Everything posted by Z-Hag
Dodge Rams Garage, Z escapes damage
it is difficult when something tries to kill yer stuff....good thing it missed!!!!!:pirate:
All Datsun Beach BBQ and Food Drive 11/5/06
zcsd has this posted, as well--looks like a good time
2008 Z Looks more like early ?
so far, 350=bubblebutt. maybe in a few years....., however, they are still bubblebutt just like boxster, audi, chrysler, et alii--hey, MY car is still barely accepted by the true 240z purist as a sorta z car--i have 3 z31's--a 50AE, two 1986. they are heavier, larger, etc--just like all the other sporty cars did after the good thing took off--CHANGED. z32 was kinda sexy, 350 is still rounda--. bubblebutt. go figger--the artist did a nice pic, tho'
ANOTHER Rear End Noise! (Sounds like *pop*)
shock tower bushings?
wanna sell my z31 turbo ttops 1986
tried to place ad in this site--got it all together with pix, price, all anyone ever needed top know about a really good driver of a project car--after all was submitted, i was advised that i do not have "permission" to place an ad in this site despite the fact i am an alledged member of this site--what does one need to have in order to place an ad for sale of a Z31 turbo 1986??? I REFUSE to get permission from the monkey running thecountry, so anything less than that--oh, i also refuse to have sex for favors--maybe that's it??? all i know is that a perfectly good ad that took me ONLY 45 minutes to dorkily paste together was rejected for dog-only-knows WHAT reason--the car IS a classic, after all--dont that mean nothin'? AND myt grammar was perfect, and my spelling was perfect, and i didn't make too many typos--what up??? :disappoin
- Z-Hag 50 AE
Z-Hag 50AE
black car is 1986z31 turbo, ttops; white one is 1975 dodge camper, 4wd; pretty one is my 1984 50AE. also have silver slicktop 1986 z31 NA
Z-Hag 1986 turbo project car
black car is 1986z31 turbo, ttops; white one is 1975 dodge camper, 4wd; pretty one is my 1984 50AE. also have silver slicktop 1986 z31 NA
Z-Hag project car 1986 turbo ttops
black car is 1986z31 turbo, ttops; white one is 1975 dodge camper, 4wd; pretty one is my 1984 50AE. also have silver slicktop 1986 z31 NA
gues who got a z for free!?...
when is a freecar a free car?? after about 3k$ input--then it is a car. forget free--don't happen! good projects are hard to find, tho'--good work!
new to you
got wAAAAAAAYYYYYY too many tix in 1 month in that buick--i loved that tank--fast and dont drive it in the rain into a turn.........!!!!!(good save)...the Zs are a lot more fun, less scary in turns, and good looking to boot--never get a car guys won't ogle!
new to you
:pirate: i have managed to accomplish that which my friends in SCCA have always suggested--that i "get rid of" the GS 455 stage I buick i was drivingAND the opel GT--both 1970 and ran--for a Z of some sort--i think they meant 240--i took a step shorter and found BY ACCIDENT a Z31 slicktop 1986 to trade for a 26 foot sailboat--did it-- now i have also found a Z31 ttop turbo, 1986--now for sale--found it for 200$ US, put into it 4000$US to ask 2500$US--:stupid: another story, another time--THEN i found -on the internet,- a 1984 turbo 50AE fairlady--yes, i BOUGHT it--then i FIXED it--another 3000$US--and now i drive the slicktop everyday, even after some#@*******!!!!! sodomized it on coronado bridge--still runs--looks like dog#***#!--runs great. reliable,even! so, i guess i'm stuck on z31's now--would be nice to have a 240, but i do enjoy the POWER and acceleration those Z31turbos kick out and deliver! not bad for a chick? i can even drive in reverse!