Everything posted by snub260
Welcome Matt I'm just finishing my first 74 260 you can see the pics in the gallery under snub260. post some pics for us
A dreamer?
even the armrest on the door are 74 or later
- Heater Hoses
Heater Hoses
I'm trying to order new heater hoses for my 260 can anyone tell me the lengths and diameter of the hoses? I'm at work and can't get to the car.
71 0n ebay
Thanks John! I posted a new thread maybe I can find some help.
Need some help in Napa Ca.
I'm watching a listing on ebay. item#170292194653 It's listed as a 71 280. but by the Vin#HLS30-006018 I've been informed it's a 70. I'm asking if any of the members live near Napa that can take a look at her and maybe some pic's and give a informed opinion on the car.
71 0n ebay
I know about the shipping. I had my 260 shipped from long beach Ca. does anyone on the boards live near Napa that could take a look at her?
71 0n ebay
The seller sent me a message saying he just started with ebay and he dosen't know how to load the pic's I want. How did he put the first set on there. Kind of worries me about this sell!:disappoin
I need to strip the paint
I prefer replacing rusted panels with new, but it depends on budget. Aircraft stripper works great but it is a mess. it's also hard to get spots like cowl vents good. I had my 260 soda blasted,came out great. but I don't think the neibors or your wife would approve in the drive way:
71 0n ebay
thanks Mike Even better! I want to go stock with the next project. it looks like a good starting platform.
71 0n ebay
They listed it as a 280 . it looks pretty solid from the pic's. I'm looking for a 240 since my 260 is almost finished. waiting on the seller to send me pic's of the usual trouble areas. any opinions on the car ebay item#170292194653 vin#HLS30006018
- Where should i start with my car?
Finally got my Z painted...
Looks great mike! I finally got the paint on mine after 2 years. I posted some pics in my gallery.
How many 240z's left?
Mine's not a 240 but I know father time is taking a hunk out of my buget trying to save one!
silicone hoses
just the upper and lower radiator hoses for now.
silicone hoses
yes,mine will be blue. if they live up to expectation I will have several color choices.
silicone hoses
I'm having a set of pre formed silicone radiator hoses made for my 260z. I was told it will take a month to get them. if I'm happy with the fit and Quality I may become a dealer strickly for early Z's. I will post pics when I get them installed. just gauging interest
Welcome, I am in deep into a 260 restomod! have some parts if you need anything
A ScuzzyZ Model?
I love it! I like the detail making it look so dirty. the signature line is good. that pretty much describes the new hands I get at work:stupid:
eBay Item number: 160222065742 - 260Z
I'm watching it, always room for another!
- Happy Easter