Everything posted by bloxman
Distibuter Timing
Arne So I should loosen the two nuts ; One at back and below, one in front with the little indicater line. and with the car running give it incremental turns. Or ,should I make small adjustments shutting it off between adjustments? Lawrence
Distibuter Timing
MikeW Well I'd definately I have to say I have the single slice on pulley and the little ruler. See pic. Lawrence
Distibuter Timing
Zack 280 You really think that all that is necessary, the car runs , and takes throttle under no load it just idling kinda high. I mean it starts with the first twist of the key so I'm thinking the timing is likely very very close. I 'm just thinking I might need to slaken the adjustment bolts on the dizzy and "turn it down" a little. Or should i just turn down the carbs. I 'm looking for input as to why the idle jumped up by seven hundred rpm with the distributer upgrade/ swap? Lawrence
Distibuter Timing
Arne: I removed the old distributer (points type), installed a suitable base Pushed in the replacement , (rememember the distributer is Keyed), tightened the bolts securing it to the block . Made the appropriate wiring changes (disposed of the ballast. hooked up the battery and Woof! How could it have changed timing just siting there, or am I missing something? Blox
Distibuter Timing
Evening everyone Quick Question I have completed the Distributer swap to Electronic E12-80 from a points distributer. It went in beautiful...bolted her down. and she started up with the first turn of the key. but.... I find it wants to Idle quite high like 1600 rpm . Wasn't like that before , (around 900 Rpm) I am wondering if possibly, as the spark is much better in the electronic ignition distributer that the engine is burning the mixture better, thus getting more revolutions from the same fuel Or should I screw with the Distributer a little. I tried checking the timing with the strobe light but I couldn't see a mark on the crank pulley? I have read a lot of threads trhat mention as many as five marks! Yikes! I kinda think I have found one using a wire brush degreaser and a can of high heat paint but its debateable. Anyway let me have some thoughts and concepts to mull over. Thanks as always , if its an issue I could take pictures of the Crank Pulley timing Mark (supposed), Distributer, or anything else that might be of assistance Lawrence
L28 block with an E88 head good or bad idea
For what its worth this site seems to have a lot of intelligent comments arranged in a sensible format. Therefore you have likely been there already http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/engine.html Bloxman
Anybody Know the Correct Name
Mckrack Hi there Don't know if this is what your looking for exactly but.. http://www.auto-extra.com/product_info.php?products_id=11828&osCsid=e1ad0f6b7733b8faefe049d5614c0e93 Doesn't look black and deteriorated and smelly so maybe it not the same stuff!! Blox
Get your tape measures please!
EScanlon You are absolutely correct ,you can see in the second photo where the chrome foil is still intact. looks kida cool though - might take the rest off Bloxman
Get your tape measures please!
ddezso That was a truly snappy one liner my belly still hurtin from the laughin' Well done Blox
Get your tape measures please!
e_racer1999 Sorry about the tardy pics it was my turn to be village idiot. Blox
Get your tape measures please!
Thanks Ed loaded some pics in my gallery as requested You may or not have noticed I powered my locks also. How did you power the windows? Could you recommend a particular kit and Manufacturer Blox
- look ma no cracks
- look ma no cracks
- look ma no cracks
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Get your tape measures please!
So you saying I need to get 240Z interior door panels? Or should I butcher these till they fit and then recover them?
Get your tape measures please!
Get your tape measures please!
So I went and ate dinner , and flicked dchannels for about twenty minutes and I was able to open another browser window and reply to where the pictures it still says "uploading please wait" What gives I've never had this problem before?