What are your favorite Quotes?
" I often quote myself, it adds spice to my conversation" George Bernard Shaw
I got dumped; however, life keeps getting better
Well, when i got a divorce my wife got everything including the cat!! The sad part is I missed that cat more than missed her!!
Looking for location info for Northern Va
no that isnt the place. This guy was a master mechanic with his own repair shop and old Z's piled up on the side. His assistant told me that the guy has Z parts all over the place and was thinking of putting together a web site to sell them. I will look for the guys business card to give you but I cant find it. You may have to do a road trip...or I may have to. At the time I was looking for a 4.11 rear but like I said I could never find the guy.
Looking for location info for Northern Va
I found a place on Highway 1 south of Woodbridge about 2 years ago. The guy had PILES of Zs all over the place. I tried to contact him for a week with no sucess. Then left out overseas for a few years. He is probably still there as it was a regular garage and the guy did a lot of work at Quantico.
'72 on ebay
this is a nice car and the same color as mine, so I am partial, but there is no way he is gonna get that price!
Austin : stolen car cover
Funny story....when I went off to basic training for the Army someone stole my car. I got home on leave 3 months later and I am sitting at 7-11 in my mom's Chevy when I see my car and three guys across the street. The guys take off and I follow them until they pulled over into a parking lot to smoke dope and drink beers. Long story short, I call the cops from across the street and i get my car back. These guys stole my car, gave it an awesome tune up and installed a $1000 stereo system; which they stole from and auto body shop. The cops let me keep the stereo as insurance had already paid for it!! Moral...you just might see that cover again when you least expect it!!
Electrolytic Rust Removal
I agree with all above. I have a November 1971 manufactured 240 and my goal is to restore it once to last for another 33 years. I might even put it in my will to be buried in it like that lady did with her caddy (?) out west. I swear, if the Surgeon General knew of the addictive nature of zeds he would've put those warnings on the quarter panels like a pack of smokes!
Electrolytic Rust Removal
Actually I had seen a site where there are places that will dip the whole body of the car in a tub for this process. It takes a day or two, but the end result is that the rust is removed from the impossible areas that will wind up rusting out cuz you can't get to them. I have looked around Virginia a little for a place that does this and so far no luck. But I am still looking.
Step away from the Zed!
SU carb literature/auto literature
Thanks brother Carl you just broke my heart!! Well, uh, I am the only one to say that mine came from the Netherlands!! It just goes to show ya' even the smallest Z thing can be a bottomless pit! And I thought I did my detective work finding this! That is it I am turning in my shoe phone and decoder ring! Glenn
SU carb literature/auto literature
Just wondering if anyone has heard of the book "How to build & power tune SU carburators", Des Hamill?? I was doing some research on SU carbs and this guy kept coming up. Apparently he is another SU carb Ninja and his theory on SU carbs is that there is over 300 needle sizes that apply and no two SU carbs work on the same needle size for best performance. His book gives the tear down and rebuild info like most but he also gives a method for finding the right needle size for your SU's. I started looking for this book and I was able to find 1 in the U.S. for $120. I looked some more and I found an auto book store in the Netherlands with the book for $70 with shipping. asnbooks.com Check this site out if you are looking for any auto literature that is hard to find!!! Glenn
Me Trevor and John at Nissan
I watched the History Channel show. they didn't do total rebuilds. they had two teams, a few hours to do it, and they only replaced the cams, headers/exhaust, threw in an MSD, kept the old distributor, and it was off to the races. Winning speed was 85 MPH for 1/4 mile.
350Z brakes
I am in contact with someone who is looking to get rid of a 2003 350z. He is telling me that he replaced the brakes already with 10,000 miles on the car!! Is it possible that Nissan hasn't learned about brakes in 30+ years?? Or is this guy riding them like an old lady? He doesn't have the Brembo option brakes on the car. thanks!
Gear shift wont engage
NOT the fly wheel! The Driven plate sticking to the input shaft splines due to rust. G
Gear shift wont engage
Thanks all! I just read in a manual about the fly wheel freezing up when sitting. That was the deal, put it in gear start it, then let the clutch out slowly to "break" it. I had to tug on it with a tow chain to "break" the brakes too. Poor baby is a rust magnet if left alone too long!