Everything posted by snub260
- the project continues!!!
- the project continues!!!
She's gone
Guy's I left my 260 at restore shop in Florida yesterday. They said it will be six months to a year before I get her back, ground up. will post pic's of the rebirth hope I can make Z nationals this year.
15 x 7 Panasport/Konig Tire choices
I also have 225/50/15 Falkens on my 260 and they look killer
carbon fiber
Thanks for the input guys I'm still undecided but I do love this car I'm putting a lot of time and money into it it is one of the only ones I've seen with zero rust. not one hole in her and I had her completely stripped. I think close to original may be the way to go
carbon fiber
Guys the Z comes out the paint shop this week I'm thinking about having the dash,console,and tail light panel carbon fibered any opinions will be considered:alien:
Coil Overs
Thanks Tom I'm new and learning the info I get from members will help me greatly this is my first Z:alien:
Coil Overs
I should have read more of the post before buying
Coil Overs
I just purchased Cosmo coil overs for my 260 can I use Tokico HP with coil overs and I need opinons on coil overs verses lowering springs
- My Project
- My Project
valve cover
Where can I find a chrome or billet valve cover for my 260
New wheels and air dam
I'm putting 15x7 rewinds with a MSA Type 3 air dam on my 74 260Z what would be the best size tire to use:alien:
The newbie
hey folks ,I just bought my first Z a 1974 260 I look forward to all the help and info I can get during retorations. I will post photos and updates as soon as I receive the car from california. all advice will be appreciated:alien: