Everything posted by zbane
vin number
there's one in every crowd, isn't there...
Warning dumb question ahead....
from what I recall, the "z" was Nissan's internal marking for the car, similar to, say, Honda's "H" frame. The good doctor felt that the "Fairlady" monoker would not do well here (not a manly name for a sports car) so he chose to go with the "Z." As I recall, anyway. I think that the z is the end stuff just sounded better, more mysterious.
Will I Pass Smog With Headers?
I would start where your GF went, sounds less likely to fail you (pre-check first, discuss options with UNDERPAID tech) About the shop- It's on Del Monte, near the dealership section of town, like right across the street, I think. Can't find the business card. I tried googleing it, can't find it. May be out of business, but there are alot of good shops on that road, some specialize in classics. If you (or a freind) speak spanish, shoot over to Salinas. Some of the shops there are worthless, so be careful. Others will be more than happy to assist you. the shop might be this one, no guarantees: K & H Auto Repair 1636 Del Monte Blvd, Seaside, CA 831-899-4152
What is this? A 3 part question
Thanks for the pics, A local parts shop told me that Ford used to have these filters on their vehicles. I had thought about checking the local(ish) dealership but without pictures, well, that would have been foolish. Now, though...
Window ss trim squeegy
try the z-store- this may be what you are looking for. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/SWR01G there is a lot of rubber/weatherstripping stuff here. If you don't find it on the site, maybe giving them a call. zstore also has all the staples and stuff you may need.
ZX Microfiche or parts book needed
nwcubsman, spdkilz02 I have a 79 zx. My FSM has great shots of most every part of the vehicle. It won't have everything you need, since it is not a turbo model and I believe there are a few other inconsistancies between our years but let me know if you need anything in particular and I will post (or email) the requested stuff. It may take a couple days, but it would help you until you find your CD or get the FSM. Don't forget about the Haynes and Chilton manuals, they're only about 20 bucks, maybe less.
Vegas Represent
Mr. Camo, thanks for the pics. They scare me, yet I am enthralled, enraptured by their presence. I can't even imagine driving the green/white one-beware the evil speed bump...
OT - Global Warming and Datsun Trucks
Or your car is saying "buy a Zippo!" As to your car not cutting you slack, I think that is more the case. remember, we should not drink and drive, hence no cupholders. Your car loves you and wants you to be happy. she is also a very jealous creature and does not want to share your addiction.
vin number
so many answers to such an innocuous question. I love imports.
75 Fairlady as a daily driver!
did you invite him to the site? Sounds like he should restore that puppy.
my 1971 240 z in silver
Beautiful. Congratulations are in order, now the fun of reinstallation. One step closer to driving.
Parts Needed
check out this thread, post 15- It's about gas tanks but there is mention of a zx. You should read the thread, it will certainly pertain to your car. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22301
Help Please
- Hello All
You might want to check this place out, they claim to service ALL generations of Z, not really sure, since they don't actually SHOW any from our preffered period. Anyway, check it out and welcome. http://www.zcargarage.com/ http://t.webring.com/hub?ring=zcars the webring has all sorts of stuff, I tend to get lost in there, however.- What is this? A 3 part question
about that pump and sending unit. I got the sending unit cleaned, still trying to find/order the strainer. I've noticed that the whine I mentioned in post 1 is dramatically worse when it is warm outside. On a nice cool morning, barely a peep is heard and the car is full of gusto. Once it gets hot out, the car takes after me, starts to wheeze (I hate hot weather) and gets a bit hesitant and pokey. I think I will have to get a new pump, or at least re wire the existing one. Any ideas or thoughts about the noise issue? I can't really hear it outside the car, the muffler presents a stronger presence than the pump/tank/mystery noise. The other day, I couldn't get some pics to post either.- G'Day from down under.
that's just beautiful, natural goodness. welcome- Vegas Represent
Alfadog-if those are subtle, I would love to see the outright flagrant. Any shots to share? 77japan, welcome (back) look forward to seeing the progress...- A little fun at Thunderhill this weekend...
Open mouth, insert foot. It didn't sound/look like a cobra, IMO. I thought it might have been a little Italian job (Fiat, Alfa) or a Datsun Roadster. And yes, the red Datsun was truly a lovely, as well.- Will I Pass Smog With Headers?
You might also want to have your car tested, but not reported, just to see where you stand. Some shops are more lenient than others, one of your freinds may know of one. I just noticed you're in Santa Cruz, shoot on over to Sand City to Alisal (I think that is the road)-there is a shop that deals with Hondas/Acuras down there, it's across from all the dealerships-they're good people and may be willing to "help" with your test. Other than that, Salinas has some "sketchy" shops that might look the other way... And just to be sure-You do know, don't you, that Laguna Seca is just forty minutes away from you. You best get over there on an open track day and post some photos! zbane (formerly of Big Sur)- Tachometer working part time
according to mholmes profile, we are talking about a 280z here. bigjohnson, you may be on point with your suggestion, I was about to suggest the same, something sometimes on, sometimes off sounds like a bad connection of some sort. mholmes, find your tach line and start going backwards, fun!- OK Poll For all What Type Z do you have !
I still cannot believe that I have the only '79 here. Come on people, vote already!- OK Poll For all What Type Z do you have !
Maybe a little housecleaning is in order.- A little fun at Thunderhill this weekend...
was that a B 210 that passed you on lap 2? Also, what was that red lovely that shot by towards the end? Another question-what was that thing on your windshield, the light I am assuming was a shift indicator, but what else does it do? Just curious- Fuel tank?
NurseLaura, don't worry about those lines attached to the sending unit-they're pretty stout and should come off easily. The only one I had problems with was the one on the far right-no leverage-so I just gave it gentle nudges with my spanner and it slid off. Getting the sending unit out was more problematic, solely because I had no idea how many tubes and floats were pointing in different directions. My advice-take your time pulling it out. There are two resistor/slider switches connected to the floats (I have two on mine, you may not). I would imagine that you have either a bent float or a gunked up switch. I have several other photos of my sending unit that I can either post or e-mail you if you would like to compare them. PM me if you like, and good luck with everything. David (zbane) Darrel, I'd say you got lucky getting a clean tank, they seem pretty rare!- fair weather cruising
Mine's my daily driver, I can't get too irritated by the rain. We get about 65 inches a year here, so it's just something I have to live with. I would think with the por 15 coating the undercarriage, you wouldn't be so worried about it, but we all obsess about different things-as example-I won't allow anyone to eat in ANY of my cars-ever. This REALLY irritates my wife. So obsessing about something as important as the chassis, that's ok, don't obsess about obsessing about your obsession. - Hello All
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