A good place to look for a Z is in E-Bay the best area to find a rust free car is in AZ, CAl , because of the dry weather, however I live in Oregon and have found several cars with vary little rust. The key here is if the car is garaged or not, no salt is used on the roads so rusted out cars are few and when you find one its usually an import from the mid. west , or a beach car. I found my present '73 240 here in Portland for $500.00 . I need only a little body work $600.00 worth and then paint ,which being relistic ,will run about $1500.00 If I do the prep ,and they only need to do the final prep and mask. I am keeping the stock red (orange), that way the engine bay and all the jams are ok with out repaint. You may need to travel to find a really good one especially if you are looking for a 240 . Best of luck to you , and dont be in a hurry . "You have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a prince" so the story goes. Ha Ha