center vent wont quit..
hey guys..sorry, forgot bout that . its a 76' with factory air. again...sorry bout forgettin that lil detail
center vent wont quit..
Just what the title says. The only time it every stops blowing is when the fan is shut off. Is there an actuator that runs the center and side vents for when the defrost and heater is going? Otherwise it just keeps pooring out to much cold air for the heater to keep up with. Thanks in advance
major problem!!
ok, pulled the plug off the coolant temp sensor, and what do you know it started...so i replaced the sensor.... however i also figured out that the vacuum diaphram on my distributor doesnt work anymore... what exactly does that do? and could that be why it still runs a lil rough??
major problem!!
oh, all the vaccum lines are new as well....
major problem!!
k... 76 280z fuel injected... turns over and actually starts for about 2-3 sec. and then dies. dont know the technical term but its backfireing out the intake (think that means its lean???) however i have checked the fuel pressure and there is tons going to the engine. the tank has been cleaned, new fuel pump, filter, and injectors, and did a tune up with new plugs, wires, cap and rotor, just 2 days ago. the dang thing ran fine to the store, and when i came out as soon as i turned the key it started doing this just literally at the drop of a hat and now its stuck there....could it possibly the distributor?? i checked all the fuses, and such and there is nothing different, broke or changed from before... any help??? thankyou, jacqui
couple question...
oops, pushed reply to soon....... anyways, so is that the part that the body shop will hafta do? reason im askin is im tryin to get as much of it done as i can so the cost wont be quite the killer that its otherwise gonna be..
couple question...
not to concerned about the paint at this point, its going to be completely redone anyways when this is done....so im guessin that after the holes are welded its not gonna be all smooth and flush with the rest of the sheet metal, so how do i smooth it out so it is?
couple question...
first, will the hood from a 2x2 260z fit on a 280 coupe...and second, whats the best way to fill in rivet holes on the doors and fenders from the molding strips that used to be on them...there is no rust, just the holes.. thanks, jacqui
78 280z wont run
yup.. just went through that..the good news is droppin the tank is EASY on these.. i had the same thing happen, the gas i drained looked ok..but wouldnt ya know, i had a pile of rust that looked like the biggest ant hill by the time i done...works great now!!
if its not one thing its another..
ok..after looking in a different direction (upwards to be exact), i noticed a small leak coming from my sending unit..not enough to run everywhere, but enough to dampen the ledge of the fuel tank...would this possibly be causing the loss of pressure after it sits for a while??
if its not one thing its another..
ok guys, here we go....again.. i just cleaned my fuel tank, put a new pump, filter, and injectors in it...even a clear filter before the pump so i can see what crap is still flowin out the tank that i missed.. anyways, the darn thing doesnt like to start now, hot or cold. if i shut it off and go to start it again, it will start just fine. but if it sits for a few min its like pulling teeth. once its going it runs like a champ..granted there is still a lil bit of stuff comin from the fuel tank, but the filter before the pump blocks what little there is, and it didnt make a difference anyways, even with all new filters and a new pump all at the same time. its the same thing no matter what...and the kicker is it started fine before i did all this stuff. ive checked the hoses for kinks too. i really have NO clue why its draggin arss pushin fuel to the engine on the startup...any ideas?? electrical?? i dunno....oh, btw, its a 76 280 efi. and i was trying to find the relay for the pump too, but the picture blows...where the heck is it!!
ITS ALIVE!! thank god!! everything seems to be workin just fine so far...thanks to all who gave their .02....
ok everybody....heres the latest...droped the tank and it was a total mess. the flow tube was so crapped up with rust and ....... well, just crap that nothin was flowin thru. sooooo, since im a broke student i pressure washed the inside of the tank, and got out all the loose garbage i could (tons might i say), took a few cans of carb cleaner and a piece of semi stiff plastic tubing and worked out all the stuff blocking the flow tube. so now its drying and tomarrow i shall resume further cleaning. and yes.... i know some of you will probably scoff at how im going about it....but all its gotta do is get me thru till january when i can afford a new tank to put in the darn thing and do it right...so please dont chastise me to much, and if you just gotta....be gentle
well, as i said...guess you all know what im gonna be doing on thanksgiving... i new i wanted to lay around after i ate all that food...i just never planned on it being under the car...
oh ya.. i forgot to say that...i did put a filter between the tank and the pump before i installed the latest one 3 days ago.. it still made the noise right away at first...then i realized that the hose was kinked so i had to fix that problem...then it was perfect till today... it started makin the noise very slightly and intermitently...after i turned it off and it sat for about 10 min then it was fine. but tomarrow will be another story im sure. gee, wonder what im gonna be doing over thanksgiving.....