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Everything posted by bpilati

  1. Yeah, they have a French guy in charge. :beard:
  2. I believe I know whom you are quoting, and the exact quote goes something like this..."It's an ugly toad". Most people would never guess who said that either. 72240z makes some good points, however, it's not the technology that inspires classic owners. It's the fact that the 240Z was on it's way to a major classic from the start. That will very likely not happen with the 350Z. It was Mr K's struggle to convince Japan that they were idiots and he was right. It was the tremendous team in Japan that was locked in a stail design dungeon until the project was approved, and they show their real skills. It was taking Goethe's car and tossing it into the dumpster of stail design history. It's the fact that the 240Z is an American sports car made in Japan, and the 350Z is a Japanese sports car made in Japan. Oh, and ditto Carl's comment.
  3. Hell no wonder I can't afford to fix my Z. Look at the houses in this neighborhood. Only rich boys can afford to restore Z's. I always wondered what the hell my problem was.
  4. Awww come on, don't you like taking apart your strut so you can turn the shaft? Who wants firm anyhow, unless it's a female's as.....anyhow, the hard as brick Tokico 200-way shocks will rip your guts out.
  5. And the 350Z has spark plugs, just like my Z; and two seats, and a steering wheel, and ...... We'll never know what the 350Z might have been had Mr Renault not waved the budget axe around at Nissan. The styling is NOT what was hoped for in the beginning, nor is this version the same as the initial concept.
  6. A 350Z is a glorified G35 Coupe, while a 240Z is a.....well it's unique isn't it? No offense.
  7. No one wants to tell me how they find these things.
  8. He's wearing that pointy foil hat.
  9. I don't know what the best is, and in many cases I don't think the best is necessary. Most probably don't use everything the best can offer. But it's a free country. Sometimes there is brand name loyalty.
  10. I forgot that this was about films and not Mr K, so I will hold my comments to the topic. BTW, some of that was meant as a joke, but I'll try to be careful when you're on the thread.
  11. I don't care, I just did that to "wizz" yall off.
  12. NO, this is totally wrong. That means that nothing could ever be allowed to break. You could never change tires, hoses, spark plugs.....COME ON!
  13. I hope he used a crowbar and mailed the broken pieces back to HQ.
  14. bpilati

    Sex or Z?

    I want my coffin to be my Z, but only after I die naturally of old age. Throw in a case before you toss in the dirt.
  15. bpilati

    Income poll...

    zguitar, how many sets of shocks do you need. They have lifetime warranties don't they?
  16. bpilati

    How Old?

    Me and zguitar have the best colored Z's.
  17. MSD sucks. Let the flames begin. :devious:
  18. Yeah, racegirl. Hehehe, yeah.....hehehe, racegirl.
  19. Just recently installed a Pertronix igniter and coil. Has not been the best experience, given the very bad technical advice I received from them.
  20. I would like a nice leather 240Z key ring that is tasteful and useful. Many are bulky, noisy and a pain to use.
  21. I was around before it started. I knew Mike on the IZCC mailing list.
  22. I don't know how to change themes anymoe.
  23. :beard: To quote a friend, it's an "ugly toad".
  24. You SUV haters are watching too much news. The worse drivers are those in the left lane that won't surrender the right-of-way.
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