About to buy 16X8, but need HELP
I contacted one of their dealers in hayward, ca
About to buy 16X8, but need HELP
I am really close to buying some rims. Rota RB 16X8. the offset is +04. Will these clear my 75 280Z with tokiko springs and shocks? Will I need wheel spacers? Also, if I do ZG flares fender flares will I need wheel spacer to fit the rims? I am not sure if I want to do ZG flares but everytime I see it, it keeps looking better and better. I have searched everywhere but can't seem to find any help. Someone please help me. thanks
Help Finding Watanabe 15X8 or 15X7
how would i go about contacting takumi project about the rims (the used ones). i see a price sheet on his page, but don't know if that is the price for each rim or a set. are the rims flat black. i like the flat black one.
Help Finding Watanabe 15X8 or 15X7
Does anyone know where I can find Watanabe RS 15X8 or 15X7 (Drool)? i would really like the one pictured here with the same size. http://www.houston-imports.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136284 I am located in California. I can't find a dealer or the rims anywhere. A while back I heard of these set going for about 5-700 for the 15X7. I am in love with these...Can someone point me in the right direction before I end up buying Sport Max 01 15X8? Thanks
Need Help With Springs
thanks for info., the eibach spring are 189 from MSA right now 4 bucks more than the MSA ones. The ArizonaZ ones are 9 bucks more than the MSA. When i order my MSA or eibach (leaning towards eibach) i will probably do new tie rods and bearing along with bump stops. Are the bushings really necessary or can i wait till i pick up sway bars and then insall bushings? If they are necessary i will have to wait before i can install the suspension.
Need Help With Springs
I am planning on getting some spring next week and was wondering if i should go with MSA or Eibach. I will also be getting tokiko shocks. Anyone have any experience with any or info they want to share would be great. I don't know if this helps but i will also be installing Sport Max 15X8 sometime after i get my springs and shocks. Thanks for the help
Primer And Sanding Help
I am finally picking up a good parts car and was wondering how would I go about sanding some of the paint. The parts car is white (origanlly blue, same as mine), I think it was spray canned. I need the rear hatch and wanted to primer it black and was wondering how hard this was. The white paint is rough, and I don't know what grit to sand with and how to sand it (worked on rc cars, does this count?), but I can learn. Also I got a brand new 77 280Z hood that is primered gray i think. It is gray and smooth on both the inside and out. was wondering if the part need to be sanded and then primered or just primered. Whats also the typical process of primer? For example; Sanding, Primer, Sand or is it different? :ninja: I will be using Dupli-Color sandable black primer SPRAY CAN. any help on this would be great. thanks for all the help:ninja:
Zx Alternator Swap
how hard was this swap? i used a 105amp alternator from Z Specialites and it was very easy for me to install no splicing or cutting. DIRECT BOLT-ON. the only thing was i had to disconnect my external voltage regulator and the T-plug that went on back of the old alternator. I just taped these ends off to prevent damage.
performance exhaust
i went with a custom exhaust. i think this is cheaper and also better. 1975 280Z 2 1/2" aluminum pipings with no cats or resonator going to a magnaflow mufller. total cost with bending and installation 200 bucks
Exhaust Toooo Loud Need Help Please!
yes, i will be going with a magnaflow 4" round resonator with 2 1/2" in/out. i am trying to stay away from the glass pack because i hear they go bad and actually gets louder. i should of gone with a 2 1/4" pipe. oh well whats done is done, now i need a decent set-up to run my 2 1/2" properly. thanks for the help
Exhaust Toooo Loud Need Help Please!
okay heres the story. I got 2 1/2" piping on my 75 280Z all the way back to a magnaflow muffler also 2 1/2" in/outlet with no cats or resonator. sounds awesome at idle but way tooo loud at 2-3K. my question is should i put a 2 1/4" resonator or a 2 1/2" resonator? how much quiter wouild this be and are there any downside to using the smaller 2 1/4" resonator. i been hearing things like i need back pressure. so i was thinking of going with the smaller 2 1/4" resonator to get some back pressure. my only mods are CAI intake (cheapo ebay), and i am instally my NISMO headers sometimes next week
Replacing the exhaust. Info/ideas?
i am running 2 1/2" exaust all the way back to a magnaflow 2 1/2 muffler (no cat or resonator) with no mods to the car yet except CAI intake (cheapo ebay). Car is really loud, but awesome at idle. going to add a resonator to reduce noise, my car vibrates around 2-3K not ricey sound either. but too loud for me. anyone know if i should got with a 2 1/4" resonator or 2 1/2" resonator? noise is tooooo loud for me right now. looking foward to installing my NISMO performance headers next week. =)
Anyone heard of Magnaflow or Excelerator Mufflers
I am running 2 1/2" from the stock manifold to a 2 1/2" magnaflow muffler. sounds awesome at idle but too loud everywhere else. thinking of adding a second muffler to quiet this down. not a ricey sound either. 1975 280Z
Body Kit Help
thanks for the help, should i have the kit installed at a shop first or have it painted first?
Body Kit Help
hey everyone, i am planning on getting the MSA Type 3 front bumper and was wondering how is the fitment. i heard that the rear bumper and side skirts don't fit well. I am undecided on a Kaminari or the MSA type 3 side skirts any opinions? i like the look of Kaminari since it is close to stock. Also would anyone recommed a MSA Type 2 rear bumper? my car is a 1975 280Z THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP. any pics would be great