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Everything posted by carrott

  1. Hello friend ,well not exactly near Cairns but if you were coming from Denmark then 2000kms south is no prob. I am considering selling my car ,but it is no resto project.
  2. carrott replied to oskidunker1's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Maybe you misunderstood me Carl ,I do believe Ebay is the way to go, as you rightly say it show cases to the world. We all should cross our collective fingers and hope a good price is accepted as it will be good for all us Z owners. By the way over here there is an insurance company that caters for the classic car industry, Shannons insurance ,they frequently advertise cars and hold auctions ,worth a look .
  3. carrott replied to oskidunker1's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I guess considering the state of your economy over there ,ebay might be a wise choice ,anyway the higher the price reached the better for all z owners as it pushes the cars up the classic ladder,which means that all those marginal junkers could see a new lease of life.
  4. carrott replied to oskidunker1's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    That is a beautiful car ,and IMO worth every penny(dime),the attention to detail is nice and who ever buys the car for whatever price is getting a piece motoring history . Wish it was mine
  5. Sounds to me like a valve is sticking slightly open and allowing the lash pad to pop out then the rocker arm becomes slack .This is common if the car is not frequently driven and there has been a lot of oil leaking past the guides, over time it will harden up and prevent the valve closing properly which is the start of your prob's , If the the bottom end has good compression and oil pressure consider removing the head for a service ,preferably by a z specialist . Good luck.
  6. That is a very nice car you have picked up very useable a tasteful good job in removing the transfers, each to their own but it now looks like a sports car and not a jazzed up 70's car ,only my opinion .None the less it is a beauty. Carrott .
  7. carrott replied to RC7's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Is the tranny sitting on a jack all this time or are you lifting by hand ?Do not let trans hang by the input shaft while you do this as it will damage the hub in the clutch disc, if you have assume it is already razzed.
  8. carrott replied to fixitman's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    What C.R are you running ? 10:1 with your other mods and after being properly tuned on a dyno should yeild 200-220 bhp.The key is proper tuning , remember a lean engine will last less than a new years resolution.
  9. Racing is for the track not the road, some of your driving deserves you loose your car and licsense.
  10. If I remember correctly this car was featured in the early z car magazine ,it has a LY (crossflow) head on it, a very nice and tasteful resto ,the brits are front runners in this sort of buisness ,IMO.
  11. carrott replied to Mike's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    If holding ones hand over ones heart is a sign of integrity well Lads I really feel very sad for this world.Your prez is a fool and he is taking your country and the world down a path that no one should walk.America's detractors are growing by the day,shame that as the world once looked to yanks for morals , not anymore. A real sign of a president's integrity would be to take positive action on global warming by showing leadership on the issue.Forget your zed cars boys if this is not addressed then we are in real bother. Now that i've got that of my chest lets keep this site for Zeds.
  12. Standard car Standard clutch and flywheel, the heavier flywheel has more weight giving more inertia which is what you want in traffic, ie a light flywheel will require some more RPM to move off the line and hence a little slipping of the clutch, that is unless you put in a lower ratio diff.
  13. on initial start up don't let engine idle for long only long enough to check timing there is very high friction omn the bore of a new engine .U
  14. OEM Nissan.
  15. carrott replied to OLDZCHOOL's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    If you go to the fourways engineering site in the UK and check out the zed there i think a little copying maybe, but the fourways car is a gem this car whilst it is the owners dream car, well not worth it, stock brakes cut down springs wizz week engine .Tell him he's DREAMIN.
  16. Just by an RB series engine, hell there's plenty of variations to choose from , pretty cheap and stronger than an L series.
  17. carrott replied to kats's post in a topic in 432 & 432-R
    Absolutely superb, great job.
  18. carrott replied to XRQTR's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Unless you must have a 2 L six ,well I suggest you dont waste your hard earned .If you must have an L series, turbo an L28 put the 2 L rocker cover on and no one will know except you , these motors are " CRAPP".
  19. carrott replied to Brett240's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Steve why bother with selling your zed ,the amount you end up getting really is bugger all in the big scheme of things .I know your car is worth a very good price but as you said it's allways the z guy that comes looking and he will catch you at your weakest ie fixing up a toasted engine or the like , but all said and done well this happens to every modified car as you know. Regardless it is your decision but do give it some thought especially the hours spent which would run into the $ssssss .Keep the fish oil in and park it, costs little and one day, hopefully soon will be worth much more. Free advice anytime, Carrott.
  20. The car looks excellent for a 36 y/old ,the oil leak is not it is under body shultz overspray. the gaurd is not rusted as it is not a double skin here , just some stone chips, you guys ought to stop tossing and look at it for what it is, a mass produced cheap sports car that is presented very nicely at a reasonable price , what can you get for 10k these days, maybe a cheap hyaundi.Take the zed.
  21. carrott commented on kats's comment on a gallery image in Engine and Drivetrain
  22. carrott replied to texasz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Don't use a pipe, try to get a lend of a torque multiplier so that if the bolt breaks you won't end up on the garage floor holding a broken wrist
  23. carrott replied to 2k2wickedspecv's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    definately a fuel supply problem, pump, filter, blockage behind gauze under needle and seat........ start with the simple first.
  24. If your free speech is like our's is here in OZ then enjoy it while you can as those anti-:mad: sedition laws are going to take your breath away, I love a democracy.
  25. you're a drop kick to say such things ,racial hatred is not welcome.

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