Bushings (Which are best?)
I got my complete set from Black Dragon Auto for my my 1974 260Z. Just remember to use plenty of grease. You can order online at www.BlackDrangonAuto.com.
Where does your Z sleep at night?
Since I have a 4 car garage, my 74 260z always has a stall. Sharing a stall is a newly acquired 1957 Ford retractable hardtop. My 2003 Ford Sportstrac and my wife's 2004 Nissan Exterra occupy the other 2 stalls.
260 Z Idles to fast
Well, figured out you can't hook everything that the flat tops had. Unhooked vacuum throttle control linkage, and now it works. Sure drove us crazy for awhile. Z-therapy carbs are sure nice. I enjoy all the info that one can get from this site.
260 Z Idles to fast
I installed new Z therapy carbs. now when started, it now idles at 3500-4500 rpm When idle screws are turned in either direction it doesn't vary rpm's. Any suggestions?
How Many 260Z's built in 1973?
Carl, Mine is RLS30-011578, made in 11/73 Gary
260z Washer pump
I had a bad pump and found a generic one at Napa, had to modify holder and wiring. Later, I read in a thread that a pump from a Western Star truck, part # 62912-3401 would work.
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
260Z RLS30-011578 with a build date of 11/73 43000 miles on it
Thanks for the info, will try that tonight,
Did that last night when son-in-law (mechanic in the family) was over. We removed air breather could feel the choke moving. The only way he got the engine to stall was to cover the nozzles in front of choke.
I have a 74 260z, I put all the basics on for a tune-up. Had a mechanic adjust the carbs. He suggusted running carb cleaner thru gas tank. Runs alot better. Hard to start when cold, acts like its flooded. Have to hold gas pedal to floor for it too start. Been reading threads on carbs. Checked to see if choke was working. Seems ok, but when car running and putting on choke, it doesn't change the engine at all. Any help? 74-260z RLS30-011578
What Carbs
Just looking at the picture, everything looks original. I have a '74' 260
New Z owner
Just found this website. Recently got my father-in-laws 1974 260z that he bought new. It has 43000 miles on it but hadn't been driven in the last 4-5 years. I plan to use website to get it in tip top shape.