Daddz, my original comments (maybe poorly stated) were to say that I thought John Morton's specific statements in the Forward could have been worded differently, better or included the context in which he meant them. To take a production Z out on the track for C Production racing, maybe it was a POS. To drive out of the dealer lot and onto a highway it is not. POS is my words not his. My question is, did he really expect this? This was a $3500 dollar car, so maybe you had to put another $3500 into it to make it a professional race car. At the time it was probably the best sports car in the world for $3500, don't you agree? Do you think the great love for this car stems from ordinary people looking at the car and seeing C Production professional race car right out of the showroom? Of course not. Someone suggested he may have been commenting from a professional racer viewpoint. Well wonderful, but do you think that Bob Sharp and Pete Brock are the only people that will have this book on their shelves? They know more than this book. John Morton was talking to us (you and me), and my "criticism" was aimed there, in that context. Do I think John Morton is stupid or bad or anything, of course not, and I'm certainly not in a position to make such a judgement anyway. In fact, it is because of who he is that I was disappointed with the writing. If most anyone on this board had written it, I would have thought "pffft". Okay, so I made a booboo and got flamed for questioning The Morton. Sorry, but I think my point is quite plain now.