Clifford Intake On Ebay
Familiarity and availability. That is a fairly small two barrel. Carburetors are my fetish, I really enjoy tuning them. Our Z started out with injection. Then it had an enjection manifold modified for a 2V Rochedter adapted to it. It was very reliable and a pleasure to drive. Next it had a pair of SU's and they were fun also. After getting it dialed in, we would just pop the tops and clean and oil from time to time. Then I stumbled upon that Clifford intake, without an adapter. I jumped on, built an adapter for one of the many Holleys I had laying around and proceeded to dial it in. Again, it was a pleasure to drive. The 'Butt" dyno is all I ever used to measure HP. I couldn't really tell the difference in any of the carbs. They all ran very well. When you have an open plenum, you don't need as much carburetor. The two barrel adapter that I made was a little tall and made even taller by the spacer I had to install for linkage clearence. Hood clearence was nonexistent. If you do get it, and want the adapter, I will shave it down.
Clifford Intake On Ebay
Guys, my son's Z is long gone and I am clearing out a few leftovers. I just listed a Clifford Intake and will soon be listing a N33 with a pair of three screw round tops. I know this isn't a place to sell member stuff, but this is the only board I am posting to. Thanks for the good information and if I get another Z, I'll be back. Datsun Nissan 240Z 260z 280z Clifford 4BBL Intake Manifold L28 L26 L24 | eBay
my 1971 240 z in silver
Love the flares. I also went to the old school. Beautiful car.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I for one have enjoyed this post. I am waiting in the background to help if needed. As for the boobs? This car can never cause the problems that a pair of boobs can.
can you really do that!?
Before he squirts the starting fluid, make sure he yells(Hey yall watch this)
Stiffer Springs Done Cheap
The later models and 2+2 cars are heavier. Are the springs any heavier? It may seem like a silly question but I am fairly green when it comes to Zcars.
Torque Plate
If you bore without the plate, then install the plate, you must leave extra material for the honing process. When you torque the plate on the block, it distorts the cylinders .003 to .004 and it's tough to straighten the cylinders with a hone. Even on a Sunnen CK10 hone, it still adds time and effort to the job. Can it be done? Yes. Will it cost more? Yes. I have built thousands of engines with and without plates. I will always use plates on anything I build for myself. Once someone sees the difference with their own eyes they usualy feel the same way.
Why an SCCA license for your Z?
The driver has to have an SCCA license. I think you have different levels. The GT1 guys don't wear blue jeans. Go here and see if you can find answers.www.scca.org Your car also has to pass TECH for the class you intend to run.
Howdy from Texas
Have owned a 76 280z for a couple of years and spent a couple of years prior to owning it helping my father inlaw modify it. It would be considered by most to be a POS but it has been a fun toy. We modified the log for a Dirrect mount Holley 350, got it jetted in and running great then adapted it for a Rochestor 2V. Again we got it jetted in and running great. Then we found a pair of SU carbs in the local junkyard and repeated the process. We also took a five speed trany out of a truck and cross bread it with the Zcar's four speed and now we have a five speed. That was a learning experience. The body is a little rough but it is a tough little car and fun to drive. Right now my son is driving it as his first car while we rebuild his 68 Mustang.