Everything posted by whew41
Cooling system information
Roger, I have a simliar issue on my 83 280ZX. No matter when I set the air control on all I get is air through the floor outlets only. Last Night I took the air control assembly to see if anything had come loose, but I did not see anything. So now I have to located the vaccum device that controls the dampers for the air flow. If I come up with a solution I will post it on here for you. UNLESS someone else on here as any good ideas for both of us
Interior rear Panel
I would make one myself but wood work is one of my weak points :stupid:
Interior rear Panel
I did look at your gallery and did not see what you were referring to....
Interior rear Panel
Good afternoon, I am looking to repair my very wored out back panel in my 83 280 ZX. I am looking at http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/SP. I would like to know if anyone has used these and your thoughts. Thank you in advance
Water pump screeching?
From my experience with other cars sometimes the bearing in the pump will show wear my screeching and then stop but given time the screeching will get longer and longer. Just my two cents if it helps
Voice command box
Ok I have found the unit now all I need to do is figure out why she is not working. So I will have my wiring cap on this weekend...
Other cars you own, or drive?
My other cars are a 1998 Ford Explorer and a 2002 Chrylser Town and Country. Of course my best is my 83 280ZX
Voice command box
Good morning to all. As I go deeper into the Z world I have seen topics that there is a voice box within the car to remind you about open doors and such. I have looked at all of my documentation and can not find any on this as to where it is. At present mine is not working. If some one could time me where it is located that would be helpful. My ride is a 1983 280ZX.
Greetings to all!
Try this web site http://www.blackdragonauto.com/
Electrical Issue
Well the issue has been resolved and I thank you all some much for you ideas. The problem was the one back light had a 1156 bulb in and it should have been a 1157. Since the 1156 is a single element bulb and the 1157 is a dual element. Since the 1157 serves as your stop light and your running light.......A speacil thanks to moneyman for pointing this out to me. Jim
Electrical Issue
Last night I did look up under the radio area. The only additional item was a alarm system that was put in by previous owner. This problem that is occurring just started last week. So tonight I will follow the leads from the brake pedal and see where it takes me......and yes we are in three different regions but we are all in North Carolina
Rear side light markers
This may sound like a silly question but I need to know where I can get a rear side marker lens cover for my 83 280zx? Thank you so much Jim
Posted this in zcar.com...
Sorry to hear about your road rage. I thought that stuff only happened up north or maybe he was a transplant. I am glad you and your family are ok. Jim Fayetteville, NC
Electrical Issue
Good afternoon to all. I need your help. When I press on my brake pedal my brake lights come on so does all of my dash lights. Then of course I get a brake warning light. Where should I begin to look or what should I do to resolve this problem.My car is a 1983 280ZX....:ogre: Thanks Jim Fayetteville, NC
Hello from Illinois
Welcome fellow 280zx Owner. Jim North Carolina
I am Glad you joined the group I hope you enjoy. Jim
WHich would you rather have(and post why)?
MUST have a 5 speed
OK Poll For all What Type Z do you have !
I know this was ask before but there was no poll. SO here is a poll.:stupid:
Hi All
I have to agree it looks like you have much to do , but it you enjoy then that is ok..... Jim
Hi All
I have to agree it loosk like you have much to do , but it you enjoy then that is ok..... Jim
- interior side view
- engine
- interior
- side view
Z newb here, but long time Nissan/Datsun Enthusiast
Welcome to the Z club. I too and a newbie except I am 49. Either way we are new. So welcome.....JimROFL