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Everything posted by zbane

  1. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You should be able to adjust your 1,000 RPM idle with the thumbscrew at this point, or maybe after the car fully warms up, she'll drop out of fast idle mode. Anyway, congrats for getting another small project done, now onto the next one...
  2. Somebody started modification on this one, check out the rear window... sitting at 200 bucks, we'll see where it all ends up... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1978-Datsun-280Z_W0QQitemZ140046448510QQihZ004QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem There is a catch, however. It appears to be only for exporters, dealers, and dismantlers.
  3. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You've kept at it this long, and that's encouragement for the rest of us! That you've stuck at it this long, and still show enthusiasm, speaks volumes to your persistance and love of things Z. Keep at it, your getting there pal. Oh, and to answer your original question-I bought my zx on January 10, 2006-getting closer to one year, day by day.
  4. Anyone got $60,000 to spare? I would try to post some smug assinine comment about this one, but I just can't. It has me befuddled, shocked and confused. A little scared. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1974-Datsun-260Z-1-Of-A-Kind-St-Legal-Sports-Car_W0QQitemZ300041439554QQihZ020QQcategoryZ6188QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. If it were restored, don't you think he would have taken care of the rust on those quarterpanels? Maybe he meant to say "refreshed." At any rate, I hope that whoever ends up with the Zhawk is pleased, and will do nice things with her, I think that's more important.
  6. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    It's bogging down all the time, moreso with the A/C. The A/C draws power from the engine, so it makes sense that bogging would be less without it in operation. I'm not so sure that this is ECU related, I think it's fuel system related. You've replaced the injectors, fuel pump, and AFM. What about the fuel filter? (could be all fouled up with crud). What is the condition of your gas tank? (your sending unit could be clogged with rust). FWIW.
  7. zbane posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    If you want it done on the cheap, check out your local community colleges or trade schools. http://www.tafe.tas.edu.au/courses/automotive/shortcourses.htm My father had a Community college rechrome bumpers from an MG, as well as having an engine block dipped, for very, very little. It took some time, since the work was done on the student schedule, but the work was top notch. It's certainly worth a shot.
  8. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Matt, it has been chilly around here, hasn't it-no snow like Ed's gotten, I expect that soon, though. About the Cold Start thing-My 79 zx LOVES cold weather. She starts up every time on the first attempt. Warm/hot weather is her enemy. I know I have a couple FI/fuel system issues to contend with concerning that, and I am thinking that you and I may be on different ends of the same problem. How are your Thermotine switch, Air flow meter, and Cold Start Valve? Perhaps your Cold Start Valve is stuck in the off/closed position? Maybe it is disconnected? These are just a few musings-some things to check. I'm sure other, more knowledgeable voices will chime in on the matter with better suggestions, but these are things to at least check. Good Luck
  9. If you are afraid of the conductivity of WD40, you could try some silicone spray instead. Another thought-turn the steering wheel and try to turn the key at the same time. My wheel locks sometimes, not my intention, and that is what I end up doing. This is not just a Datsun thing, it's an automotive thing. if that helps
  10. I remember reading in a different thread this suggestion- 1. Get two sets of those car ramps 2. Jack up the front, put the ramps underneath, ramp part facing forward 3. Jack up the rear, put the ramps underneath, ramp part facing rearward This way, the car will go nowhere, you'll have plenty of workspace and peace of mind.
  11. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    This one, the top left shot is fairly obvious-the car looks to be in motion, but wait, no one is driving...
  12. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The car does look nice, but I think the rarer Red/Burgandy & Black combination is much nicer. I am curious about the condition of some of the inner bits, say the GAS TANK-is she nice and clean, like the car might lead you to believe, or is she rusty, rusty, rusty? One thing of lesser importance-Whoever typed up the ad should avoid ALLCAPS because the spellchecker doesn't work with it. EXEPTIONAL!! is actually spelled Exceptional-the seller forgot the "C," I wonderd what else was forgotten...
  13. upcoming skyline spy video http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/GeneralFuture/articleId=117104 mini 350z revamp video (nothing more than speculations, but fitting for this thread) http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/MediaNav/articleId=117040/firstNav=Gallery/videoId=20103407 FWIW
  14. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ian, if you decide to tear everything out and then clean, do yourself a HUGE favor-figure out a good marking system so that after cleaning, you'll know exactly where everything goes. Otherwise, you'll be facing the question "Where does this go, and what end goes where?" Once you decide on a good marking system, I would take everything out, so you can really get in there for cleaning. Good luck.
  15. zbane posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I'll take that one, as well as the Skyline on the lift...
  16. This non operative model seems priced rather high, but the parts and overall condition look good,and then of course, there's the exclusivity factor. Check out the gnose peice and crack free dash:nervous: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/clear_W0QQitemZ300038397380QQihZ020QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. Don't forget Banks, Western Union, or since you'll be there anyway, the POST OFFICE!
  18. BuDavid (Mohamed) is our friend from Bahrain. English is his second or third language, so cut him some slack, Cracker. This is a community of Z lovers, not fighters. We've got a membership here that spans the globe, including people from other English speaking countries who use language and terminology differently than we in the US do. If this is going to be a problem for you, perhaps you should post elsewhere.
  19. zbane posted a post in a topic in RACING
    If you find one of these classes, you should enroll. The last time I was shopping for insurance, one of the questions they all asked was "Have you taken a [drivers class]?" This leaves me to assume that these classes might LOWER your insurance, and that can't be bad. One concern, though, would be that there are "classes" for how shall we say, troubled drivers. By troubled I mean to say people who are directed by the legal system to take a "drivers course" to learn about drunk driving, so try not to get into one of those.
  20. Gosh, it's really hard to say. I think it depends more on 1. what are/were the owners intentions? and 2. how close was/is the final result? Personally, I think that engine swaps, done very well, are interesting just for the complexity of the job. While some engines will just drop in, others require modification and fabrication. Heck, from what I've read, even same series engine swapping can cause nightmares, so installing something different has got to be a real test of mettle. I like this one, myself, and had I the money, talent, and tools, I would be so tempted...
  21. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My thoughts on the oil issue would have more to do with your weather conditions. The manufacturer of the oil is, by neccessity, a matter of personal preference. With you being in Alaska, your weather is much different than ours in the lower 48 (and the rest of the world), so I would think it to be 1. a matter of personal taste 2. weather/climate appropriate. If you are thinking about using the extended 10,000 mile stuff, just remember one thing-The oil may last that long, but your filter wasn't designed to.
  22. zbane posted a post in a topic in RACING
    This is very similar to the Pendulum turn, only a little bit faster. A great write up of the Pendulum (which should be tried first, if you're inexperienced) is here: http://www.tcsracing.org/pendulum.htm
  23. I saw this one listed in the Atlanta paper a couple months ago for $3,500. Had I the money then, I would have bought it. The claims listed on ebay are the same listed in the paper, not sure if it's the same owner now, though.
  24. zbane posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Having taken several crosscountry trips, let me suggest this-plan your route and stick to it. As lovely as our cars are, they do break down from time to time, and a well planned route, on main roads will help in the eventuality of engine problems. If you were to post your planned route here, perhaps those on (or near) your planned roads will provide contact info or reputable parts providers, just in case you need a hand.
  25. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    That would be interesting to see, although I think that making the "trunk" area might be difficult. If you were to carefully cut off the roof of the car, you should be able to adapt it into the trunk lid, I just don't know how tough that would be, or if it would look good.

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