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About zbane

  • User Group: Member

  • Member ID: 11089

  • Title: HS130-150591 4/79

  • Content Count: 1,971

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  • Joined: 06/24/2006

  • Been With Us For: 6825 Days

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  • Age: 52



  • Map Location
    Cashiers, NC
  • Occupation
    housing development gate attendant (how boring is that?) Anyone want to hire me for TV/Radio broadcasting? I have a degree!

My Cars

  • About me and my cars
    I purchased my zx in January, 2006. I am the second owner. I have installed Tokico shocks and Yokohama AVIDs on vintage (old) Western rims.
    Slowly, but surely (or so I hope) the car is being recolored, pretty much one part at a time... I wish I had a garage and air compressor (and time, and money, and mechanical/electrical skill)...
    At least I have patience.

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  1. Hey I've seen a couple posts from you and others about vac lines routing being in the fsm. I've gone through every page just about and don't see it. I did find one for a 81 or 82 but it's not very clear and doesn't have everything labeled or shown. It doesn't show the two tiny ports one the intake manifold near egr. I'd appreciate any help you can so far all I've gotten it is "its in the fsm you're not looking hard enough" etc etc. Thanks


    P.s. I have a 80 280zx 2+2

  2. Never had the pleasure of meeting E, though we spoke on the phone fairly often. As is the case with everyone else here, the love of our cars brought us together. Years ago now, I'd posted a pic of the aftermarket floormats that came in my zx; there was something in the coloring of carpet that caught E's attention, and he pm'd me about taking them off my hands even though they weren't for sale. As I wasn't using them, I shipped them off to WA and he put them to use in his beloved roadster. Who knew such a simple thing-sharing a photo-would start a friendship that spanned years and timezones.
  3. And a few more... the last two are obviously not of a Z car, but as it was a BRE design that predated the Z car, I thought it would be appreciated.
  4. Was going through an old box of stuff and came across these; just thought I'd share.
  5. You could always go down to the DMV yourself and request a title search, or get the applicable forms for the website listed below and do the same through the Springfield office. http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/vehicles/faq.html Motor Vehicle Records Division How do I request information on vehicle titles and registrations? Complete a Secretary of State Information Request Form or contact: Secretary of State Record Inquiry Section 501 S. Second St., Rm. 408 Springfield, IL 62756 217-785-3000 How much does vehicle information cost? Title search - $5 Registration search - $5 Title & Registration - $10 Certified for Court $10.
  6. Blue plus yellow does equal green, but I doubt your gas has a green tint to it from residual sealant...assuming the sealant was applied correctly and allowed to dry/cure. How does the gasoline appear when pumped (or allowed to drain) from the tank, without going through your lines? If it's greenish straight from the tank, I'd say you've got part of it figured out. If not, then you should be able to reasonably assume the issue is in the hard lines from tank to filter.
  7. My humble addition to the list is a can of Fix-A-Flat. Sure, you've got a spare, but... Also, whenever I take a long drive, I pour a can of Seafoam into the tank before the initial fill up. Figure I might as well let it do it's magic on a steady drive. Two other things I try to do: When the fuel tank is getting close to half full, I start looking for a station-especially if I know I'm approaching an extended length of nothingness. Make yourself stop every few hours at a rest stop (or gas station) and get yourself walking around for 10-15 minutes. It may seem counter productive to do so, if time is on your mind, but it really does help stave off fatigue.
  8. I wonder if it'd be simpler/better to have the shift map stamped in metal. No worries about it breaking, could be painted to owner's taste, and topped with the watch bevel or a clear filler. http://www.universalmarking.com/dies.html http://www.pryormarking.com/marking-products/engraved-dies/embossing-a-debossing-dies.html
  9. And then sometimes the police get involved, but not in the manner you might expect... http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/02/n-j-troopers-charged-after-leading-exotic-car-caravan-on-garden-state-parkway/
  10. Glad someone finally got it. FrankenZ, if you end up keeping the car, what are your thoughts/plans for it?
  11. I thought there might be some here that would like the Mad Manga car. I wasn't overly keen on the original colors (obviously).
  12. When I first got my '79 ZX, I did so with the full intention of having it as a small project/weekend car-alas, life has odd ways of changing things, and the car ended up being my sole means of transport for several years. I had no issues driving about 350 miles a week (commuting to/from school and work) in all seasons. The key (as with ANY vehicle) is maintenance. Starting with a solid vehicle is equally important, though if you've gotten a fixer-upper, you shouldn't have any issues as long as you fix whatever issues you encounter, and work from a pro-active mindset.
  13. Could you perhaps post a pic of the magazine cover, and type out the USBN number (should be in the scan plate) Having your version's dedicated number should make it easier to find.
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