot bearing
I did a search on Hybridz and the over all thought was not to use a roller bearing. because they don't don't seem to last very long. So it seems Sblake01 your are having some very good luck with yours. Eric
pilot bearing
I'm getting ready to put my 5sp in and I was wondering if I should go wth a roller pilot bearing instead of a normal oillite bearing. I do Autocross the car and plan on doing some track days and maybe time trails. Any thoughts? Thanks Eric
New to me 76 280z with problems
My 75 would have some odd idle issues at times and I never found the problem but it didn't happen a lot so I never paid much attention to it...Now my 76 is a different deal I thought I had found the problem and had it fixed so for a couple of days it ran great now it's back to being a pain.. For your deal and mine I would start with a vacuume gauge and see where it's at. Then clean all the connections,check the grounds. Then just as you stated get the EFI and FSM books out and start testing. Eric
Square pipe over a round hole?
Thanks DaveN It all went back together today and I have to say the over all performance of the 60mm TB a semi ported N-42 intake the 3-2-1 header Has improved the over all performance. I should of done this a long time ago. Now I need to get my N-42 out for a porting
Anybody going to Pikes Peak this weekend?
Head for Devils play ground it can be a little windy but I would go up the night before and get a good spot. I have a good time I wish I could go but I need to get my Z back running first. Don't forget the Autocross at the World Arena Sunday as well. Eric
It runs on all 6 sometimes
This Morning I left work and went a few miles to get a new head gasket for my other problem child and the car ran great. But when I went to go home it ran like crap again. Really rich, So when I got up I changed out the thermo sensor. I think I will change the injectors with some OEM ones I have. Right now my thoughts are I have one or two injectors are stuck open...maybe? Even though they are new well two or three years old sitting. there could be holding one open? I will before that check them and make sure they are getting power. I plan on changing the plugs again tonight the last set where black so I bet this set is pretty much the same.
Square pipe over a round hole?
Sblake01 Well for a couple of reasons one I'm cheep and just had the header welded up to fit. And I don't plan on running the N-47 head for long, I had planned on sending a N-42 headed out for a valve job and port. But if comes down to it I could use the one I have for sale. Eric
Watch my Z video!!!
A very nice job!:classic: I could not hear the music as I'm at work and we have no sound... Eric
Square pipe over a round hole?
It runs on all 6 sometimes
A while back I bought a 76 280 for 300$ The kid that had it could not get it to run at the time I founf the boot Between the AFM and TB was Cracked so I taped it up all nice and pretty...I got it home and got it to stop smoking. Changed the oil and filters, Plugs. And checked for vacuume leaks over all it has vacuume and commpresson at 140lbs +/- 2lbs in all holes. The past owner did put in new injectors. But it misses and loads up then at times it will run fine other times it wants to cut out and die. Now other than a exhaust leak at #6 and where the manifold meets the pipe I can not see nothing out of wack. The TBS looks to be within spec and the thermotime other conections look to be clean and tight. Right now I'm guessing I will have to go through the EFI Bible and the repair manual. Any Ideas? Thank's Eric
Square pipe over a round hole?
This past week I took off my N-47 head and replaced it with a N-42 at that time I added a N-42 intake with the 60mm TB and a 3-2-1 header. I now have no compression in #6 the other 5 are at 130psi there is no oil in the coolant or leaking around the outside around the head gasket. I have not pulled it back off to see what is up but I feel the head is bad as the car ran just fine before I messed with it :surprised Right now I'm planning on putting the N-47 head back on. My question is can I use the square port header or should I put the round port header on? Thanks Eric
See it's all about Karma... I should be there but I'm not sure if I will run my Z yet I have to fix a couple of things. If I can get a head gasket set by then I'll run it. if the head is the problem that is. But then I could run my 76 in HS and get spanked by a bunch of Miatas...
Z Photo Editing
Very nice work!
Well if you park to close to a Z with that 914 your tires will go flat for some reason..... As for Autocrossing we run at the World Arena in the Springs a lot. This Sunday we are at Coors Field then the 22nd back at the World Arena. Stop by www.rmsolo.org But bring your Z when you can....
Carbon fiber
I have his DATSUN 70-78 240z 260z 280z FIBERGLASS DUCK TAIL SPOILER Not bad overall he did sell on ebay all he is all so a member a hybridz. Eric
Head light covers
I got mine off Ebay..But I have seen a shop on the web that has them as well..Zsomething..up in the north west...
Anyone want a $500 parts car?
When the BAE came out the used a addaptor that fit on the exhuast manifold then put the turbo on that. There should be pic's of the one I have for sale. I the bad part of mine is someone cut the J pipe to use a intercooler. But still useable. Eric
'71 that was on Craigs list now on Ebay
I thought that was his...
After replacing all front bushings . .
Check out Blues tech tips. http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/ That may help.
What to use for replacement head/manifold studs?
Take a look at what Pallnett has. http://www.freewebs.com/pallnet/products.htm This link may help: http://www.hammondsplains.com/z/ Eric
Steering Rack bushings . . .
Not a problem. The poly bushing does bring a lot of the road feel to your hands, But I do like the overall feel the steering feels tight not as loose as it did. All this work was done to my 75. And my 76 feels loose/ sloppy but then it is old.. and needs a list of things. I would guess that the stock rubber bushing would give up to 1/2 in play at the steering wheel.