Everything posted by cbudvet
Body progress
The photos show up on my macbook with no problems. Are you patching up the side marker lights as well. It looked like you did up front. That will give it a nice clean look. What color are you thinking of painting it? It looks like it was red or orange originally. carl
removing asphalt paper
I used a paint scraper and a hammer. It kind of worked but then I used airplane remover which is a potent paint remover product that I got from Autozone. It would dissolve it enough to scrap up the goo left behind. Obviously don't use this with a heat gun. Best of luck. carl
Body progress
Hey Slo, Thats looking good. I got a good laugh out of the one picture with the cardboard template for the rear bumper. My initial reaction was "Why is he using cardboard to repair that?" What stainless Delorean parts are you using? Or were you just kidding? Keep up the good work and keep posting pictures. You had a lot of work to do. carl
Harbor Freight stud welder for dent pulling
You did a great job! That looks amazing. I love Harbor Freight. They always have to little gems of tools that do great jobs without breaking the bank. Also, if you get mad and throw a tool across the garage and break it, replacing it isn't that big of a deal. Good job with the car. carl
Roll pan for rear bumper elimination?
Dave, I am so glad you said they needed to be straightened later because I kept looking at the picture thinking, "Is the left one a little crooked?". I didn't want to say anything because nobody wants to finish a project and then have someone tell them there is something wrong. I think you did an excellent job. It really looks nice and will only look better when you are done. Be sure to post a picture of the final outcome. carl
removing asphalt paper
I think it was used for sound and heat insulation purposes. Kind of like the more modern dynamat material but at a more basic level. I personally think it was used to trap moisture and enhance the rusting process. carl
BRE styled car on craiglist Sacramento
I have a question. On one of the pictures, is shows a patch riveted over the cutout for the exhaust below the rear bumper. Is that to make it look more like a race car or is it a cheap fix. They made no effort to make it blend in so I guess it is deliberate. I agree that a new coat of paint, regardless of the color or scheme isn't enough to make a 5,000 car worth 10,000. carl
New paint ... Finally!!!
I just heard from the body shop guy in regard to the paint on my car. He painted the inside but said he found some areas on the outside that he wanted to work on more before he painted it. I appreciate him taking his time and doing it right but after a year, it is hard to tell if its just an excuse or not. I am VERY jealous of your car mlaw7. I love looking at pictures of cars getting restored. carl
Race win in car camera footage, Blackhawk Farms
Thats so cool! I love watching those clips. It looks like a lot of fun. Nice save at 1:50 minutes. It looked pretty wet out there. Keep posting clips like that. carl
- New paint ... Finally!!!
How bad is it...
Based on the picture, it may not be too bad. There are many here that know more than me but I would try to clean up the entire area to see how extensive the rust issue is. You probably should do it to both sides. There are replacement floor pans available and it can be a relatively straight forward fix. It also comes back to the fact that anything can be fixed given the right amount of money. Good luck. carl
- Brake and Fuel line insulator construction
New Member kjphilippona
Sorry about the loss of your father but what a legacy to leave. It looks wonderful. Welcome to the club. Its a great resource to have should you have problems. What shape is the interior in? The exterior looks great. Good luck. carl
Odd day
That kid is destined for greatness. Sometimes I still feel that way about my car. Holy crap! I own that!!!! Great story. carl
Need advise
Wow, now that dedication. Tasting the oil! I am sorry I can't help with the problem but take it easy on chugging the oil. I am sure you know but antifreeze is pretty toxic stuff. Coming from a veterinary background, it doesn't take much to kill a dog or cat. I am sure that the amount that would be in the oil is pretty insignificant but dont get any ideas! We don't want to lose any members. Good luck. By the way, what did it taste like? carl
Who actually did S30's styling? We can make it clear
Thats great information. I will always look on my car and others like it as a thing of beauty. Everyone always says they are a knock off of the e-type etc. but the lines and shape are unique. To think about someone coming up with the idea and taking it from that idea to production is amazing. Mr.Tamura is definitely someone that gets my praise and awe for what he did. Thanks. carl
Tamiya 1/12th scale Z
That is nothing short of amazing! The is one of the most detailed models I have seen. All of the little control arms and brake parts. It is essential a real car shrunk down to miniature size! Good luck. carl
Previous owner saga
Pomorza, Hang in there. Almost everyone has issues with the car. Don't get stressed now. There is plenty of time for that later. When in doubt, post pictures. It really helps sometimes to see the problem. This is a great forum to get help when things come up. Don't just take pictures of the problems, we like to see pictures of the entire car as well. Good luck with the car. carl
Carbon Fiber Bumpers
The only thing I remember is a while ago someone had purchased a set and found a problem with separation or gaps between the weave. The concensus was that this represented a manufacturing error and the person should send them back to MSA. I don't know anymore about the followup. I purchased a set of the fiberglass bumpers to have painted with the car and liked them. MSA is a good group so if you use them and have any problems, they would take them back without too many worries. carl
Non chrome bumpers
On my 240z, the chrome bumpers were bent and rusty. I don't have the money to purchase new or good quality replacements so I opted for the fiberglass instead. I hope this is a short term problem. I am going to look into straightening and rechroming at some point in the future. carl
70 240Z For Sale on Ebay??
I haven't seen the ad but is there anyone in the area that could go look at it and see? I sure does sound pretty shady. Hmmmm. carl
DIY camera mount
Wow, $2.60. Thats pretty steep! Is that a socket head? I don't think that will work as well as a camera. Thats a nice, straight forward looking setup. Its hard to tell from the picture but will the camera pivot at the suction cup and hit the windshield? Good luck with it and be sure to post some videos. carl
Does an accurate wiring diagram exist for early 1970 240Z?
I bought one off ebay a few years ago that was laminated and in color too! I can't say how accurate it is because I haven't had time to start on the wiring project. Hopefully this fall. It is labelled for the 69-70 years. They sell another one for the later years. carl
Hey from Indiana
Welcome to the site. Where is Indiana are you? What kind of engine is that? It looks pretty sweet! Keep posting pictures and updates as you progress. carl
Complete Restoration in Indy.... this is going to be a long one
Great pictures. I have a bunch of spare panels and such if you need stuff. Rocker panels, head light scoops, etc. How much did it cost to have the engine work done? I need to get mine worked on before I put it back in the car (eventually). carl