Everything posted by twsutt
Car Storage in Austin, TX
John, Try contacting Capitol Z of Texas - the local Z owner's club in Austin. Perhaps someone there can help you.
What's wrong with US Senate?
...try the last few residents.
What's wrong with US Senate?
True. But we're not in Iraq because of September 11th. Our Government has never claimed that Iraq was responsible for the attacks of September 11th.
Do people notice you in your classic Z on the road?
I get comments while gassing up - "I love the lines of the older sports cars. All of the newer ones all look alike." But while driving around here (Houston) no one seems to take note. Probably because they're busy watching the other three lanes of traffic, eating fast food and talking on the phone all at the same time! And don't even get me started on (most of) the 350z drivers. I've tried waving to them and they look at me like I've just run over their Yorkshire Terrier.
I have to find these!!!
Sorry about that. I knew that the earlier Mustangs had a 4x114.3mm lug pattern and I assumed that all of the four-lug Mustangs were the same pattern. I learned something new. Time for a nap.
I have to find these!!!
Perhaps these will make Stephen happy... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mustang-II-Pinto-Western-14-turbine-wheels-tires-caps_W0QQitemZ290170594339QQihZ019QQcategoryZ140748QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Darbji, let us know how the search is going.
Pix of the white 70
Absolutely beautiful.
BRE 240Z on YouTube - bad ass
Only the Brittish can make cursing sound inoffensive.
Welcome to the board Yamazaroon. It's always good to see another Texan on here.
Anything else for my suspension?
KYB makes some strut dust boots that have a built in bump stop. SummitRacing.com carries them for a pretty decent price (click here) or you may be able to find them elsewhere cheaper. I believe that the Z's originally came with a dust boot.
1971 240Z history Question for anyone who knows
Another possibility is that someone has filled in the side pillar vent holes. If there are no vent holes in the pillar or in the rear deck lid some further investigation may be necessary. I guess the question that needs answering is where are your car's vents?
What does the Dove Tail do for the doors?
The dovetail wasn't eliminated from the '77-'78 models because it wasn't needed. The design of the whole door latching system was changed beginning with the 1977 model. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18960
Classic Z Car Club licence plate frames?
There isn't a whole lot of room above or below the plate on a classic Z. There is, however, about 1.5" - 2" on either side of the frame. I imagine that a frame could be designed to utilize that space, but now we're talking about a custom frame that might cost more than the average club member might not want to pay for. I'll admit that I'm cheap and I'm only willing to pay $30 or less. (maybe $35)
Another "good as chrome" product?
Tommo, I'm interested in seeing how the results of your experiment turn out. I have several chrome on plastic pieces that need refurbishing - Door pull handle caps and tail light finishers.
Another "good as chrome" product?
Tommo- I'm going to go out on a limb here and try my hand at answering your question - if I'm wrong I'm sure that someone will correct me... I imagine that e_racer1999 placed the quote into his signature in that way to: a) give credit to xray for the quote, and show that the quote was from within our (Classic Zcar Club) forums. There's no need for you to point out that the quote could have come from another forum (i.e. - HybridZ, et. al.). I'm pretty sure that one would assume that it came from these web pages before thinking that it was from outside. Besides, e-racer1999 seems like a pretty shrewd fellow, I image that he'd give a more detailed reference if it were needed. Warning: I've seen several others on this forum that have someone quoted in their signature - pay attention and don't get confused. I got stumped for about 2 seconds the first time I saw this done; I believe that it was by KD_Matt. But now that you've seen it done you shouldn't have any more problems understanding the next time you see it, should you? :stupid:
Ebay Madness
I love this one... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240z260z280z-Leather-covered-steering-wheel_W0QQitemZ160159931743QQihZ006QQcategoryZ33649QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Some Dipsh!t puts a $40 wheelskin on his steering wheel and expects people to pay $300 for it. The sad part of it all is that he'll probably get it.
Ebay Madness
Jackhammer, I've drooled over your car for almost a year...the only way that you'll get out of it what you've invested is by driving it yourself. I covet your car.
260Z 2 plus 2 articles
Come on guys, can you get a better (higher) resolution scan on these articles. I'd love to read them, but the small text looks more like fuzzy caterpillars than words.
Boy am I bummed out...terrible dyno results
Ha! I see that you forgot already.
Spare Tire Cover
Stephen, I know that the later years of the S30 (I believe '76 - '78) had a collapseable spare that used a canister of compressed air to inflate it to full size. Perhaps the 17" cover is for that. Or the seller is either ignorant or ripping you off. I love eBay, but it is not without its pitfalls.
Put The Old Profiles Back??
MAN!!! I love this forum!!!
Strange vacuum leak sound
TomoHawk- Have you figured out what the hissing sound is yet?
What's its purpose?
Okay, it looks like we've beat this horse to death. R.I.P.
Strange vacuum leak sound
I know that it's possible for them to crack between the folds, I just don't know if the engine pulls air in strong enough to make the mentioned hissing noise that Tomo is talking about. Besides, I'm sure that was the first thing that TomoHawk checked. Right?
What's its purpose?
From what I can tell there was a design change in Dec. 1974. This is from carfiche.com. Does anyone know what the "ICA" column means?