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Everything posted by chocobosteve

  1. okay, here's my dilema... both of my carbs are backfiring, and it all happens at the same time. the car won't idle, it just backfires, then kills. it does, however sound fine when the rpm's are around 2000+. i asked around yesterday, and i was told that the timing may be the solution, and i will look into that, but any other possible solutions would be appreciated.
  2. i was working on my front carb today, because of a problem with the float sticking, so fuel came out of the jet in a steady stream. i got that working again, but now i think that the carbs were adjusted to work with the other one, which was way off. if there's any way to do this without money, i would be very happy, but if i need to shell out cash, i'm willing.

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