Everything posted by zbane
cam markings
cam markings
cam markings
cam markings
cam markings
cam markings
cam markings
cam markings
Once the metal was clean, it started to flash rust. I hit everything with pb blaster in the hopes to stop the oxidation.
cam markings
The cam bushings and inside of the n47 were as dark as the timing sprocket. I used concentrated Simple Green and concentrated dish soap together with an old toothbrush to clean things up. It took a while, but I think it was worth it. All of the cam bearings have different casting marks, and several have different hand written-ish markings on the concave edge where the head bolts would go, and for this reason all of the photos of them.
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings
- cam markings