Here she is a couple of days before I found her. I purchased the car from the orginal owner. The was totalled about 15 years ago and rebuilt which is kind of the reason why its in pretty good shape.
Mitch's zed #2
Suggestion on how to proceed...
Hey DatsunZsRule, Sorry for the confusion. (All I can say is that I been working 12 hour night shifts for the last 6 nights.) When I checked the system pressure I first disconnected the starter solenoid in order to not start the car and pressured up the system on just the fuel pump when the ignition switch was turn to start. After I had confirmed that everything pressured up with out any leaks I started the car to see if the pressure would hold. The FSM walks through the process. I just had a brain fart when I started typing. Again I’m sorry for the confusion. Hey Webdawg1, I just got back from driving the car around and now reading up on checking the fuel tank. Thanks for the suggestion.
Suggestion on how to proceed...
Well who ever it was that made the electronic fuel injection troubleshooting book available to everyone THANK YOU! It made the process of finding what was wrong that much easier. Turn out to be a really corroded connector on the water temperature sensor that was screwing everything up. She is now up and running again. Now on my list of to do's is to replace all of my connectors unless someone knows if an aftermarket EFI harness available? Thanks again to everyone for the help. Hey bobs77, thanks for the offer but now I'll just have to suffer and keep the stang too. :-)
Suggestion on how to proceed...
Thanks again for all of the suggestions. Well....I woke up a little early this morning and ran down to Orchard Supply and fab together a pressure gauge. On the way I passed the local auto parts store and bought a new fuel filter for the heck of it. System pressured up and held approx. 36 to 37lbs with both the fuel pump/starter solenoid disconnected and with the engine running before the motor stalled out. This seems to eliminate the fuel pump, filter, dampener, and regulator. I'm off for the next couple of days so I'll have a chance to work through the trouble shooting guides of the FSM and fuel injection manual. (Might also pull the injectors and send them out.) The pressure is really on now. I just got word today that my wife's aunt is selling me her 67 mustang thats not running at a good price. I definitely can't have two non-operating cars in the garage it might cause some serious friction on the home front.....
Suggestion on how to proceed...
Ok, after a night of reading and searching through previous post I think that I need to check my fuel pressure after the fuel filter. The previous owner use to barely drive the car, and the day prior to finding the fuel line leaks and changing my fuel lines out I filled up the tank for the first time. Working on the car part time it took 2 days to change my hoses. I think that I may have loosened some crud in the tank when I filled it up and over the course of a couple of days it all settle to the bottom and plugged up my filter. Can I just pick up a guage at a hardware store and fab it up to my fuel line?
Suggestion on how to proceed...
Hey all thanks for your comments and suggestions. Well what I thought was going to be a quick changing of a couple of fuel hoses on my new z has really started to bum me out. I've own the car for about 3 weeks and 5 of those days its been sitting in my garage. I may have 200 miles driven on the car... I finally had sometime today before work to clean my injector connections, retrace all of my steps, and verify any hoses that I changed were still connected. After doing this I went ahead and started the car. At first the motor seem to run a little smoother and not stumble or hesitates as before. (I did get some black smoke out of the exhaust.) After it had run for a couple of minutes I tried to hit the accelerator. When I gave the motor some gas it would started running rough and began hesitating again. After a couple of more times the engine eventually stalled out as if it were starving for fuel. I'm now thinking that a may have a clogged fuel line or fuel filter. Currently, I'm sitting at work with a freshly printed copy of the Fuel Injection Troubleshooting guide and the FSM in front of me trying to figure out where to start. I still can't figure out how my simple job of changing hose has evolved into this? I should have some free time this next week to start troubleshooting.
Suggestion on how to proceed...
Thanks for the suggestions guys. The car was running in good condition before I started. When I had everything apart I almost pulled the injectors to have them clean before I put everything back together. Last night while reading through a copy of the 280z fuel injection book I decided to go ahead and just re-check all of my EFI connection for the 5th or 6th time and see if I possibly knocked something else loose. I did change out some vacuum hoses and may have bumped something else in the engine compartment. Some of my fuel injector connectors did have pretty corroded contacts. Anyone have an opinion about changing these out while I'm checking everything else. I came across the following website http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/ last night and it seems to cover the process of upgrading connectors thoroughly.
Suggestion on how to proceed...
Ugh......:disappoin Hopefully someone can give me some ideas on how to proceed. A couple of days ago I noticed that two of the fuel lines on the fuel rail on my 77 280z were leaking and I decided to change all of the hoses out.(PITA) I was able to remove the front and back fuel rails, change all of the hoses, and left the injectors in place. After all of this the car will now start but it stumbles and hesitates very badly whenever I try to hit the accelerator. I can here the injectors working per the FSM and have cleaned all of the connections. The only thing I can think of is that I may have had some garbage in the fuel rails that was stirred up and plugged the injectors. Is this a possibility? If so, should I now just pull the injectors and have them cleaned or replaced? Any suggestions would be helpful. thx
Hello All
Does anyone know if there are any events in the Bay Area for Z's coming up? I would love to get out and see some of the local cars in the area.
Hello All
Hercules is located in the SF Bay Area 20 miles North of Berkeley about 5 miles before the Carquinez Bridge. (For those of you familiar with the area.) I just drove the car to work for the first time and everyone is impressed with the shape that it's in. I was told by my co-workers to ask how much do you guys think a car like this is worth?
Hello All
Thanks guys for the warm welcome, compliments, and referrals.
Hello All
Hehehehe.....I noticed that when I bought the car. Owner said he had the tires rotated and forgot to have them matched up until after the fact. It is on my to do list. :-)
Hello All
Hello All, I just bought a 77 280Z from a gentlemen with my company who was the orginal owner. (Even had a copy of the orginal invoice from 1977 for $8800) Boy am I glad that I came across this site because I'm sure I will have plenty of questions in the future about this car. Thanks in advance to all for providing access to the huge amount of info available on these great cars. Mitch P.S. If someone could recommend a mechanic in the San Francisco Bay Area (preference near Hercules) I would much appreciate it. Here are some pictures of my new Z :-)