Everything posted by cbudvet
Naming the g-nose
Our early attempts at a tractor beam went through several preparations. Preparations A through G were a complete failure. But now, ladies and gentlemen, we finally have a working tractor beam, which we shall call... Preparation H. On the whole, Preparation H feels good. carl
What is youir favorite driving music-if you don't see it, post it!
I'm partial to AC/DC. Just about any of their songs cranked up. carl
New shoes
Lookin good! carl
BRE Tribute Car on EBay
I know its nit picky but its got a dash cap, non original steering wheel and replacement seats. It does look nice though. I will be interested in seeing how much they get for it. carl
No affiliation - ebay listing for probable Black Pearl
I was thinking more along the lines of an abandoned vehicle and being able to make a claim on it. I would imagine you would have to prove that it is truly abandoned and that the previous owner no longer wants it. Maybe contacting the last known holder of the title. carl
WHO makes the best header
MSA sells a 6 to 1 header that is thermal coated for $319. I know it gets mixed reviews but the price is right. carl
No affiliation - ebay listing for probable Black Pearl
Can he get a salvage title for it? I wonder if there is a legal precedent that covers items found at a demolition site. I don't know but maybe its covered under the law "finders keepers" carl
1970 240z vin-4587
Hey Signal34, Where is Indiana are you? I have a set of floor boards and rails I can let you have cheap! If you are close enough, shipping wouldn't even be a problem. Let me know. Carl
New user, owner of a '78 280z
Welcome to the site! You have to post some pictures when you get a chance. We all want to see your new car. There has been a lot discussed about the black pearl edition. At the top of the page is a search function. When you get a chance, search for black pearl and you should find a bunch of information about them. Best of luck with the car. This site can be a valuable source of information. carl
Drug this home today
This is the thing I love most about this website. Arnie finds an uncommon car (especially a RHD) and there is always someone that can fill in all the information. It is amazing the resources out there and the knowledge of these cars that people have. No offense to the museum but there is more accurate information in the brains of people here than anything they say or print. Kudos to everyone. Good luck Arnie with the car. Hopefully someone can use the parts. carl
Drug this home today
Alan, I don't know if you saw this but it appears that car does have electric windows! After your information about the improved options, I looked closer at the interior picture. There appears to be 2 small switches on the door panel that look like electric windows. Do you think these are the original ones? Thats a cool find in Texas. carl
New Member And Car!....
Hey Polecat, You may need to replace the windshield too! You have the best airflow in your car! I agree with Vitamin Z. If you can get the car running reliably, you can enjoy it as you rebuild it. It would make it worth while. carl
New Member And Car!....
Welcome Polecat! Good to see pictures of the car. Congratulations. Its a good idea to change the hoses after sitting for so long. You ask if the non braided hoses are ok. Sure! The only reason to use the reproduction braided hoses is if you are going for a true restoration to factory specs or if you just really want/like the look. The main goal for you and the car is do what you want to so you get the car YOU want to have. This can range from a concourse "trailer queen" car to a daily driver with a small block chevy. Everyone has different feelings and ideas. The chrome addition to the front bumper is called an over-rider bar. I am pretty sure these were dealer add ons. If you like the look keep it. If not, take it off. You will find restored cars that have them and some that don't. Again, its an owner preference. In terms of the rear hatch, it may be a replacement but that doesn't matter at all. It would seem likely based on its being painted black. It doesn't detract from the cars value because many have replacements and once its painted no one will know. Good luck and keep us posted! Carl
Custom Vent Ducts for Vintage Air A/C Install
Julio, I can sympathize with you about the use of the machine. My brother is an engineer at a large company and has access to all of these machines but can do little for me. I know I am being greedy but man, he could do a lot with some of the stuff. Anyway.... I was thinking of the ABS plastic as being the brittle stuff. Good luck with the polycard material. The pictures look perfect. carl
Custom Vent Ducts for Vintage Air A/C Install
Not to sound like a wet blanket but how durable are the parts. I didn't think the polycarbonate was very durable. On the other had, those parts are being stressed much at all. Maybe they will hold up well. carl
dash cap identification
I think given the alternative of a cracked, split, faded dashboard, they can look really nice. carl
dash cap identification
Also, when you open the doors and can look at the side of the dashboard, you can see the edge of the cap. None of the caps cover the sides. They stop after about an inch or so. Steve is right, if it looks to be in good shape, the odds are its a cap. carl
what spray can primer is recomendable?
I always use a self etching primer. Rustoleum makes one that I like. carl
fuzzy window strip
Sorry, I just did a search and found some suggestions. Should have done that first. carl
fuzzy window strip
I am redoing my door panels and don't know how to attach the fuzzy window strip to the edge of the door panel. The original fuzzy strip was attached using several large staples. I have not been able to find any kind of stapler that I thought would work for this. My only other thought would be a heavy duty epoxy to hold it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks. carl
More ebay madness
More ebay madness
I was surfing the bay and came across this listing. Really? I don't know what people are thinking. I guess they are trying to cash in on a popular car but lets be reasonable. Oh well. Good luck to them. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1970-Datsun-240Z-Parts-Car-3490-/400135191707?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Salvage_Parts_Cars&hash=item5d29ea7c9b#ht_1691wt_735 carl
Hey Marty, Welcome to the site. Its a great place. Lots of information and advice is only a mouse click away. The search function at the top is great as well. Post pictures as soon as you can. carl
Car for sale
It also has a sunroof. For me at least that is a big turnoff. carl
zzzap decals
I know this may sound stupid, but do you think people will start trying to pass other cars off as zzap cars trying to get more money? Maybe I am not as trusting of people as I should be. carl