Everything posted by zbane
Do It In A Datsun
That would lend a whole new meaning to "Hard Acceleration."
temporary primer
This is an interesting topic. I looked around at various websites and found that this product looks pretty promising. Fluid Film Below is a link to the frequently asked questions page. http://www.eurekafluidfilm.com/globals/faq.html
People who try to make profit
Several years ago when the new MINI came out, many people profited in this way (at least in the US). They would purchase the limited quantities of MINIs at dealer price, then sell them for a noticeable markup because there were not enough to meet demands. This same thing applies to more than just cars though. Turn on TLC or any other channel for that matter, and find a show about "flipping." Flip this house, junkyard finds, whatever. Does this attitude make it more difficult for those like us who just want to get a car to work on, or a house to fix up, or a new car? Sure it does. These are just people working the supply/demand angle.
They found my stolen Z!!!
Triple A or similar roadside assistance may provide reimbursement. I have roadside assistance through my cell phone, and it covers any vehicle I am driving. Well worth the 3.99 a month.
77 FI Gurus!! Have ?
Cleaning rims, an experiment
Of course, not everyone has muriatic acid just sitting around the house, though it is easy enough to get a hold of. Since muriatic acid IS so dangerous and tricky to work with properly (at least for a novice), perhaps others could chime in with with household items that they use for wheel cleaning. I really appreciated the posts a while back about Simple Green and its performance cleaning engine parts, so perhaps we can all list/suggest other products that one may not think about for wheel cleaning. I was happily surprised with the alternate use for Invisible Glass, perhaps there are other surprising alternatives out there...
need help identifying a motor
Indeed, Nissanman. Snake- Why do you think it is a Z motor? All the Z motors that I know of are straight sixes (from 1969-1983) or V6's (1984-present). Photos of the engine and serial numbers will help figure out what kind of engine you have and where it came from.
They found my stolen Z!!!
Ah, yes. The TrunkMonkey... For those who are curious, here you go: http://www.trunkmonkey.com/ or from youtube:
Victor, if you'd like I will take all your cars of your hands so that you may spend more time watching anime Oh, I would suggest finding "Hellsing," a pretty cool vampire based show.
Cleaning rims, an experiment
Good to know, thanks Stephen. I've used muriatic acid to etch concrete-it is some nasty stuff...
Old tmers disease...
Gross mispronunciation and/or misspelling isn't anything new, really. Who else remembers this particular phrase: "Whachu takin bout, Willis?" Still, it is really annoying. I have heard many professors lament the slow death of the written word. Several classmates have had e-mails returned because they sent atrocious messages (i.e. When I c u in clas, I will ask 4 my payper). And they wonder why they're not doing well in class. Sad.
Cleaning rims, an experiment
Since I just replaced my stock rims with Westerns, I figured I would clean up my old (once shiny) "Iron Crosses." I have accumulated a variety of cleaning supplies for various uses, and thought I would document several of the cleaners I have. Here is what I have found: In the first 4 photos I used Turtle Wax Rubbing Compound. It did a good job, but did require a bit of scrubbing. The next photo show DuPont's Teflon Wheel Cleaner. It did nothing on the nasty accumulation but get it wet, and wash off some of the loose stuff. The last photos show a promising contender for the "most versatile cleaner" award- Stoner's Invisible Glass! Note the inside of the rim- the parts that are fairly clean pretty much cleaned themselves. I had sprayed the stuff on the inner rim (only half), and flipped the rim over. A couple minutes later, I flipped it again, and much of that stuff just slid off. A little wipe, and much more wiped away. Next time I'm at the store, I plan on getting another can of spray, apply it, clean the majority of stuff off, and then attack the truly stubborn parts with the rubbing compound. Just thought everyone might like to know that you don't have to buy the expensive wheel cleaners. Nothing against the DuPont stuff, I imagine it is more for light cleaning of brake dust, not serious road grime. And by the way, the Oxy Clean seen in the edge of a couple photos didn't do anything (didn't think it would, but you never know).
- Bull Guard
Online tire purchase experience?
Well, I just had my Tire Rack Yokohamas installed yesterday. Things went well, though there were a couple hiccups. Hiccup one: When I originally contacted the installer about using the "drop service" I told him that I was getting Sumitomos. Later, I discovered that the Sumitomos wouldn't fit my rim so I ordered the Yokohamas. If I had contacted the installer about this change, he could have gotten them through a local source so I wouldn't have incurred the $40 shipping charge. Additionally, tire mounting and balancing would have been $5 per tire rather than $10 per tire. Also, and this was probably just bad timing more than anything else, was that the shop had only two short and stubby valve stems. Rather than have (a) short stems of unknown age/durability ( two short stems and two long stems, I ended up with four long stems. Looks kinda dumb. But at least I know they are new. Let me offer a couple suggestions here for the future: 1. Check with the chosen installer about their ability to get the tire you are looking for before you order online. The price may be cheaper (at the least, it won't be more expensive) and you will benefit from a warranty standpoint. 2. If you want new valve stems, take some with you. Next time, I will most likely bring some stainless stems to the shop for them to install. BTW- I am very pleased with the Yokohama AVID tires, that extra inch make such a difference in ride, and the difference in grip is amazing!
Im stuck in a pickle, need help
You can drive through other states with the CA temp tag, though you might get a hassle for it from time to time. All you would need to say is that you just got the car in California (not far from the truth, really), but are transporting it back to Tennessee for a permanent title. Also, if you can get the PO to go with you to the DMV, you should be able to transfer the title right there, right then. You WILL have to prove who you say you are, so take your passport or CERTIFIED birth certificate.
any Skyline 1973 to 1981 for sale
http://translate.google.com/translate_t Good God Msak If you have any information or any way appreciate Get the car required some States, which I The Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Lebanon, Cyprus To Ahunt
Ira & Marvin win the SE Div ECR ITS Championship
Wonder new- I love that our beloved cars can still deliver a serious whump to the Porsche groups A little off topic here, but I find it a disconcerting thing that the Datsun roadster seems so much larger than the Catheram Super Seven... I mean, I know the the Seven is small, but... Still, great news, and great photos!
Radiator Surge tank for 240Z
I've got a spare surge tank from a ZX that you would be welcome to have for shipping. You would need to find or fabricate a mounting bracket like in post #3. Also, if you wished, you could rig up a low level indicator light since the tank I have has the float and wiring for such a thing.
1970 240 on Craigslist
I spoke with the seller of this car earlier today. He doesn't have the title, claims it is complete and runs, and for some reason thinks it is a 7/71. A friend posted the car; this could explain the discrepancy in year, who knows. HOWEVER, seller has a starting price of $1,800..........might be waiting for a while.
z car purgatory (or hell) in Raleigh NC
Don't worry about it, Steven- I knew you were joking, I'm just giving ya $hit. :stupid: If you know where this place is, you might just want to go by and see what all is available (and take better photos).
1970 240 on Craigslist
I may call on it, but for me it is about three hours away. I know we have several members in Charlotte though...
z car purgatory (or hell) in Raleigh NC
Oh, you know what I meant-those poor z cars in in a place where they shouldn't be... Personally, I love some of the descriptions the seller uses for the cars ...like the wheels for starters...and the front bumper...and who knows what else...
z car purgatory (or hell) in Raleigh NC
OK, so the poster of these ads has no idea what a ZX model is or isn't, but there appear to be some good parts, and some not so good parts... Looking at these photos is pretty sad, really. http://raleigh.craigslist.org/car/450595501.html http://raleigh.craigslist.org/car/450594365.html http://raleigh.craigslist.org/car/450596615.html http://raleigh.craigslist.org/car/450598410.html
1970 240 on Craigslist
I was just trolling Charlotte, NC Craigslist and came across an ad: 1970 Datsun 240Z - $1 Not a very good photo, but if anyone is looking for a donor, perhaps this would be a good place to start. http://charlotte.craigslist.org/car/453521727.html
Well I Made it Backto Classic Z cars
Double post...wireless connection got weird...