Everything posted by cbudvet
VIN question
Hi there, From what I know, this is what it means H -refers to L24 engine L - left hand drive S30 - refers to the car model 16295 is the serial number (roughly where the car is in terms of the production number) the 240z went up to 172732 This info came from a Black Dragon catalog that has a bit of information at the front. carl
Possibility for new 240Z Stebro stainless exhaust?
I would REALLY be interested in a twin tip muffler to go along with the MSA pipes/header. I would echo the love of the vertical tips not the horizontal. As to what price I would pay? I haven't priced mufflers so I don't know what would be reasonable. If there was an order being placed I would be willing to go along with it and pay whatever people think. carl
My 72 - 240Z
There it goes!!!
Headliner installation questions
Travel'n Man, did you use adhesive on the dynamat or just apply it to the roof as you would anywhere else? I assume you then applied the headliner to the dynamat with a spray adhesive. Does that make sense? carl
10 vehicle + 1 240Z freeway pileup
Glad you and your car were both ok. Did they get the guy that cut everyone off and caused the whole thing? I echo everyones statements that these things happen every day and we are all lucky to be here when there are a lot of good people that aren't. carl
filler primer or self etching primer
I finally heard back from the body shop. This was his reply: "The only filler primer that adheres well to bare metal is polyester primer. other primers have a tendency to peel when sanded if sprayed only over large bare metal surfaces. hope this helps." I don't know what polyester primer is but that what he says. Hope this helps. carl
Need your thought on this car!
I would still go and check the car out. Maybe you can talk the owner down on the price. Heck, tell them that you have been told that you can find a better car elsewhere. Ultimately, it is your decision whether you want to buy the car. If you have the money and realize that this could take a lot more money and time but still want to buy it, then get it. Someone is going to buy this car. Maybe you, maybe not. There are better deals and better cars out there but you may take one look, fall in love and decide its the one for you. Point out the rusted frame rail, the tail gate hatch, etc. and try to get the best deal you can. Good luck with your decision. Its a tough one. carl
Need your thought on this car!
Is the car safe to drive in its current condition? It does help if you can enjoy the car and fix it as you go. There is always more work to do than you realize. There is a great place in the Chicago area that specializes in z cars (Ultimate Z). They do good work but are expensive though. Like Carl Beck said, a lot depends on how much money you want to spend on the car. The up front cost is often only the beginning. The car I am restoring was only 500 when I bought it but will have spent well over 10-15 grand on the restoration. It seemed like a bargain at the time. As my body shop guy told me, there isnt any car that cant be restored, it just depends on how much money you spend. Good luck with your decision. I would love to see any pictures of the whole car! carl
Progress Pictures
I have posted some pictures previously but wanted to start a thread to keep everyone up to date. I know there are others going through the same thing so maybe we can all compare pictures. I will repost the first paint pictures and I just got some of the under body with the undercoating applied. I will post pictures when ever I get them. Carl
filler primer or self etching primer
Hi there, I can't give you much advice but the body shop that is painting my car used the self etching primer. I had the car dipped so the entire shell was bare metal. I will try to contact him and ask. carl
There is a god!
The shop I am using is in Lexington Kentucky. I couldn't find a shop locally that was interested or within my budget. Of course recently I have had all kinds of people tell me about friends who do body work. Anyway, my brother lives in Lexington and has had some work done his car and really liked the outcome. Sooooo, I trailered the car to Kentucky, had the body dipped to remove the paint and then trailered to the body shop. Its a small place called SRC Collision Repair. As with a lot of body shops, he does this on the side. He was working on a 69 camaro earlier and it came out beautiful. If and when I get more pictures I will post them. Someday, when I get the car back, feel free to take a look in person. Carl
There is a god!
The body shop guy finally sent me some pictures of the car with some paint on it!!!!! Its only a beginning but the car has been in the shop since last fall. I am so excited and can hardly wait to get the car completely painted. Its only the first step as I will then have to bring the rolling shell home and start re-assembly. Two of the pictures are the primered body and the third is the engine bay with the blue paint. Its a bit lighter than I had planned but I still love it. Carl
finding stuff in the car!
I found a bunch of dead mice! They were like little mummies. They had filled most of the compartments with chewed up seat cushions. Unfortunately, I did not find any money, vintage stuff or x rated pictures Carl
size of wire
My car is in the shop with all my books so I can't look this up. I want to look into rebuilding the wiring harness for my 240z and dont know what gauge wire to purchase. While I am at it, does anyone have good source for wire? I have seen previous threads about connectors so hopefully I can find everything from those. Thanks. Carl
Heading to the paint shop
Good luck! I am using a guy in Lexington that was recommended to me by my brother. Apparently he does good work. I have yet to see it because he hasn't done much in the last 6 months. One day I hope to have it back. I am going with a dark blue with the butterscotch interior. My brother is checking on the car today so maybe there will be some progress. Where are you taking yours? I couldnt find a reasonably priced place locally to do the body work and paint.
hood prop rod clip
Does anyone know were I could get the metal clip that holds the hood prop rod in place. Its the piece that the rod clips into to hold it in place when folded flat. My car is in the body shop and I need to find one or a good replacement. I dont know if anyone has a parts car or know of any lying around. On a side note, my car has been in the shop since last september and its killing me to read about everyone getting their cars driving this spring! Carl
Nice RC model
They are nice looking but pretty expensive. I have seen these on ebay for about 200 dollars. Thats without the motor, receiver, servos, etc. You have to be pretty serious to drop that kind of money. I've also seen a BRE model by a different maker that looks pretty sweet as well.
Front bumper and turn signals in!
Wow, that looks really nice. The picture is a little dark but those look like a smaller bumper. I think that makes them look so much nicer. I never liked the larger safety bumpers. You do good work. Congratulations.
I Figured that I should introduce myself now that I have registered and all.
Welcome to the club! You have to post some pictures. Rust is a big problem with these cars. A lot of rust can be dealt with but it depends on how much money you can spend. This is a great source of information and advice. Best of luck.
How to USE & CHOOSE Spring Compressor
Just a quick reply. Mine didn't have any safety pins. It was also very hard to get the hooked ends between the coils. I would never want to imply I was using them correctly. Clearly my experience proves this.
How to USE & CHOOSE Spring Compressor
I just wanted to give you a word of warning. I purchased a set of spring compressors from Harbor Freight and had some issues. When I was tightening the screws, they kept wanting to twist and slip. Naturally I was impatient and decided to keep going. All of a sudden the compressor slipped off the coil and it went flying through the air and into the ceiling of my garage. Be careful! They are under a tremendous amount of tension and can easily hurt someone (like myself) who isn't paying attention. Good luck!
Got a bet here
Hi there, I agree with Z Train. 30 pounds in 3 months is a fair amount of weight to lose. I would join a gym and get a trainer. Having worked with a trainer before there are several advantages. First, they know what they are doing. There are a lot of misconceptions about working out and being able to get the most out of it. After the trainer, I see a lot of people working out and they are just spinning their wheels (not on a bike). With a history of heart disease you don't want to get into trouble. The other benefit is that you are now financially obligated to work out (unless you don't mind losing the money you spent for the trainer). For me, that was the biggest incentive to keep going to the gym. Good luck with the bet. We will be rooting for you but take it easy so you don't end up with heart issues again. "You can do it!!!" Carl
I didn't think silver was an original color on the early models. I could be wrong though. I agree with everyone. Selling this car on craigs list is kind of like selling your fine jewelry at a garage sale. Do you think the add is for real??? Carl
I need an enclosed carhauler 18 to 20 feet
Carl, I just saw one for sale on ebay. Its in Georgia so it might be within driving distance and I think it was $3750. The auction number was 230322119182. I don't know if this helps or not. Good luck.
1980 ZX 10th Anniversary Edition with 49 miles on eBay - $35,000
I know this sounds insignificant but did anyone else notice there was no cigarette lighter? They are like socks and seem to disappear into the twilight zone. For that amount of money and being "new" you would think it would be there. carl