Everything posted by zbane
Starting Problem
Agreed, Enigma- The pump SHOULD pump automatically when the key is turned to the on position. Derek, if you are having problems with sputtering, and you think it is pump related, perhaps you have a leak in the system somewhere which is allowing the fuel system pressure to drop. Regarding Vapor lock-As I understand it, here is what happens 1-during driving, the fuel lines (metal and rubber) warm up. 2-air flow is not enough to cool the lines. 3-the lines get hot enough to boil the gasoline. Since gas expands as it evaporates, it creates a blockage in the system, one that liquid gas cannot get around and the fuel pump is not powerful enough to force through the system. 4-since the liquid gas is now trapped behind gaseus gas in a very hot fuel rail, the liquid gas boils and becomes gaseus, thus putting more back pressure in the system. The only way to deal with vapor lock, once it occurs, is to allow the engine (and lines) to cool enough to allow the gas to condense into its liquid state. I know I probably don't have the process 100% correct, but that is how vapor lock has been explained to me in the past. hope it helps
Starting Problem
JC Whitney may be a good place to find that thermal wrap, should you decide to go that route. Someone had mentioned to me that a plumbing shop might have something compatable, but I felt that plumbing supplies may not be appropriate for an engine bay.
Starting Problem
Yeah, I know the feeling. I too have a '79 zx and you are experiencing the beautiful thing called Vaporlock. I have been able to suppres the VL problem a little by removing as many constrictions to the fuel line as possible. The PO (previous owner) had installed fuel lines that were too tight. I changed those after I changed the filter, and this seems to help, a little. Check to see that your fan is working, and try to find some of that insulating wrap for your fuel rail.
Other cars you own, or drive?
Wife (Carmen) has the 1998 BMW M Roadster, I drive the ZX daily. Once winter comes, I will start driving my 2002 Mitsu Montero, unless I trade it in on a new Honda Fit Sport. Other fun cars I have had include my first car, a 1988 Honda CRX (my first 2 seater), a 1975 Fiat Spider (second 2 seater-back seat useless, like a 2+2), a 1983 Buick LeSabre Coupe (ultimate 5.0 V-8 sleeper). The BMW makes the third 2 seater and the ZX the forth. I would love to get a Renault Clio V6, even though they are not sold/legal in the US, but I am able (by family) to get one in Mexico, when I can afford it. I was raised in an MG family, my father restoring a veritable plethora of pre 1960 models, a J2, TA, TC, TD, TF and PB. The only one we ever bought new was an MGC. My mother drove a 1983 Corvette (red, of course), but she sold it before I got my liscence:cry:
Who can guess what this is?
I think it's Chinese. Either that or someones sad idea at a compact z car. Here is one for you, though. What it is should be pretty obvious, but who did it? And WHY??!! help me.bmp
GTR C110 1/18 Model
Aoshima GC10 http://www.hlj.com/product/AOS31643 Out of Stock. And by the way; You are all very lucky. Why? Because you are complaining (in jest, I'm sure) about finding the MODEL version of the real thing-at least you can get (or have) the REAL thing without paying outragous fees. That is what I consider lucky... Cool Kits though, I may just have to order one.
Parting out my 77 280z
I am in need of a Fuel Strainer from the sending unit for my '79 ZX. The thing is, I am not sure if they are the same. I would think so, both being FI engines, but what do you (or anyone else) think? david
Howdo Everybody
I, too, feel your M induced pain and share in your unabashed love of all things Z (although in my case ZX). I know how pricey BMW parts can be, especially M gear, and while Z parts may (at times) be cheaper, they are nowhere as easy to come by. Regardless, enjoy your Z, now that youv'e got it, and share some photos while you are at it.
suburban homemaker gets her wild life back with her rebuilt 280Z
don't make us wait until next year to see some photos, that would just be cruel. Welcome.
Diff. rear mounting bolts
Rolf, what year/model are you asking about?
Electrical Issue
Yeah, My PO did a number on the wiring for the radio. You might also want to check the connections starting at the brake pedal itself. Since your brake lights work, find out what else is connected to them. I know you just got the car recently, has this problem been occuring the entire time, or is this something new? If it is something new, is there something electrical that YOU have done-maybe you accidentally broke/loosened a connection. Just a couple Ideas. PS-do you have the FSM? Found this in another thread, but I couldn't get it to open:http://carfiche.com/manuals020/cars/82_datsun_280zx.zip And have you noticed the thread so far- Three North Carolinians, Three different regions, three ZX's (odd years only) descending order 83-81-79. coincedence?:devious:
280ZX Bushings
Not according to my FSM or the Black Dragon catalog. david
Going to Japan, need things to do.
You've got eight months to save as much cash as possible. If I were in your position, I would open an online bank account (INGdirect or HSBC) and start saving there. Online CD accounts and basic saving accounts offer much better interest rates than your local bank does. Another benefit of online banking is the complete lack of service fees or minimum opening amounts. I'm not trying to sell you on any service, just pointing out something that I have found useful.
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
Enrique, disculpa. Sometimes I forget my Spanish. Of course you are right, Princessa estamos Princess y Reina estamos Queen.
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
Could be that the name issue is the root of your problems-your z is having an identity crisis and is crying out for help the only way in knows how, through your wallet. You are ultimately responsible for the Naming of Your Car, not the Previous Owner. If you want to use a female name, go for it. The important thing is to choose a name that is fitting and appropriate. (el crappo would be wrong, just wrong) The name that popped up in my mind after reading "el prince" and looking at your avatar is "Reina"-Spanish for Princess-not a far stretch from the PO name. Maybe others will offer name suggestions, just choose what seems right to you. david
Hello from Illinois
The ZX crowd is slowly gaining momentum...Welcome
engine response weird when A/C on
I would have to say take it to an AC specialist. Not knowing diddly about aircon, I couldn't say otherwise. All I know (and I could be wrong) is that the AC is run off the alternator. Perhaps it is going bad and you are requesting too much juice from it. Just and idea. david
Z etiquette
Thank you Dewayne, you show us that there is still hope for the newer gen Z owners. I agree with the idea that so many people do not know (care) about the history of their rides. My father restored MGs when I was a kid, I helped as much as I could, so the curse of classic car ownership (caretaking) has been in my blood for some time. In fact, the day I picked up my ZX, I called my dad in Syracuse to inform him that it was ALL his fault. I blamed him for instilling both automotive taste/respect and thirst for automotive history. Would I have it any other way? No. I think we can blame some of this mess on the automotive industry. Every day, model after model roll out, each one less individual than the previous. Is it right that the outline of a Chrysler Sebring, Jaguar XK and Ford Taurus are damn near identical? Hell No. But it's happening. As such, the visual connection between models has diminished, if not completely dissapeared and therefore, it is more than possible that the owner of "X" has no idea that "T" is their automotive predessesor. Consider the forthcoming Skyline GTR destined for the US-besides the name, what similarities are there between it and those from the '70s? What differences are there between it and the Lexuses (is the plural Lexi? It should be), Acuras, Pontiacs, etc.? Just a rambling thought. david
new member parts questions
don't forget junkyards-preferably the U-Pick kind. You may also find some of what you need in our classified section.
love "Z"s
Hello Vincent-welcome to the club. I have a 1979 280zx, and I love it. Please post some photos-I would love to see your zx. There aren't many zx owners here, but that doesn't mean you won't find help with yours. I have asked several questions and all have been answered in some form or another. You will find many kindred spirits here to help you, should you need it. Again, welcome David
Z etiquette
Occasionally, I catch Mr. Richie Rich in his Mercedes SL stare at my zx (only one in the county) with wonderment and ENVY. That I love. Unfortunately, the majority of these are to self absorbed to say anything at the stoplight or parking lot. To Bad For Them-I might have let them take er for a spin.
New hood - no rust!
your bumper is so different from mine-mine is all rubber and chrome. just shows that things kept changing even within model lines.
Wow, it's been a while...a long while!
There are a lot of us down here in the South-if you see one you like listed in a paper or e-bay, maybe someone could check it out for you. Purchasing/titleing from such a distance might be a pain, but shipping is easy. Anyway, don't let the distance be an excuse for not getting another Z-where there's a will, there's a way, as the saying goes. Welcome back.
Z etiquette
Imagine the following scenario: You’re driving your import-Z(X), Skyline, MG, Mini, Austin, Fiat, etc. (whatever rare beauty you have) and you see another of like make (maybe not the same year/model, but part of the family nonetheless) and you honk and wave at it-I do whenever I can. It’s nice to recognize good taste, I think. Unfortunately, Chances to recognize fellow Classic Z drivers have been very few (2 since January, ’06) in my area so I’ve been trying to show recognition towards the later models. Here is what I have noticed-300zx drivers reciprocate and acknowledge our vehicular kinship. 350 DRIVERS DO NOT (with one exception, but he’s a friend of mine). Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me? The same thing happens when I drive the BMW, but that is to be expected around here-all the BMW drivers in my area are stinking rich (except for me). Annoying as their snubs are, I will continue. All it takes is for one person to smile and/or wave back to make it worth it. So if you see a red ZX waving, it might just be me saying hello-nice car… david
Received the car I purchased off Ebay today.
I concur. This car looks as new as it possibly could. Dust it and detail it, nothing more is needed. Congratulations. I tell you what, if you are just chomping at the bit to tear down a Z, I'll send mine over, so long as you send it back in one piece.