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Everything posted by zbane

  1. zbane posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I found this tech section helpful. It's from our neighbors to the north, at AtlanticZ.ca This link will take you directly to a fuel pump page, scroll down until you find the part about the internal fuel pump screen. I bet yours is clogged. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fuelpump/index.html this link is to the table of contents http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/EFI&fuel.htm and lastly, this one to the tech help page http://www.atlanticz.ca/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=69 I hope these help, there's loads of info there
  2. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    It's OK, Mike, You do not need to apologize. It is through your work (and others, of course) that we have this resource. If you have anything to apologize for, it's for organizing this site so that so many people can meet here and share stories, lend hands/heads, and generally get along. It's that comradery that everyone misses when the site is down, and that says something.
  3. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I agree! I thought that it was a problem with my computer. I tried opening the site on Mozilla, IE, and netscape, all to no avail. It wasn't until a couple hours later that the page came up saying that the site was down for maintenance. At first, I was worried that my laptop might be dying, then, upon reading the note from Mike, I was just sad.
  4. zbane posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Chuck, check out this link (or the attached photo) http://www.blackdragonauto.com/icatalog/z/0022.html Black Dragon has them, perhaps other shops do as well. If you're not already on their mailing list, I would suggest bookmarking their site. Hope this helps.
  5. The seller photoshopped the Alberta license plate out of the ebay photos. I wonder why.
  6. Have a safe vacation Mohamed, take lots of photos, and have a great time! About the videos- Nice 2nd gear squeeling, looks like you were having too much fun... and I like how the ZedX rims look on the Zed-good job!
  7. Thank you all for your replies-I'll take a peek at Napa and Advance, see what they've got for rebuilds. If reasonable, I'll go that route, otherwise, I'll do it myself. JimmyZ, thanks for the suggestion regarding spraying the PB stuff, I wouldn't have thought of that. I'll pick some up when I get the wrench. Thanks again all, I'll post back when finished, and I'll try for some photos as well. I'm back Napa has these: Brake Caliper w/ Hardware - Left Front (Semi-Loaded) - Remfd SDC 2426549 $37.99 Core $27.50 Brake Caliper w/ Hardware - Right Front (Semi-Loaded) - Remfd SDC 2426548 $37.99 Core $27.50 Of course, I'll have to wait for delivery, but that's ok. Thanks again, everyone.
  8. I'll second that! I hope that this car sells for more than that, and that the buyer will enjoy it and appreciate the care and attention that went into it.
  9. I peeked under the rubber boots, and it was all clear, at least what I could see. The passenger side boot has a small hole in it, and was the more stubborn of the two to manipulate (push back in), and now it's the one that has started smoking, so who knows about that one... At the price of the kit, I see no reason to try the rebuild first, and should one (or both) be in less than perfect condition, I'll get the new caliper units, I just didn't know if they were worth their salt, so to speak.
  10. Hello everyone. I've got a question regarding brake calipers, and the rebuilding of them. My FRONT brakes have been squeeking for a little bit, so I know it's time for new pads. I pulled the wheels off the other day, and found that the calipers are sticking/stuck. They relax after a while, but harden up after driving, to the point of smoking (the smoking started today). I've searched the threads and gleaned much useful information, namely that it is indeed time to replace the hoses (cracked originals), and to use the appropriate flared wrenches. Also to keep fingers away from calipers when expelling them with pressurized air, if doing a rebuild. My question (finally) is this-are caliper rebuild kits from BlackDragon (or MSA, etc.) worthwhile, do they work, and are they safe in the longrun? A shop I just went to, hoping for emergency service (parts need to be ordered, don't ya know), winced and advised against the kit. Of course they also quoted me ~$300 for the front end brake job (new hoses, calipers, pads, and labor). Anyway, any suggestions about kits and their overall effectiveness would be greatly appreciated, as well as a basic rundown of how to flush the brake lines, if possible. Thanks all, I really do appreciate it!
  11. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I remember seeing that somewhere as well, but to me that's just making it too difficult. If LensCrafters can do it for (plastic) eyeglasses, why not apply the process to other plastic peices? Obviously, this wouldn't work for windshield (or other glass) applications, but the aftermarket could have a feild day with it-black out kits for tailights, headlights, etc.
  12. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I agree that having tinted covers isn't the best idea, though they look great, IMO. Same goes for tinted windshields (which I've seen done, and it scared me). What I would love to see developed would be self tinting covers, the technology exists in the form of self tinting eyeglasses, so why not use it in automotive ways? As long as the headlights don't emit UV rays, the covers would become clear at night, when you need full lighting; dark during the day, when lighting isn't always needed. Best of both worlds, I would think.
  13. zbane posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    A few thoughts on the fuel issue- 1. how old was the gas? 2. How were the spark plugs/wires? All connected and fresh, or a little tired? 3. The gas tanks on our cars have a propensity to rust. If enough rust accumulates in there, the fuel sending unit can get all crudded up, thus blocking fuel delivery. There are other possible causes, of course, but these seem to me to be the easiest (and more likely) causes to check, although I expect others to chime in with other suggestions, all with equal merit and worth your consideration.
  14. zbane posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome, Spike! You may not be able to drive your Z for a while, but you can certainly learn all about it, and maybe do some repairs/upgrades before she becomes your daily driver. Post some phots, when you get the chance.
  15. That is just too cool! Now, of course, I'll have to buy the 360 and the game, in the hopes that the sequel will support more Z related content (or at least that'll be my excuse).
  16. zbane posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome to the site, and good luck with your potential purchase. If you don't get this one, I expect you'll find one sooner or later, since you seem to be terminally addicted to the Z line (not that that is badLOL ) Before you go, search this site for areas to check, areas that rust, and areas of general concern. That way you can go prepared with knowledge that might save you money.
  17. zbane posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome to the site, you'll find all the information you'll ever need, and then some.In your search for a workable Z, you might want to check out the Nashville area papers, especially the auto saver/I Wanna variety. Then there are the JunkYards, and the odd car lot. If you are unsure about the quality of a find, take some pictures and post them, someone will chime in with suggestions/concerns, etc.
  18. zbane posted a post in a topic in Polls
    Headlights look better on the display model than current offering, I wonder if the hood bulge is purely cosmetic, or if there is a reason for it..., but that airdam would not survive one pass into or out of my driveway.
  19. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ian, My condolensces regarding this temporary setback, one step forward, two steps back..., for now anyway. The important thing is that you were not hurt, and that no one else was. Also, the air dam is plastic, and is replacable, not steel and hard to repair/replace. Then there is the lesson to be learned by us all-30 year old spares should not be used, unless that use is as a prop at a car show. I guess I should invest in a new spare, and put my original colapsable one up somewhere. Anyways, you're okay, that's the important part.
  20. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    In my search for parts, I came across the ZXman. He seems reasonable with his prices. I haven't ordered anything from him yet, so I can't vouch for anything, but he does have the part you are looking for. 340FIN Side Pillar Finisher 1979-83 $29.95 In Stock http://www.zxman.com/exterior.htm He also has some parts for the earlier Z cars as well. I have brushed aluminum peices on my zx, I think they look nicer than the black ones, but it may just be my color combination. Also, the only other set I've seen were painted aluminum, not plastic, though that may have changed with the year. =Enigma= had it spot on with his junkyard suggestion, there are still some around at the pick/pulls. Then again, there are others to be found behind sheds, forgotten about at used car dealerships, etc. Just keep your eyes peeled-now that you have a z car, you'll be amazed at how your eyes will seek out others, on the road, in yards, in TV shows/movies, etc. Post some photos, update your location (someone might live nearby with parts or a set of hands willing to help) and ask questions/offer suggestions here. The ZX is the minority here, but don't worry, you will find incredible tips and suggestions for most any problem you may encounter. Everyone here has something valid to add, and even if our (personal) opinions differ, our love for these cars tie us together in the quest to preserve and enjoy the Datsun legacy.
  21. zbane posted a post in a topic in Polls
    MINI Cooper S, no options, other than the engine upgrade-$21,450. Of course, if you want the John Cooper Works addtion, add $6,300-that gets you up to 207hp. About the 350- I actually prefer the look of the G35 to that of the 350, in fact, the preliminary photos I've seen for the midcycle refresh of the G look rather nice-lowered stance, longer, straiter nose-more go than show. I've sat in a friends 350, and while I found the interior to be well done (in terms of fit and finish) it left me feeling uninspired. Interior space was too small for my taste, and being 6'4", interior space is important to me. I had headroom and legroom, that wasn't the issue. What got me was the inability to recline the seat enough to give me a comfortable seating postition for long (or short) drives, while maintaining my legroom. Exterior-wise, the 350 is fairly attractive as an automobile, if not a little reserved. However, the taillights have got to go. I can deal with the barn-door handles, but those taillights are horrible. It's odd, I think, that Nissan had within it's grip, a group of designers who were willing to take a risk. The Renault Clio Sport V6-some find it to be ugly, I think it's beautiful, is a small enthusiat car. No frills, just design and perfomance. Another is the Puegeot 207. Both cars were designed and built up from pedestrian models, both are unique, and both cater to the enthusiast in ways that the 350 should. Unfortunatly for us, when the current version of the z car was pitched to the higher ups, someone managed to cut out the price to perfomance ratio, and presented an overpriced psuedoluxury sport-coupe, something they were already selling through the Infiniti division. I think that all we, as enthusiasts, can do is get into the design field, get jobs and Nissan, and promote change from within. Until then, we will all have to enjoy what we've got, and hope for change.
  22. zbane posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Yours will be the only one with class:rambo:
  23. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Assuming you get it off, how will you get it back on? If you have a spare one, and the stripping is not thread related, perhaps you could dab in some JB Weld, and attach whatever tool you wish to be rid of to it. Let it dry (cure), and detach. If you think that it just needs more tranny fluid, why not just pour some down the check tube until you can figure out where the leak is at?
  24. Jumping in a little late here, but I think this will help you in the future. This is a link to atlanticz.ca They have a great reference area, well written, nice photos. I think that taking information and insight from our site and combining it with the visuals provided at the other site is a great benefit. I hope this will help http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/EFI&fuel.htm Welcome to the club
  25. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT I HAVE A -280ZX- I know that our cars are different, but our FI systesms are similar. That said, these are from my FSM. I hope they will be of some service.

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