Everything posted by Royal Flush
How to tell if a 240Z is really in Pristine Condition
Y'all think a Mazda MX-5 Mazdaspeed miata would be a good alternative?
How to tell if a 240Z is really in Pristine Condition
Well I am from the Mountain/Desert region of Pakistan so I dont think A/C will be much of an issue . I see what y'all are getting at, so would y'all reccommend a newer car like a 300ZX or like an RSX? The reason I like the 240 alot is because of its 70's styling that still has class. I like two seater cars But I like two seaters (Miatas seem too girly and S2000s are too expensive, the BMW Z3 would suit me). I always have a back up 91 Q45 if my car breaks down. Any other kind of 240Z-ish car y'all reccomend my budget is around $17,000 I like this 300ZX http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=181530822&dealer_id=56232857&car_year=1993&mod_bookmark_id=null&search_type=both&make=NISSAN&distance=200&model=300ZXTURBO&address=77082&certified=&advanced=&max_price=&bkms=1150075120673&min_price=&end_year=2007&start_year=1981&isp=y&lang=en&cardist=12
How to tell if a 240Z is really in Pristine Condition
Yeah but 280ZXes are pretty rare as opposed to a 300ZX, but I already know 2 people placing 240's on the market. I Think the main reason I'm sttracted to this car is the rough old look, (I originally was gonna get a 88 Jeep CJ but it didn't suit me that much) I know I'd prolly prefer the 280ZX but even on Ebay they are pretty rare, The reason why I was asking about ride quality and whatnot was because I dont like these days how cars and trucks are mostly plasticy looking (The Toyota FJ looks like a barbie toy) And I like the classic steel look. I think I'd be happy with both 240Z and 280ZX since they look pretty much the same, but I want a car that I can drive all the way to Austin or for a long time (When I go to college) Which is also why I was asking about reliability. This might be tedious but what are the real differences between the 240Z and the 280ZX, and does the X have a meaning? I know a family friend has a manual 350Z which is really fun to drive in and goes fast, does either car stack up to the 350's power?
How to tell if a 240Z is really in Pristine Condition
Yea I live in South West Alief area (ahem the ghetto)
How to tell if a 240Z is really in Pristine Condition
How much might it cost if it has a moderate amount of rust on the underside to fix?
How to tell if a 240Z is really in Pristine Condition
Alright thanks alot for the reply
How to tell if a 240Z is really in Pristine Condition
First off, I'd like to say I'm new to these forums, but I'm an avid member at http://forums.amd.com/index.php?act=idx <- Forums for AMD Computers and whatnot but anyway, I could have a choice of two 240z's One is my father's friend's son's so hes basically a friend of mine too but he lives in Austin Texas Whereas I live in Houston (about a 2-3 hour drive) so I can't go see the car right away. But what I do know is that its the 4 speed manual red 240z that apparently needs ALOT of work. I'm only 16 so I'm still in school and I dont know if I should spend alot of my time fixing a car (If it can drive me back and forth to and from school I'd be happy and fix it later). I build Computers and know alot about electronics, but I'm not very polished in Cars which I'm sure are 10X more complex than a computer or a dvd player. But yeah as I was saying even if I could get the parts, I wouldn't exactly know how to install them. The only installations in a car I've really done is putting water in the windsheild wiper thing, Checking Oil levels, Placing oil, Placing coolant (By placing I mean putting in) and Changing a wiper. So I'm not sure if I should go for this one but he said he'll sell it to me for cheap. The Second is from some guy in the newpaper that advertised it to be in Pristine Condition meaning Rust Free and whatnot, for $7,000. I wanted to know how I can really check if it is pristine, or if he just painted over it rather recently. I've also had common questions of 240Zs so here they are: 1) Do they have A/C (And if so, does it work pretty well) It gets hot in Texas 2) How many speakers are in them (I'd upgrade the stereo but I want to know if I'd have to install some enclosures or something) 3) Do they have Power or manual windws (If its manual, is it easy to rotate My sister's old 2000 civic was a pain in the A** to roll up and down) 4) How is the ride quality? (Is it like a Jeep Wrangler or more like an Altima?) 5) What is the thing on the rear window of some of the cars? Its like a vent of some sort is what it looks like 6) Would a stock 240 shift well (I'ma learn Manual on the Car so...) 7) Are these easy to fix (We still have a 91 infiniti Q45 thats pretty complex) 8) I heard stories of people's Zs lifting up after going too fast, are there body kits that dont look like a stupid ricer or spoilers for it? Or would I just have to make one with some sort of moldings) 9) Since I HATE Red cars I'ma get it baked into another color (Or whatever the term is) I was thinking of an Orange with like a white by the bottom of the door saying 240Z or like a really shiny black with two thing stripes running across the top of the car. What do y'all think of that? 10) How is reliability? 11) If I upped the stereo would I need a better battery? 12) Its a 2 seater Right? 13) How does T-Tops work (I dont know if the ones I look at have them) Do they remove by pushing them through or what? 14) What would happen if I crashed into something? Like Safety ratingwise I might come up with more later but help would be appreciated, thanks.