Bruce, I was having a hard time with $30 dollar entry fee. I could see $150 if you had people on a waiting list for years and limited the entries to only 5000 (Hot August Nights), it'll never be that big. I came in late sunday as a vender last year, and was desended upon by fulchures be for I could get unloaded. I didn't get my act together this year because I couldn't deside what to bring. I have losts of motors and trans and heads L-6 and L-4's, but I didn't know if they would bring a decent price. I would like some suggestions on what to bring. so I can plan early. I printed off a copy of the entree sheet but gave it to someone thinking I could print off another one. I was too late. I had 57 anglia in high school I hated that car I've been scared for life