Karlb It looks like most of your questions have been answered but I thought Id give you this web address to go to, there is a book you can print off or just look through that explains alot about the efi system and it also has a troubleshooting section. I found this pretty informative. www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/efisystem/280zfuelinjectionbook.pdf You will need Adobe, Hope this is helpful
Thanks guys I believe that I traced it to the fuel pressure regulator but it still isnt quite running like it did. Im sure new injectors couldnt hurt anything. Thanks again
Im having trouble with my stock 77 280z. I tried to start it the other day and it wouldn't fire. After some investigating found that it was flooding, badly. This problem came out of nowhere. I've seen some posts around saying that an ECU or Air flow meter could cause this but I thought i'd see what you guys think the problem is. Please Help
I thought that I had better say hi to everyone. I've been a member for a couple months now, sorry for not saying hello earlier (had computer problems). I've got a '77 280-Z that I'm in the process of doing a full restoration on (the car is in the metal work and paint phase currently). Im looking forward to talking with you all in the future. Beau Rigby, Idaho