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Everything posted by zbane

  1. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Do you have dual exhaust pipes down there? (post 3, photos on the far left/right) Looks to me like there are. Funny, since this thread seems to coincide... http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22500
  2. so does this mean that if all you ever carry, ever use or ever allow inside (or near) the vehicle is metal currency your car will never (or at least, seldom)break down? Perhaps the car would limit itself to repairs needing less money. Perhaps the car would consider the use of metal currency as a form of canniblism... Or perhaps this is where the phrase "[the car is] starting to 'nickle and dime' me with all of its repairs" came from. just a thought.:eek: david
  3. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Actually, I agree completey KDM. I suggest removing the strainer filter inside your fuel pump (I PM'ed you the URL to the atlanticz tutorial) If it's really crapped up, start working down the line.
  4. Not to worry, I'm a lefty, so the change is more likely to fall out of the car when I open the door than to lodge into the seat belt thing, However, it has gotten stuck in the seat rails so I can't slide the seat forward. not that I do that anyway.
  5. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Nurse Laura, don't you know that Florida is the southernmost Northern state? therefore you shouldn't be concerned about Will and his Southern drawl, your'e a Yank! KIDDING!! To the real stuff-I searched several threads concerning tanks and cleaning them, the only things that were repeated several times were these two things: POR-15 cleaning stuff and taking/sending your tank to a Radiator shop to be boiled (after boiling, you coat with stuff or they do) No one seemed to say much about tank replacements, unless you find a nice used one that is less rusty.
  6. I dunno, KDM, my ZX sucks the change out of my pocket, really. I sit down with a pocket of change and by the end of the drive, only 2 cents remain. Personally, I think that my car is helping me save money for the small stuff (mine) so that the big stuff (hers) won't be as painful.
  7. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Will, I agree with you, really. As a just beginning tinkerer, however, I do see the need for both options-throw money & get in there. Even though I have a FSM, basic mechanical knowledge/thirst for more and some of the neccessary tools, I don't have a decent work area (no garage-yes slanted gravel driveway/parking area). Since this is my daily driver, I am also a bit apprehensive about screwing it up. This is why I have found a shop that allows me into the bay with the mechanics. They show me what is going on, things to watch out for and how to do the task at hand. Once I see how something is done, and understand why it goes like that (whatever it is), I can generally copy the procedure and/or proceed into deeper waters with more certainty and confidence. For example-with the proper setup, I am fairly certain that I could switch out my tokicos. Experience counts for quite alot, and I am VERY thankful for all of the shared experience to be found here on this site, but sometimes it seems better to get the Big Picture first hand, in a controlled environment, kind of like school. I think that if you are unsure about doing it yourself, find someone who will show YOU how to do it, instead of just doing it for you-that way you will at least know a little bit more about your car. If you give a hungry person a fish, youv'e fed them for one day. If you teach that person how to fish, youv'e fed them for the rest of their life. "To be into cars, at least two of the following criteria must be met on at least a yearly basis. Parts have to be occasionally in your living space(livingroom, dining room, bedroom....) Your hands have to get so dirty it takes a day or two to get them absolutely clean-even with scrubbing. Your tools have to have more wear from your own use than from your admiration." And in keeping with your quote (which is great), I met two of the criteria last week when I squirmed under an unjacked gas tank-fun. David
  8. zbane posted a post in a topic in HISTORY
    Perhaps my ears are misleading me, but I swear Clarkson says "the 1980 300zx..." While it certainly was a second gen 300zx, it certainly wasn't from 1980. Still very cool.
  9. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    just remember the old adage- A Fool and his Money are easily parted. Imaging the chagrin that the winner of auction one (1,125) will feel when the reasonably good set of tail lights sell for 1/3 of that price. For goodness sake, the "winner" could have bought a complete car for not much more. Really, my zx cost me 1500 and a 92 honda.
  10. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Excellent Find! Congratulations are in order!
  11. Don't know about the suspension, but it seems that the bumpers are missing some rubber. Didn't he say there was an issue with toe in in front? Seems odd that this car was driven cross country but now has a toe in problem. For the price though, may not be too bad, but then again, I'm no mechanic and, like you, have no Z experience, only ZX. I would suggest waiting for others to chime in before buying.
  12. zbane posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Another thought would be to start checking the classifieds of large city newspapers, that is, if you want to travel some distance to pick up your discovery. I just did a quick check of the Atlanta paper (Atlanta is semi-near me, so I peek in there) and found several affordable examples. Just an idea.
  13. zbane posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    I wouldn't discount your local auto trader magazine, old barns or e-bay. Welcome, and have fun!
  14. I've tested several Cooper S's, and in the process, traumatized several dealers. I WILL be getting an "S" with the JC Works package (200hp!) when my budget allows. Basically, this means paying off my wife's M Roadster, which fits me like a glove as well. Unfortunately, she will insist that I sell the Z (we don't need THREE sports cars!). Alas, I digress- Enjoy the Lotus to the fullest extent of the law, if not a bit more!
  15. BuDavid, I have gold on my 280. It looks fine on a red car, but I don't think Gold would look good on such a beautiful Silver model. I think we all agree that there should be some contrast in there. It seems that most of us are going for a gunmetal/black cross with silver or polished highlights. Whatever you decide will be the best, of course, since it is your ride.
  16. Victor Laury, if you are by any chance over 6ft tall like I am (6'4"), keep your z's, you won't fit in the lotus:mad: :mad: :(pissed me off to no end at the ATL car show a couple years ago...
  17. BuDavid, you caught me, I switched the two around. That's the problem with posting at work, the latter distracts occasionally.
  18. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I was thinking of slow, in town speeds, like turning into a parking lot or around a corner.
  19. zbane posted a post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    I've driven through a few times:cheeky: and spent enough time to get one of these- I was a bit irritated that they insisted on putting me down as an extranjero. If they had put down that I was a citizen, I could have imported/exported autos. Next, I'm shooting for a passport.
  20. a-silver (as your car) b-black (as the rubber) c-polished or silver-tough call. just be sure to paint the area around the centercap "Z" black.
  21. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    While this matter should be investiged and repaired, why are you turning the key to restart. If you are still rolling, let out the clutch, the engine should start back up again. I think it would be safer than reaching down and turning the key while turning, drinking coffee, etc. Is your car idleing in the low range (>500), if so, perhaps you should open up the air intake a little, you may be starving the engine a bit. FWIW, it might help.
  22. exactly. I love my 280zx, but then again, I have never driven any other model. I would have issues with your suppostion about the z32, however. A friend of mine has one as his daily driver, auto x and cross country driver. He feels it is a great combination of sport car and touring car (comfortable for long drives with a small yet reasonable boot). If you choose a z32, my suggestion would be to get the NA version. You would avoid costly electrical repairs (the heat from the twin turbos cooks wiring harnesses every few years), and have a sportier car. Sure, the TT version is "faster," but only after those turbos spool up. On twisty roads, a NA car will have the advantage for this same reason, so unless you want your Z(X) for drag racing, I would avoid the more costly option. At any rate, at least you are checking out the Z range. Welcome to our group. Enjoy the shots (courtesy of Google)-yes I know I didn't include the 280zx, the post above mine has it already.
  23. zbane posted a post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    Just finished copying the entire fuel system section. Send me an address, and I'll send it your way.
  24. zbane posted a post in a topic in Interior
    there are plenty of dumb answers, however.
  25. zbane posted a post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    How about I copy the section and mail it to you, it might be easier than posting everything here, then you will have hard copies there. If you want, reply here or email me at myalias101@gmail.com or send me a PM. I can copy for free, and it won't be much to mail. Your choice.

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