door panels
That looks great!! I hope you don't mind if I copy your method. Request: Please post a pic of the plywood form. Question: Is the Second Skin rolled on?
I have to sell her
Perspective changes with time and experience. Today's spontaneous decision may be tomorrows deepest regret. Just take your time. The car isn't going anywhere on its own.
I have to sell her
I'm very sorry about your friend. Let me just say that I think you should wait AT LEAST 6 months before you even consider selling the car. Time will heal the worst of your pain and you will begin to remember the GOOD times more than the sad ones. Allow this time of healing and you just may find that this car is the very best memorial you can give to your friend... by KEEPING it. And you might very well end up with a big smile on your face every time you work on it or drive it. I'm sure your friend would feel the same way.
Need some swap ideas
I agree that www.hybridz.org is the place to go for engine swap ideas. Chances are... whatever you're considering has already been done by someone there. They can share the pros/cons of each swap as well as all the how-to's. Just be ready to sort through a gazillion differing opinions. Isn't that right, MAX?? !!
looking for differential
If you find an open diff and want to upgrade to CLSD, check out the POWER BRUTE Group Buy here... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=115077&page=3
Power Brute Group Buy R200 Carrier (Best PB They Make for R200) - $450
Oops... I'm not too familiar with this forum yet. This is now posted in the 240Z Driveline section. THANKS!!
NEW Power Brute Group Buy R200 Carrier (Best PB Available R200) - $450
hope this is the right place to post this... I'm not affiliated with the vendor nor am I making any $$$ with this. I thought my fellow members here would appreciate an excellent deal on POWER BRUTE CLSD CARRIERS FOR R200 differentials. I've arranged with Reider Racing a GROUP BUY DISCOUNT here... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=115077&page=3 . This link takes you to page three, which has the information you need. These are the BEST THEY OFFER with the BETTER CLUTCH PACKS and the FULL LOCK CROSS PIN. PLEASE NOTE: The R180 carriers are sold out and any new R180 units (LOM 55E and LOM 55L) will cost $485. YOU MUST... Talk to TIM and tell him this is for the HYBRIDZ (HYBRID Z) GROUP BUY.
Power Brute Group Buy R200 Carrier (Best PB They Make for R200) - $450
You're quite welcome, Gary. I fully understand the $$$ issue. I need to sell a bunch of stuff to raise the $$$ I need for my project too. One thing to note is... Reider Racing will NOT charge your CC until the diffs arrive and NO down-payment is required. Expected date is sometime in Feb '07 but it could be a bit earlier. Maybe this helps??
Power Brute Group Buy R200 Carrier (Best PB They Make for R200) - $450
Sorry about the link. This one should work... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=115077&page=3
Fender Flares - Metal, Fiberglass or Carbon?
Power Brute Group Buy R200 Carrier (Best PB They Make for R200) - $450
I hope this is the right place to post this... I'm not affiliated with the vendor nor am I making any $$$ with this. I thought my fellow members here would appreciate an excellent deal on POWER BRUTE CLSD CARRIERS FOR R200 differentials. I've arranged with Reider Racing a GROUP BUY DISCOUNT here... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread...077&page=3 This link takes you to page three, which has the information you need. These are the BEST THEY OFFER with the BETTER CLUTCH PACKS and the FULL LOCK CROSS PIN. PLEASE NOTE: The R180 carriers are sold out and any new R180 units (LOM 55E and LOM 55L) will cost $485. YOU MUST... Talk to TIM and tell him this is for the HYBRIDZ (HYBRID Z) GROUP BUY.
LSD diff question
Thanks JON!!
LSD diff question
There is currently a group buy on another forum... $450 for brand new Power Brutes with the better clutch packs and the full locker cross pin... this is their best carrier. Is it okay to post a link to this group buy on another forum?? PM me if you're interested.
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