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Everything posted by bpilati

  1. Son, you have no clue. No PC's, no Internet, no Wireless, no CD's, no computerized cars, no PS2, xbox, gamecube, not even Pong ....try living without that for a year or so....then come to me and we'll talk. The technology jump from 1970 to the present is like from the Civil War to the end of WWII. Radio Shack actually sold radios. Toys were mechanical and electrical, not electronic. 240Z's were full price at 1970's wages! Minimum wage was $1.50-$2.00/hr. You didn't put a $600 chip in your car and add 200 HP. That's right it wasn't bad, but it was more difficult and more primitive.
  2. Yes, of course I have the book. Maybe I took it all wrong, but to compare it to American car handling is outrageous. I'm not a racer, but I know how American cars of that era handled, they are not Z's. Now I wish I had never started this thread!!! Maybe everyone could just leave it, or maybe I can get Mike to lock it. I dared to question the Morton, so I'm raked over the coals. Sorrrrrryy! :tapemouth If you want to race $6K Porsche 911's you don't go buy a $3500 240Z. Nuff said.
  3. Thank you, we all have our days. Well maybe you don't, I don't know.
  4. Every post I've seen from you, you're coming in trying to bust someone's arse. What for? He could have stated the truth in a more accurate way, like a professional. Did you ever see him in the Datsun commercial? For a guys that wants the kind of work he does, you wouldn't think he would immortalize himself in a book that way.
  5. What are you, his agent? You certainly have a right to your opinion, don't you? Wasn't Datsun good to him in return, yeah I thought so. You're one of the coarsest people I've seen here, you got a hair stuck somewhere?
  6. There are always exceptions, but most kids THESE days (ever heard that before?) don't know how to appreciate good things given to them. Why I had to ride a school bus through the snow to school everyday, both ways up hill.
  7. bpilati


    DatsunZGuy, where's you get that avatar?
  8. zman, it's the Forward of a historical book. It's permanent, it can't be changed. How the hell could anyone write something so damn sloppy, unless they really meant it. I would never have written it like that, at least out of politeness. For crying out loud, Z owners are the audience and buyers of this book. No of course it isn't or wasn't the best performing car he ever drove, but to put that stuff in a book that Z car lovers are going to buy is low. I'm thinking some other words, but out of respect for his stature I'll refrain.
  9. I'd adjust the title to 280Z green ignition wire to get more hits.
  10. Of course no one would be offended when the Z god speaks. He didn't say, American sports car or a poor handling sports car, he said American car. A Cadillac Fleetwood is an American car. Forget it, I'm the idiot here, what do I know. For $3500 I guess it should have come in like a Ferrari, but it came in like a wallowing hog as I've heard on this very board. I guess the 510 he raced was like driving an F100.
  11. My dad has had two-part epoxy industrial floor sealer on his garage for years. No problems.
  12. Thanks for the support there Lance. It's really great to have the Forward of a book dedicated to the Z say it was basically a piece of $^!#, and handled like an American car. I'm so inspired.
  13. Anyone else get this book. I just got my copy today. John Morton wrote the initial Forward. John Morton is a racing hero in the Z world and others. I've never met John Morton. Here is a single paragraph of what he wrote... There was a lot more and it didn't all sound like this, but I am upset at these words. I'm still stunned by those words. :hurt:
  14. This is great guys, but how about some photos??? We gotta have'em.
  15. Here's my first entry into the contest with this wonderful product from MSA. See if you can beat this and other entries. Every Z should have a CHROME fan kit, don't you? If you want your Z to have that '57 Chevy aura, get this product.
  16. I'll have to check with Carl, I don't remember a production Z being in existence in 1968.
  17. A lot, I didn't get mine till I was 33, you shouldn't either. :devious: When I was 16 the oldest Z was 7 years old. You didn't just go buy one like now even $3K doesn't seem like much. Back then it was a hefty sum. In 1973 the best Cadillac you could buy was about $11K. Anyway, it's just me mashing my sour grapes at how easy it is for you kids to get a car like that. Grrrr. I drove a 1963 Oldmobile Dynamic 88 rust bucket when I was a jr/sr in high school. Kids don't seem to drive old cars like they use to, not counting your Z. I see lots of kids driving virtually new cars, even BMW's and Mercedes.
  18. 16 yo kids shouldn't own Z's damnit, that's for older drivers who've paid their dues. Teenagers should be forced to drive pieces of $^!# by law.
  19. I never thought of it that way, you have a point. BTW, it must have been interesting rolling off those ramps. :nervous:
  20. Hey, where is Bambikiller? I haven't seen him for ages. Something didn't happen to him did it?
  21. Ed, I think you can safely say most people.
  22. My rear struts are completely shot and my Z doesn't do that, and I've taken onramps at 70 mph.
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