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Everything posted by bpilati

  1. This poll is not flexible enough. The answers constrain you to a limited scope of opinion. Are we speaking strictly of 240Z's? When the car was new, many would have used aftermarket, but now that it is a classic they would tend toward OEM parts. I think the assumptions should be stated up front, the question is stated too broadly.
  2. He had 90 days to get that coupe race ready. No wonder it had flaws.
  3. These are wonderful cars and photos, but you'd think they at least vacuum the floor before taking photos. :| One had a box sitting in the cargo area. It's like sending a model down the ramp with curler in her hair.
  4. Tomohawk, don't get you panties in a bunch. Chill dude, I didn't mean the early Z's.
  5. Thanks, but I was trying to point out the general shape, front and rear features. I think I'll leave my Z like it is.
  6. Shelby GR-1 Concept media.ford.com In this car, I can see my Z.
  7. The 800 HP 240Z was obvious, it took off waaayyyy faster down the road then all the other Z's.
  8. MIATA SEATS????????? I'll kick your arse. :pirate:
  9. I didn't know you were in Portsmouth. I coulda just driven over and pick the damn thing up. Didn't even pay attention to where you were. Geez. I live in Yorktown.
  10. Mine is posing as a daily driver right now.
  11. You guys are too serious, I thought this whole thing was funny. A Z with a "rusty devining tool" welded on its bumper on a farm. Hehahaha.
  12. Rolling Rust Bucket Who wants to drive this bitch out of there???? It's even got a custom trailer hitch.
  13. A brand new Nissan fender (280Z) is $250. Don't buy aftermarket. Figure your costs from there. If you need a marker light, they are not made anymore as far as I know. Try ebay.
  14. Okay, I've registered #ClassicZcars on Dalnet. Let me know if you are going to be on some night, I'll try to be there. It will take participation to make this work. Lack of participation will allow this to fail. Plain and simple.
  15. I setup a channel on Dalnet the other night, but have gotten a bit rusty with the various commands. Not sure if the channel is still there.
  16. Chats can be logged, but that wasn't my intention. My idea is NOT, repeat NOT to replace these forums. It's more social than technical, although it can be technical. We can log the channel for any time we decide to have a formal technical discussion and send the log to Mike. If he wants to post it that's fine. I never intended this to get complex.... but so we could just chat real time and meet each other.
  17. Mike, no need to bother with that when free existing IRC networks exist. We can set up our channel on Dalnet or Efnet or another and we're in business. We control the channel, and those the don't behave go bye bye. There is plenty of control.
  18. Dans240Z, I gave links in my post so you could learn what the terms mean. Go read!
  19. IRC has been around since before the World Wide Web (WWW). It is a chat protocol to send instant messages across the Internet. Here is a link to learn about IRC. The software you use for IRC is up to you, there are several. I used mIRC for many years during the 90's as it was the most popular and is supported to this day. If you've never heard of IRC or never tried it, you'll be opened up to a whole new world you never knew existed. Most people these days use "chat" software like MSN, AIM, ICQ, or Yahoo Messenger. This is "chat" to them. You cannot use this software to access IRC networks. These are all derivatives of the original IRC, but they are more peer-to-peer rather than through servers. Some site have chatrooms that use java applets to run IRC. So, what we can do is setup a channel(s) (chatroom) on an IRC network of which there are many. Using a client-server based chat program allows you to set up permanent channels with much more control than normal chat. But I'm getting ahead, we need to discuss more fundamental things. Let's discuss this.
  20. Beandip, Nissan can kiss my white American arse.
  21. Only the real flamers have been burned, the rest we leave alone. And another thing, make me pharoah of Nissan for about three months. I'll run that Hanayama, Hawana or whatever out of Japan. Matsuo will be reinstated as Design Czar and the G35 Department will be shot. I've changed my mind though, we'll use an L24 and put three blowers on it. :devious: We may have to cut a hole in the hood and mount a parascope so the driver can see. It's late and I'm losing it. :stupid:
  22. No, I think it's time for Nissan to stop screwing around and build the Z we all wanted from the beginning. We don't need turbos and all that other BS. Get a 300ZX if you want that. We need simple, light weight, plain and a modern 240Z look. I mean a real 240Z look, not that nuance crap we had to settle for. Putting three gauges in the dash doesn't equal a 240Z, Mercedes had that too. No power window, door locks or any of that other crap that adds weight. No Z logos with three dots down the middle, except maybe the sissy model. I want my Z logo to look like the one in the upper left corner of this screen. I want to close and move the design studio out of La Jolla to somewhere like Alabama or Texas, North Carolina or Virginia, where real men live. How close to San Francisco is La Jolla? No more gay, pansy designs. It'll be called the Katayama Z, with his signature on the fender. No pansy pastel colors either.
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