Everything posted by cbudvet
Rebuilding 240Z heater/vent system PICS
Awsome pictures. I need to do the same so this really helps. Thanks. Where did you get the Honda blower motor? I think I have seen some for sale on ebay? Carl
Almost New @ 33!
Welcome! This is a great source of information from people around the world. If you need to know what it is or where it goes, someone will be able to help out. Good luck with your work. carl
There are some Konig Rewinds on ebay that look really close and are only about 500 dollars. They were there when I did my usual parts search for datsun 240z. You might take a look. Carl
I think you can get Panasports or Rewinds in the gunmetal color. They have a similar appearance. I don't know about the polished trim though. Carl
Going to Pick up my new shell Friday
I am doing the same thing. I have an old, early, series 1 240z with terminal rust. I was able to buy another rust free Arizona car and plan on using both to try and get one good car. Good luck with everything. I vote for silver. Carl
so, i started to roller paint...
Very nice! I am impressed with the results. I guess I am only used to using paint rollers with the large nap on them for painting walls. Are you going to paint the entire car this way? Good Luck. carl
Making webpage for resto/paint issues
Thats a great site. It will really help me a lot if I try to tackle any of these on my own car. I am still trying to decide how much I want to try and tackle myself. Thanks. Carl
240z radio face plate painting
Does anyone have anyexperience trying to restore the heater/radio/center console piece on a 240z. I have one with good chrome edges but the black paint is worn. My thought is to repaint the black but how can I protect the lettering for the heater controls? My brother suggested using rubber cement to cover the letters and it can then be easily removed but my concern is the cement would remove the letters. Any suggestions. I am trying to find an alternative to spending 200 dollars for a new one. Thanks! Carl
Rust-free Floors in a Z??????
Along the same line. I have a 71 240z that is my "donor" car. It was an Arizona car so no major rust (I hope). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to remove those tar like insulating pads? I have been able to chip some off with a chisel and tried goo b gone and bug and tar remover to little success. Thanks. Carl
What is the worst part of this club
As a recent member to the forum I have found very little that I didn't like. The amount of experience and knowledge that can be found here is amazing. It has finally kickstarted me into working on my 240z and hopefully by spring will be driving it. I am sure I will be asking many more questions when I start to put the car back together. I agree, it is too bad people live so far apart (not only within the US but Australia, Japan, Poland, etc.). Carl
Just venting
Hey there, Sorry to here about your pain. I have to ask, who did you use for the body/paint. I live in Indy (Fishers, actually) and my fall/winter project is to get the body of my 70 fixed up and painted. Someone recommended a guy in Avon, who had done some good work but I was warned he was kinda slow. I would love to hear about the quality and cost of your work! Post some pictures when you get it back. Thanks. Carl
History International Nissan Z Car
The history channel sells a DVD-R version of the program for 24.95. I may just have to get it!
Looks Like an Early Z to me - on eBay - your Opinion?
It is always amazing to me how the 240z seem to be pieced together with whatever was on the line that day. I have a 70 and a 71 parts car and they have a lot in common but yet they are a very different. The 71 has a series one console, dash and steering wheel but has the pillar vents. It also has one steel headlight bucket and one fiberglass. They appear original. Go figure.
Rocker Panel Question
I have a L and R Tabco rocker panel in my garage. They do extend along the top to the vertical fold to meet with the inside rocker panel. I can send you some pictures if you would like. Just let me know. cbudelsky@sbcglobal.net
butterscotch interior panels
Has anyone out there restored a butterscotch interior 240z? Do they make new plastic panels in this color or will I need to purchase the black ones and have them painted? Thanks.
dashboard and console
Don't mean to beat a dead horse but I wanted to bring up the dashboard restoration again. The USA dashboard restorations quoted me $575 to do the dash and if I do it at the same time $195 to do the console ($250 if I don't). I have read the previous threads/debates on the USA vs Australia groups and now have some reservations about the USA group. I get the impression the quality is up to par. Any thoughts? As to the console, I purchased a replacement from MSA a couple of years ago and sent it back because of the quality (flimsy, some other blemishes). Thanks again.
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
Mine is 70 240z HLS30-00333, green with butterscotch intererior
Inspection door clips
On my early 240z there were small plastic clips that help the inspection door lids closed. On the later 240z they were switched to metal. My plastic ones have cracked and are broken off. Does anyone know where to get new ones or am I forced to use a later door with metal clips? Thanks.
Dashboard restorations
How much did it cost? I wonder if it is worth it to send the dash to Australia based on what I have heard about the Washington company?
Dashboard restorations
Has anyone used Dashboard Restorations to repair/restore their dash? They are in Washington and I am planning on sending my dash to them this fall. They also can do the center console. What do people think of the dash covers that you can purchase and glue over the top?
Restoring #248, need full quarter panel...
My email address is cbudelsky@sbcglobal.net drop me a line and I can send you some pictures and we can discuss it further. Thanks. Carl
Restoring #248, need full quarter panel...
I might have one. Its an aftermarket from just above the fuel door (along the curve, angle). I may not need it anymore. I will let you know.
Low VIN # on eBay
How do you post pictures? Mine doesn't have any floors, the front frame rails are eaten through in several spots, the radiator support is ruined, both rear quarter panels and wheel wells are gone, the rocker panels are gone (both inside and outside), and the doors. Fortunately the roof is ok. I have a 71 to use as a parts car. Yours does look pretty rusty! Congrats on the REALLY low vin #.
Low VIN # on eBay
I have #333 and it was also green with the butterscotch interior. I seems like is was a popular color at the time. I have plans to change mine though. It is certainly in better shape than mine. Mines completely rusted out.
new guy with a plan
Sorry, the web site is zcarsource.com