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About tom231

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  1. My mistake above. I meant to say DOT 3 or DOT 4 for brake cylinder reservoirs. are they compatible, ie...not sure what is/was in there before. thanks, Tom
  2. Thanks guys!! For the AC info!! I had always seen them on the passenger’s side. That new set-up looks great, wish the price was still ~$500! 3 in 1 oil it is!! Also, is Dexron-VI back compatible to Dexron II or III. For use in my brake cylinder reservoirs. Tom
  3. Thanks! Now I just need to get it somewhere and get it checked out!! Thanks again for your thoughts and expertise!! Tom
  4. Would Dexron VI be backward compatible? Or look for a Dexron III if they still make it, ie...Peak? thanks, Tom
  5. Dennis-I agree, that is HUGE MONEY back then, heck it is big money now!! Still, why do you think they moved the compressor? What did they gain? They could of just exchanged the compressors. They had all the original Freon lines on the correct dealer installed side. thanks, Tom
  6. Will give it a try!! Below are the receipts for the new AC! Looks to have a new YORK compressor BUT wondering why it was moved??? thanks to you ALL! Tom
  7. Thanks! This is such a great site with GREAT PEOPLE!! Tom
  8. Mark-Tom here agin! Below is a pic I took, ie...first one is fluid out of the damper second is off my engine dip stick. Also. a quick question. My master brake cylinder reservoirs, the smaller reservoir is almost empty, can I use DOT 3 fluid in there and be on my way?? thanks again! Tom
  9. Thanks jfa! Did message Cliff. You are definitely correct about H-Town!! Today it is BOILING!!! Is having the larger fuel pump OK? Also, do you put ATF or 20W in your carb dampers? Mine is low and cannot tell if ATF or oil. Doesn’t smell like oil? Thanks, Tom
  10. Mark-Tom here agin! Below is a pic I took, ie...first one is fluid out of the damper second is off my engine dip stick. Also. a quick question. My master brake cylinder reservoirs, the smaller reservoir is almost empty, can I use DOT 3 fluid in there and be on my way?? thanks again! Tom
  11. Thanks again Mark!! Your insight and expertise is awesome!! Tom
  12. Thanks Mark! Since It is the thickness, is it OK if I happen to mix the ATF with 20W oil? OR really need to make sure what is in there now and not possibly mix the two? thanks again!! Tom
  13. Thanks guys!! Below are a couple pictures under the hood. The first one shows the passenger side area. I see the Freon hoses that jfa mentioned. Shouldn’t the compressor be in this area? The next one shows the upper pulleys. There is not a belt that engages either one of those upper pulleys??? Thanks again for all your help!! Tom
  14. Thanks jfa!! Bingo on that being the freon tank. I need to look for the compressor?? They May have been taken it off?? It had been owned by the original seller for 46 years. Maybe that is why the missing belt?? Do you know where I could get an original/possibly NOS York compressor? Thanks again for your time and expertise!! Tom
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