Everything posted by whamo
Braided raidator hose kit for 240Z finally arrived!!!!!!
How about a braided brake booster hose?
24 months of intensive restoration, and I'm almost done.
431 rwhp in a 2200lb car equals a 10 flat in the 1/4 mile, if the tires could hold the power.
24 months of intensive restoration, and I'm almost done.
That should do the job....................
24 months of intensive restoration, and I'm almost done.
Jared, thumbs up for a very well thought out build and balanced car overall. The attention to detail is amazing and inspiring.
HLS30-OOO13 Has Been Found!
This is a really cool story, and the car is obviously significant. I just can't believe the amount of hair splitting that has occured on this thread, people who treasure the low vin cars should be happy that this car has surfaced.
Any thought on having a car wrapped in vinyl?
I had a truck wrapped a couple years ago. Great for advertising......but no sustitute for paint.
New Z's show no love
We drive a 350z and a 240z, many 350z drivers are ignorant of the heritage. However when we have the 240z its is amazing how many people , young and old, comment on the car. It seemes that all of the older people have a story to tell about a Z. The younger kids just think its a really cool car.
- paint the head gasket silver?
280zx alternator upgrade issue
Ok, that must be the problem. I'll have to check those connections.
280zx alternator upgrade issue
I installed a 280zx alternator from a 83 2+2 in my 71 240z last summer. I used the conversion plug in place of the stock regulator. I recently noticed that upon startup the charge indicator shows a discharge until the engine is reved to at least 3500 rpm. Once that rpm is reached its like you flipped a switch and the alternator begins charging and actually charges very well,even at a low idle. However after I turn the car off and restart it once again shows a discharge until it is reved again. I have searched the internet and found this described on other alternator upgrades (GM 1-wire) but the "cut in" occurs at a much lower rpm. has anyone else experienced this on an alternator upgrade?
More CL buffoonery
Wow, the engine has a crank and a cam. Amazing
series 1 240z PDX craigslist
<a href="http://s469.photobucket.com/albums/rr52/whamo66/?action=view¤t=uglyzint.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i469.photobucket.com/albums/rr52/whamo66/uglyzint.jpg" border="0" alt="uglyzint"></a> Sorry, I had to do it.
series 1 240z PDX craigslist
Wow! check out that interior! http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/for/1208419184.html
Canby '09, June 13 & 14, who's coming?
Sunday morning? Toni and I should be able to make that. I doubt we will bring the 350z this year. It's headed to the bodyshop thanks to a hit and run driver.........
ZX Dizzy and Timing....
I have a similar set up.How high are you reving the engine to check total timing? The zero mark is the bottom mark (of the 5) on the crank pulley. I had to rev mine to 4k to be certain all of the advance was in. My problem was to much advance. Also I believe that the number stamped on the advance tab is distributor advance, which is half of crankshaft measured advance. So 8.5 would actually be 17 measured at the crank. Confirmation???
280zx advance curve question
Thanks Bruce, If I send you a distributor can you recurve and rebuild it? Also are the vacum advances available for replacement?
280zx advance curve question
So what would the overly rich idle mixture indicate? Worn needles? Float level too high?
280zx advance curve question
So 35 total advance in a stock l24 on premium pump gas is about the max? Any thoughts on the air fuel ratio variation from idle to WOT?
280zx advance curve question
Thanks Bruce, when I return home I'll check that number. Are differnt T-bars available and from where? Also is it likely that the large disparity in mixture between idle and WOT is caused by worn needles or is that normal?
280zx advance curve question
That is total advance, vacum plus centrifugal. I should have checked with the vacum advance disconnected. The vacum advance is ported vacume so there isnt any vacum siginal at idle. Only when you crack the throttle open. I am considering changing to manifold vacum.
280zx advance curve question
I installed a 280zx distributor in our L24 a couple years ago and set the initial timing at 8 degrees advanced at idle. For the last few years I have noticed a buzzing at part throttle tip in that sounds like detonation. I also changed the exhaust at the same time and dismissed this as a resonance issue with the aftermarket exhaust and not detonation, dumb mistake in retrospect. I hooked up my innovate wideband o2 sensor to aid in tuning the carbs this last weekend and in the process checked the total advance with my dialback timing light. Holy crap, it showed 48 degrees of total advance in by about 4000 rpm that seems like way to much to me. I ended up backing my initial timing back to 2 retarded to get the total advance down to 39 degrees, the detonation is gone with a little richer mixture and the timing change. Does anyone know what the total advance was on the 280zx distributors? I believe ours came off a 1979 or 1980 car. Also noted that the mixture it really rich at idle (10:1) when the mixture under hard acceleration is in the right place 12.5-13.2:1. Does anyone else have experience looking at Air Fuel ratios with the SU carbs?
240z runs very rough hot, intermittently
Update on our problem. We drove the car up to Seattle and back this weekend and the car ran fine the whole way with one exception. cruising back on the freeway we lost some engine power. I was cruising about 75 and suddenly it dropped power and I was only able to maintain about 60 for about 45 seconds or so, then the power cam back and it ran fine the rest of the way home. I just determined that the vacum advance was bad and not operating and was leaking vacum. I replaced the distributor with another I had in the shop. We will see if this cures the problem we were experiencing.
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
Dave, I installed the uprade park lamp and headlamp harnesses today. They fit and worked great. Thumbs up from us on these wonderful products. It was great to meet you this weekend at Golden Gardens, hope to see you again soon.
Where do we all live? New shared Google map
If you zoom in on my pin in deadhorse and switch to satellite view you will see that it is actually pinned on the shop where I live/work more than half the year.
240z runs very rough hot, intermittently
It seems that the problem is occurring upon hot restart after the car has sat and heat soaked, therefore I believe it is a classic case of vapor lock. Any suggestions for alieving this problem? My thought is to insulate the fuel rail brackets from the cylinder head with a rubber or phenolic spacer/insulator. Any other ideas?