Hey all, I just rewired my 71 Z with a 73 harness It WAS working fine(with the exception of reverse lights(still working on figuring that out) and turn signals(pretty sure its the combo switch) Anyways, tonight, I tried the start the car, there was a click sound(like the sound from the voltage regulator), and then nothing from the starter or anything, so i turned the key back to the Off position and there was another click from the VR. I tried to start the car again, same thing. So then i tried just turning on the headlights, VR clicks again, and i have no lights or anything. Turn the lights off, theres a click again from the VR. So i get out and pop the hood, turned on the inspection lamp, click, no light, turn light off, click... So i got upset, went inside for about 30 minutes, came out, inspection light comes on, cool! but then i try to start the car same thing. Then i wiggled the battery cables around, and somehow that fixed it, car started, ran great. 2 hours later, same thing. Is my VR bad? or should i check something else?