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Everything posted by zbane

  1. I would say one along the same lines as the 'vette peice would be very nice. Maybe a very rough sketch (or sketches) posted here would get better feedback, but I would be willing to shell out a bit for a quality shirt to help you get another z.
  2. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    This is the first full week of classes here at WCU, where I attend (non-traditional student, i.e. adult) full time for communications/radio & tv broadcasting. While there are a few "riced" vehicles here, the majority are stock. There is more of a "bling" aspect here, big rims, spinners, blacked out windows and the like. On a good note, though, I am no longer the only classic(ish) Z(X) driver on campus. I spotted (and invited to this site) a fairly nice gold 280z. I left a note on the windscreen, didn't want to wait around for who knows how long to invite the owner in person. So, yes, there are people who do unspeakably bad things regarding automotive taste out there, but there are still those who appreciate cars with a bit of patina, even younger students.
  3. two thoughts- 1. Cell phones can have dead batteries, just like cars. 2. Cell phone coverage is by no means nationwide-no matter what the cell phone companies say. Having a car club membership has its uses, mine (which came with the phone) can get me a jump (not yet needed), a tow (which I've used) and a bit of gas (which I may need someday). The way I see it, having a membership in an auto club is just another tool to keep available. I'm not saying that it should be used every time, but there are times where it is useful. IMO Will, we were typing at the same time, so let me offer my condolenses on the damage! Idiots come in all shapes and sizes, unfortunatly, some of them drive tow trucks.
  4. So right, TomoHawk, No one mentioned the old Fire extinguisher, I've got one, and totally forgot to mention it, I expect others did the same, but in case, thanks for bringing up that important item.
  5. ...just add water! am I the only one that got that? everyone here has put my toolkit to shame, all I carry is a multi-head screwdriver, a set of spanners and a metric gear-ratchet set. Add a variety of fuses and light bulbs, oil, coolant (premixed), writing paper/pencil, couple rags, fix-a-flat, wd-40, silicon spray, starter fluid spray, set of modeling Exacto knives, and my Swiss Army knife. Seeing how everyone else is very prepared, I will have to redo my kit, or at least use others as a guide. As to the "all I need is my cell and a club card" gripe-too right! I live in the foothills of the Great Smokey Mountain range, and once I drive a quarter mile from my home, I have no cell coverage. Keep in mind that I drive 60 miles a day, up and down a mountain to go to school (Western Carolina University), so having even a rudimentary kit is essential. Moonpup, thanks for starting this thread, and everyone who has posted (or will), thank you for all the input, everyone, regardless of car make/model should plan ahead and have some basics in thier car. david
  6. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Your new baby is already speaking to you-what she is saying is this: 1. No one but you is allowed to drive her. 2. You must get a little "emergency" toolkit to keep in the car. (I keep mine with the spare tire) Congratulations, I'm sure you treat her right. david
  7. zbane posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I would suggest trying this: with the car running, disconnect the battery. If the car dies, it is most likely your alternator. As you probably know, the alt not only recharges the battery while you drive, it also powers all the electric stuff in your car. From what you said about your voltmeter moving, it sounds like the alt is giving up the ghost and letting your battery do all the work. I'm sure others will chime in on this, I hope they have better suggestions than I do as to how to rectify the problem. david
  8. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Maybe I can get the "stupidest response" award (if I've not already been granted it and not been told) with this suggestion: Are you absolutely sure that the wheel is properly secured to the car? Imagine if a couple bolts were crossthreaded, allowing the wheel to wobble-this wobble might subside when the brakes are applied. Just an idea, probably wrong, but an easy thing to check before you attack the bearings, which should be sealed.
  9. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "Top Gear" did a review of the roadster, and the ever witty Clarkson stated that he was expecting to dislike the car. Then he amazed himself by absolutely loving it. My hope is that it will be imported here. Do keep in mind, Clarkson is in the 6'4" height range, so there is hope for all of us, including you Go240Zags.
  10. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    personally, I like the smart roadster-I've seen them in Mexico, and am trying to get an inlaw to buy one down there for me to import (if possible).
  11. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Firstly, it's good to hear that you and your GF are okay. Secondly, it's good to know that it wasn't in your Z. Thirdly, consult an attorney that specializes in traffic accidents-not one that claims you will get millions in those annoying TV ads-AND your insurance company. There should be some precedent for an incident of this nature, and since there was an emergency vehicle present (and partly responsible for the accident) there should be documentation around. Usually, in instances like this where a light is being kept from changing, or an accident occurs in an intersection, law enforcement is sent to act as traffic directors. Otherwise, traffic will build up in one direction (as was your case) which causes the likelihood of more accidents. Really, you should consult an attorney-the city/county/state might be the ones responsible for the accident. david
  12. better hurry on this one! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-DATSUN-510-240Z-260Z-280Z-Nissan-New-Key_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6763QQihZ017QQitemZ270017441546QQrdZ1
  13. zbane posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    This might be a good addition to pick up from good old ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/Aurora-AFX-BRE-Datsun-510-yellow-46-slot-car-vintage_W0QQitemZ330017934225QQihZ014QQcategoryZ2618QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem here are a couple more: http://cgi.ebay.com/RARE-AURORA-AFX-46-GREEN-BRE-DATSUN-240-HO-SLOT-CAR-NM_W0QQitemZ220016861233QQihZ012QQcategoryZ2619QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/Aurora-AFX-BRE-DATSUN-240Z-HO-Slot-Car-Red-White-Nice_W0QQitemZ150020863650QQihZ005QQcategoryZ2619QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/Aurora-AFX-BRE-Datsun-510-35-vintage-slot-car_W0QQitemZ320017440865QQihZ011QQcategoryZ2618QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem This one's located in AU: http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-AFX-1071-Bre-Datsun-510-Trans-Am-Red_W0QQitemZ330018463812QQihZ014QQcategoryZ2619QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  14. I'm in the same boat, my black backgrounds are coming out as well. In your case, I would make them black again, just to stand out a little bit more. Having them black against a greyish background (the cross) would not be intrusive, and would be a nice contrast.
  15. But this is what might make it worthwhile, apart from the rims and free penicillanROFL -the turbo thing. Note that the engine bay tag states 132 hp-either it is not original (my thought) or the turbo isn't (perhaps both, but I doubt it).
  16. It is also rustier than I had previously thought, of course there should be no surprise there. Isn't that mold nice? I wonder what is (not) under there.
  17. Shot the VIN, among other things, including rust that I had missed previously. It may be an aftermarket turbo, see the interior shot-it shows the bolt on oil and turbo gauge. The hood is definitely from a zxt, though. I have my doubts about the authenticity of the VIN on this car, however. Besides the different hood (there wasn't a turbo offered in '79), in the shot detailing the taillight rust, you will see a large ZX badge plate where the license plate is. I wonder if someone switched VIN plates from a 79 to a latter body. I'm curious enough to go back and copy down the imprinted firewall vin, feel stupid for not doing it when I was there, really. Still, mysteries aside, consider it an engine with other parts included. The injectors alone would account for 1/5th the price, assuming the guy won't lower the price, but you know he will, and then there is the turbo setup.
  18. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Replacing the turbos and their electronics will kill you financially. A freind of mine has a NA model and loves it, comfortable highway driver and spirited on the twisties as well. On the twisties, in fact, his NA performs better than the TT version, due to the turbo lag. Ideally, there would be some way to get #2 without selling #1, but if it's impossible, then so be it. Here's another reference for you to check before you take that leap. http://www.twinturbo.net/ttnetlinks/links.aspx david
  19. Nothing wrong with a nice patina, but keeping them with that "perfect" amount of coloring may prove difficult. Putting a clearcoat over should smooth out the rough, dimpled surface areas, but you should still be able to see contrast in texture through the coat.
  20. Will, there's an original Z (don't know the year/model) in Maggie Valley-minus engine. Has some rust issues bubbling through the paint, who knows where else. I'll try to get over there within the next week or so, it's about 1 1/2 hrs. away, but I have reason to go there occasionally. I'll get some more shots of the ZX (VIN/jamb/firewall and interior-:sick: ) in the next couple days. When I get over to MV, I'll do the same. david
  21. Not to worry, Will. I made sure that I installed the Highpressure line, suited solely for the FI system. I was lucky in that the salesperson I dealt with this time knew enough to "suggest" the FI reinforced line, rather than plain lines.
  22. The filter I bought was correct, but I had to CUT the old lines ones off. Once I forced the existing line onto the car, I was able to go and get different fuel lines. Upon removing the PO installed line, I was able to see that the filter had sliced into the interior lne. Anyway, that problem has been solved, and in reference to the question about it being hot outside, I don't think it was. thanks for the input on the rust, cleaning it out may be a good winter project. david
  23. Driving through Brevard, North Carolina the other day and I spotted this hiding behind a shed at a less than reputable used car dealership. I pulled up into the business next door to snoop around and found the car unlocked, so I popped the hood (who, among us, wouldn't?). The interior is shot. Horrible. Disgusting. MOLDY. The car has all the original glass, unbroken-no chips. Body wise, the hood shows a little damage where someone forcibly removed the Z emblem (bast- ards) The engine looks complete, turbo and all. In my haste, I didn't take a photo of the VIN, door jamb plate, or engine bay plate, sorry. The vin starts with the HS130, so I am pretty sure it's a 1980 model. From what I could see, the body is rust free, but the mold on the interior floor makes me worry. I couldn't get underneath to view the frame rails, due to all the friggin thorns. Rims look good. I called the dealer later (when they were open) to ask about parting out or selling whole. No on the parting (city ordinance-no junkyards in city limits) Yes on the outright sale-500 bucks. Claims to have started last december, I have my doubts. Not registered since November 1993. I am tempted to purchase and turn into a track car (no need to replace interior), but I know my wife (and landlord, for that matter) would kill me for getting another car. If there are any takers, PM me, and I'll get you info, help with shipping arrangements, whatever. (and NO, I do not work there-just trying to help our Z based community) david
  24. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey now, don't in your haste forget http://www.atlanticz.ca/ lot's of great info there as well.
  25. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fuelpump/index.html check your pump's filter, who knows what junk is clogged in there. the main site I got this from is: http://www.atlanticz.ca/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1

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