1978 fuel pump issue
mines doing the same thing, i ran a ground from the battery just to check it, sure enough it kicked in. mine too sat for 7-8 years so we got alot of cleaning to do on the connectors, hope this helps
ground wire
ok, i dont see where the barrel connector goes, our 75 doesnt have it connected either. for some dumb reason my computer wont let me download the fsm, it get to the last stage and says it cant download the file? must be my firewall settings. im going crazy
ground wire
yeah i was talking about the long black wire, i know the short goes to the alt. ill have to look into the one with the barrel connector, maybe thats my problem. i did have the long one attached to the block but i took it off because i wasnt sure if it went there or not. i guess ill have to mess with it some more. thanks for the replies, hopefully i can get it straightened out soon.
ground wire
hey, im working on a 77 280. its auto,not sure if that will help here or not. while hooking the wires up to the alt and oil sender i found a wire that im not sure where it goes. our 75 manual car doesnt have this wire. does it go to the alt also or to the block? im trying to get all the grounds straightened out since it sat for about 8 years and my headlights and wipers arent working. thanks ps, its the one standing straight up
flexplate help
im getting ready to drop in my engine and need help with the flexplate torque, the books only show it for a flywheel. are the toques different since the flywheel is thicker than the flex plate? i just dont want to warp it or anything, thanks its a '77 auto
f54 oil filter adapter?
thanks for the info. anyone know if the year range is correct? motorsport is showing different plugs for different years of the injected motors. dont really see why they'd be different but i just want to make sure, the info i got was from datsunzgarage.com http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/SEIC01G
f54 oil filter adapter?
awsome, thank you.
oil filter adaptor?
i have this posted on the zx side but they seem kinda dead so i thought id atleast post the link here.i need help fairly fast so i can get this thing going, thanks http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?42353-f54-oil-filter-adapter
f54 oil filter adapter?
hey, im dropping a f54/p79 in my 77 280, im wondering if im missing a part or if this is for add-on purpose. around the oil filter theres four holes that look like something should be mounted there, i could be wrong though.any ideas? also i read somewhere this combo is 81-83, is that correct? ps, thats not my nasty looking engine, i found it on google
gasket style
just looking for peoples opinions on which style intake/exhaust manifold gaskets are best. i have a 77 280z and running the stock manifold. one has metal around the exhaust part and one doesnt.
Motor Oil survey
that video makes me want to go out and change the oil in ALL our cars
MSA twice pipes
sorry bad link try this one
MSA twice pipes
i couldnt find my pics but i found this video on youtube. i had them on my 260z b4 i sold it a few days ago, they sound awsome.i did have to change a few things though. my car was too low so instead of dual pipes off the header i had them make it one then split off after the diff, the second was add a resonator. ps they rust real fast
rear strut brace
i guess its worth a shot, its only at 25 bucks right now, and its local
My lights suck.
i agree with dave, i had the same problem with my 260 untill about a month ago. it was my hazard switch, it was so rusted inside that it pretty much fell apart when i tried to clean it. on mine i spliced (if i remember the colors right), the green/black, green/red? and white/black to a 3 way toggle switch, white/black being in the center. i now have a good switch but the toggle will atleast make you legal to drive