Everything posted by ZaPete
New or Rebuilt Injector Fuel Rails and tubing
I have an original 1978 280Z and the Cad plated fuel rails are badly oxidized and just plain scuzzy looking. Is there such a thing as new or rebuilt stuff available?? Same goes for all the lids/caps on all the fluid holders throughout the engine. In other words , how do you take 28 years of grime off this stuff clean it or replace it to get it into show condition????
tach reads wrong when hot outside
I have a 78 280Z, 140,000 m. The tach seems to work just fine. last week it was over 90degrees out and I took her on the road and ran the gears almost to red line a few runs. After the 3rd time the tach never moved off the '0' peg. I though she up'd and died. Drove it last night, tach works fine, temp was 75 degress... Just one of those "Z" misteries. I had similar issue with all the tachs in my 1970 & 1972 240's and my old 1976 280..
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My 78 Black Pearl
Just bought it and cleaning it up 0606