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Everything posted by zbane

  1. zbane posted a post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    I'd be happy to help you with some shots of my '79 FSM, if you could be a little more specific about what you need, unless you want me to e-mail you all 33 pages of the EFI section of the book. It would take some time, but I'll do it if it will help. How did you end up getting your z? I've only seen one (with illegal plates) in el DF (Mexico City-for everyone else). I would think there is an interesting story behind it, as well as your replacement engine.
  2. I see this has been a matter of some contention in the past. At least we all seem to agree about excluding the monstrosities mistakenly marked with a Z(X).
  3. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I figured it had been messed with before. I had looked at my FSM and noticed the difference in filter design. I'll hit the parts stores tomorrow to see if I can "find" a replacement.
  4. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    NurseLaura, How is your car running? Any strange sounds, hesitation, generaly bothersome behaviors? Just curious cause I am about to go through the drop/clean business myself. If you haven't done so yet, check the filter on the sending unit, it may be clogged. Odds are, you already knew this.
  5. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    atlantic Z-your neck of the woods, well closer than Florida. Surely though, there is a way to get it and keep it in Florida, there are always storage places. If it is a matter of moving it from A-B, there are a good number of auto movers out there. I just moved my BMW from New Mexico to Florida for about 700 bucks, may be cheaper for you. It's certainly worth looking into as a means to keep a car that you obviously care about.
  6. I think this is the one to watch, and get. The red/black combination is much more stricking than the tan/black, IMO. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1980-DATSUN-280ZX-10TH-ANNIVERSARY-EDITION-BEAUTIFUL_W0QQitemZ130007434472QQihZ003QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem In fact, when I get to the respray part of my list, I'm thinking the same, only with anthracite & burgandy-a bit richer in tone.
  7. zbane posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Yeah, welcome to the club. It's nice to see another red zx. Mine was originally metallic brown, th PO changed that (bit did a terrible job). PS-don't wait to post those photos, why not include us in the before during and after cycle? I think everyone would like to take part in it.
  8. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The pump is clamped down, I had just gotten it loose. Upon removing the sending unit plate, this is what I found. Would anyone consider this to be a very rusted tank? Regardless, the tank will be getting pulled and cleaned soon. Judging from the cheap hose clamp on the filter, I would assume this car has had previous tank issues.
  9. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Assuming fair weather, I'll give it a shot on Monday. I am going to have to replace all the hoses that connect to the tank, I do believe they are original, they are looking a little ratty. While I was under the car, a faint smell of gas was noticed, so I think it is about time to change them out. Thanks for the suggestions and advice.
  10. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Many thanks! About how long, assuming basic mechanical skills and enough tools to get myself in trouble, should dropping the tank take? Rough guess is fine. I was planning on cleaning the tank soon, your suggestion/thought about the noise will just move the cleaning up a few notches on the to do list...
  11. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    (1) I've looked through the FSM and can't find this panel, nor whatever lays beneath. (2) Is this the original fuel pump? (3) I see another opening, is something missing? (if so, what) I've got a constant whine, once the oil pressure starts to raise, coming from the back. I saw at AtlanticZ a tip about using felt as vibration insulation, so I tried it, thinking that was the problem-no help. Hence the voyage under the tank and these discoveries.
  12. Last week, I decided to change the fuel filter. Before pulling the filter, I followed all the directions about releaving the fuel line pressure, thankfully. I had, however an impossible time installing the new filter. Try as I might, the hose would barely go on. I pushed, cursed, twisted, pushed, etc. and finally got it on enough to clamp, but not on enough to feel safe about. So yesterday I went to Napa and found hose that fit better (5/8" or 7.9mm, if memory serves) and went about installing it today on all the affected lines. Two issues came up. The first was that the fuel line towards the nose of the car (not attached to filter) decided to spout like a lazy gusher once I cut it. Since the lines were not the right size, I had to go at them with a razor, not much fun. So gas was streaming down, onto the ground. Even with the pressure released, should this have happened? If I am thinking right, the hose in question is the return line. The other issue has to do with fuel entering the engine from the filter. Once I pulled the old hose from he rail, I saw this (picture)- it looks like rust to me, if so, how can I get it out of there? I've poured SeaFoam into the tank, what else should I do? Comments/suggestions?
  13. zbane posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    When my sister and I were just starting to drive, we would have killed ourselves had we been given a small, nimble car to start with. Luckily, we both inhereted the family '77 Buick LeSabre 4 door. After I had been driving for a couple years, I bought an '88 Honda CRX, great mileage, fast (surprisingly) and safe (except on Illinois ice). Get your daughter a "beater" to learn with, like my dad did, later she can get herself something more exciting. When she buys it, she will appreciate it more, and you will get to enjoy the Z. You know you agree. Give in to your inner desire, and welcome.
  14. zbane posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Assuming that there are no obvious causes, like leaving the parking lights on inadvertantly or leaving the car in the ACC position, I would think that you have purchased a "bad" battery. It's happened to me before.
  15. yes, same engine, similar body, same spirit [From a different thread, originally posted by NZeder in response to a similar question "In Japan the first ie 78/79 (and like this one early build numbers) were marketed as Fairlady 280z (even though most of us think/know them as a ZX, ie S130 body style)"]
  16. Don't shoot the messenger-rebuild and rematch
  17. zbane posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hs 130-150591 4/1979
  18. but why are they going to crush the car? Seems to me the drivetrain failed, not the body. Trash the engine, use the chassis/body as a fresh canvas.
  19. Sure, they may have done some baffling things to the z's, but at least it was a faily even match with none of the "negotiating/sandbagging" cr ap of the other show.
  20. zbane posted a post in a topic in Polls
    I'm a louver, not a hater!
  21. There was indeed a show like what you want. It was called Full Throttle (on the History Channel). the show was great. Two teams got basically identical cars, identical tools and only 24 hours to fix them up, however they wanted. Then, upon completion of the 24 hours, off to the drag strip for a best of three competition. the winning team got to take home BOTH cars. No Fuss, No Muss, no bull. Another cool aspect of the show was that the hosts had loads of info and footage of the featured car, so it was much like a mini auto history lesson. I miss the show. Here is a link-I thought they did an episode w/240z's, but I don't see it listed. http://store.aetv.com/html/subject/index.jhtml?id=cat1060002&parentcatid=cat1060002 this is what "pinks" could only dream of being. a fair, interesting heads up style show.
  22. yeah, I just hope someone with the patience and love for these cars picks them up, rather than seeing them go off to the junkyard for crushing.
  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1976-Datsun-Nissan-280Z-car-parts-Z-series-runs_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6763QQihZ013QQitemZ230005304115QQrdZ1 If only I lived in Utah.
  24. My guess would be that 7-8 years ago, people were willing to buy a used z, spend time and money to bring her back and enjoy. I remember people that were terribly unhappy w/ the 300zx (2nd gen) because it looked nothing like the original-I was one of them. If I had had the cash, I would have bought an early z as opposed to the 300 for exactly that reason. Now the 350 is out, some years later. Many people that have the 350 (NOT ALL) remember the 300 but can't make the connection to the 240-280 cars. And of course, how many people would puchase a 27-35 year old z-car, with all the hiccups of ownership that WE are willing to deal with, when they could go and get a new "Z" with a warrenty? PS-A coworker of mine has a 350, I sat in it today and found my 280zx more comfortable and SPACIOUS! Now, I am 6'4" (@2m-for our Aussie/NZ friends) so finding appropriate sports cars is never an easy task... but one would think that Nissan would try to accomodate.
  25. zbane posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I saw one (or one very similar) in a Chevelle, obnoxiously bright-to the point of distraction. If the lighting could be dimmed, it might be ok.

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