Ebay scammer
Just a quick update after all this time. Rich Cummings is still out there freely scamming zed owners. Canadian Post gave me the info that he signed for the carbs and the Mounties knocked on his door but he silver tounged them and they couldn't touch him. He still refuses to give me back my money. Beware a whole new generation of zed owners. He used to go under the ebay name of bluefairladyz, who knows what his alias is now.
Ebay scammer
Well guys here it is, I believe these scans have been kicking around the web for a couple of days anyway so you may as well see them. This is the proof I have I submitted it to Paypal and they thought that it wasn't enough. I noted in his premature complaint to them that he went on about me charging extra for paypal fees, I guess that p#$%&* them off and awarded it to them. Paypal won't let you appeal. You decide and take note, I made you aware of this guy and that is the main thing.
Ebay scammer
If he isn't in the Navy then what does he do for a living, he told me he was in the Navy.
Ebay scammer
go to www.toolhaus.org and type in bluefairladyz to see the 17 all in a row not that bad ???????? would you deal with him after reading these? my ebay nick is the same as here zed2002
Ebay scammer
Yes I agree with you guys. The item was sent on the 3rd of March and yes he is premature especially since he put the claim in on the 19th of March when he decided he wasn't happy to wait three months. This is why I started to check his feedback seriously and it all showed a pattern. It is a good scam if you play your cards right and he obviously knows how to play the system, he cant loose really.
Ebay scammer
No, no seller protection, I learnt the hard way.
Ebay scammer
Hi again I couldn't find anywhere on Paypal to appeal. All messages from them were final with no reply address. They still want me to pay the balance of the $512.00 refund to him and I am not about to give him anymore funds so it has to hang there. Well hopefully he wont scam anyone for a while because of these posts.
Ebay scammer
Thanks Zac I have PMed you. with all my details and credentials, feel free to post them here if it helps. First of all This is not aimed at all Canadians, my dealings with you guys has been fantastic till now. As for Paypal well I had about $300.00 in my account and they froze it for over a month while they "investigated" it then awarded $512.00 to him so now my account is in arrears so that is the end of my international dealings. I will not deal overseas again. A friend told me about www.paypalsucks.com and that is where I lost hope about ever getting my money back, 5 minutes of reading on that site made sure of that. So what can I do???? The 17 others that he scammed and I have got together and things are in the pipeline. Sorry to air this very dirty laundry on here but I didn't want anyone else scammed.
Ebay scammer
Hi all, I just wanted to make all of you genuine guys out there aware of a Canadian scam artist that is lurking on ebay and who knows where else out there. He goes by the name Bluefairladyz and he has used me and many others to restore his car for free. He purchases items off ebay (in my case a 240z manifold and carb set worth $500.00) and then claims that they were never sent and in the end Paypal refunds his money at your expense, therefore leaving you without the money and the part. I proved to Paypal that I sent them, providing customs and postal documentation but he won the claim and scoffed about it. I then checked out his ebay feedback (go to www.toolhaus.org and type in Bluefairladyz) and he has done similar to at least 17 other parts sellers all to fund his restoration. This post may get kicked off but hopefully some of you will be saved. Contact me on shawthief@yahoo.com.au (named after him) if you need details. This news is going out on other forums and is being added to by others.
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