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Everything posted by bpilati

  1. I think it's a personal choice after the front "spook" (spoiler/scoop), but breaking up the rear turbulence is not a bad thing. I guess "spoop" would have been embarrassing.
  2. At least you weren't hurt, and at least it was not the Z.
  3. And what is a Series I interior and Series II body metal?
  4. There's another new one for me. No one has ever told my '73 manifolds are better performers. I'm not sure about water passage, but it might have something to do with the angle the carbs are mounted at.
  5. How about the grounding point over the gas tank?
  6. I wasn't reading correctly. At some point they added the intermittent wiper position, and that's the only change I know of. I know at least the '73's had it, '72's I don't know. I hate the slow speed that the idiot off operation where the dam blade stops at the top of it's stroke if you turn it off when it is at that point. I wonder if Nissan ever really tested the wipers, or did they just say "oh we need wipers don't we"?
  7. All the years we've been discussing these spooks here and elsewhere, I've never heard anyone complain about braking problems. In fact if anyone remembers the Gold Medalian 280Z a few years back, he had aluminum 3" dryer hose attached to the back of his spook vents direct air at the brakes. I never heard him say he was removing them because they were affecting his braking. :beard: Carl Beck recommends the fiberglass spoilers for durability and reparability. Urethane warps and carbon is expensive to repair. I purchased the BRE original from Les Cannaday. Carl posted some results on the IZCC webmail of testing done with various spoilers/airdams and the general conclusion was that the BRE design performed the best from the standpoint of downward force for control and lower flatplate drag compared to airdams. Airdams apparently have no advantage. Furthermore, it seemed that if the front spook was added, a rear spoiler like the 432 or BRE should also be used to balance the front/rear downward forces. Maybe Carl can put this data up again here, I think it would be quite useful to everyone.
  8. I believe August is always the final month for Nissan cars for that model year. I have an Aug 71 and it's the last month for the 71 model year. September started the 72 model year.
  9. Montoya, you were a bit rough on ole Bill weren't ya? We're all Z lovers here aren't we, almost like family. I take it all back, families fight more with their own then their neighbors, cause they have to be polite.
  10. My wife had to change the manifolds on her '73 when she went to round tops.
  11. :cheeky: Hey, that AIN'T no baby poo yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Grey Poupon gold, for the sophisticated driver. By Jove!!
  12. "thingy", sound like my 14 yo son. It drives me up the wall.
  13. My turn signal switch works fine, it's just sloppy in function.
  14. Speaking of tracks, I reupholstered one of my seats. After reinstalling into car, it apparently sits crooked in the car, but there seems to be nothing I can do. I've taken it out and reinstalled, same results.
  15. bpilati

    z bodies

    Isn't that a bit simplistic? I have a late 240Z but no pockets for retractable seatbelts.
  16. Sorry my bad, I believe that I read somewhere that Z Therapy went to bushings. Arne, I've always liked that light green color.
  17. HELLO hello hello....IS ANYONE THERE there there..... Wait, how come only THERE echoed? oed? oed?
  18. dogma, if you leave your Z like that much longer....it will stay like that permanently. Didn't your mother ever tell you?
  19. Kim Blough says the same thing about SM needles. Also the roller bearings are in the old original Z Therapy carbs, the don't use them anymore.
  20. Who leaves stickers on their tires?
  21. That's fine, we're open to that. But they won't kill my logic, they'll just go a buy that stuff cause, well they just want it, it's cool looking, it might impress girls, someone shamed them at the stop light or some such thing. Here are some truths; give your crappy golf clubs to a real pro and he'll hit the ball a country mile and show you stuff you never imagined. Give your worn out Z to a professional race car driver, and he show you stuff you couldn't do if your car was new. It ain't always the car that makes taking the curve easy, it's what's sitting in the driver's seat. Too bad we can't all have John Morton come over and show us what our Z's can do. We'd probably have a new appreciation for Mr Matsuo and his engineers.
  22. CRrider, I'm getting ready to overhaul my entire suspension. I'm replacing my springs with OEM spec springs. I'm going with KYB strut inserts. I'm going to use Energy Suspension Hyperflex kit in most areas, but not all. I'm installing a Suspension Techniques swaybar kit. I purchased shocks and swaybars from shox.com. Very difficult to beat their price. Hyperflex kit I bought from local friend. I'm moving my differential to the '72 and later position (straightens out axles). My objective is a good road car. Stiffer springs will make ride stiffer, common sense. The Z did not come with a very impressive front sway bar and tends to sway too much, common sense. Tight ride is good, bone jarring ride is bad. Track cars are not road cars. Tracks are smooth and flat, roads are rough and have potholes, use common sense. Some (well many) like to drive track cars on roads. Why? More money than sense is all I can imagine (my opinion). Why do we have suspension, well to smooth out ride on normal roads. Theoretically, if roads were laser perfect, what kind of suspension would you really need? Lots of jarring and vibration is not good for you car, especially an old one. You're 17, so maybe your body can withstand lots of bone jarring right now, but your Z is 30+ years old....be nice to it. Did BRE drive his cars down country roads or race tracks? Another thing, only a hand full of people that you meet around here even know what a BRAND NEW STOCK 240Z rides like, the rest (incl. me) know what an OLD WORN OUT 240Z rides like. So the springs are old, shocks have been replaced, but are worn out again, OEM bushings are old, worn, dried out and sloppy. So don't underestimate what brand new stock was like. Good suspensions are engineered, not thrown together in the backyard by gosh and by golly. The suspension is a system, you must think it through, don't buy a bunch of brand names for the stickers that come in the box. Don't let people fill your head with OMG sounding racing parts, unless you're going to race...and I mean really race. If you are 90% road and 10% parking lot racing, I'd would recommend caution on installing the gee golly stiff components.
  23. Carl, what I meant was that you can tell how close they are to RIDING like the originals. Very few of us have any idea what a new 240Z rides like. I'm thinking of buying a set of the Euro springs when they come out, just to have a set......just in case.
  24. Carl, I received my set of springs today. They look good and have the paint dabs. I'm very happy because I'm only a couple of minor parts away from my suspension overhaul. I will probably get started in a couple of weeks. New springs, KYB GR-2 strut cartridges, Energy Suspension bushings, Suspension Techniques front/rear sway bar kit and KYB bump stops. I plan to clean and paint the reusable parts. It'll be a lot of work waaayyy overdue. I expect to experience a night and day difference in ride. Just noticed I'm repeating myself. :nervous: I would like everyone who gets the OEM spec springs from Courtesy to give feedback after you get to ride on them. Carl, you could probably tell us how close they are to stock.
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