Paint supplier
Hey there sideshow, did you end up ordering from these guys? I'm looking for the same thing, cheap paint for a daily driver. I want it to look decent but not cost a fortune.
Pulling my hair out!
So far the brakes are working as they should. The pedal feels right, I've checked the levels on the mc and they look good too. I "think" this problem is solved but I sure would like a more solid mounting to the booster. But I can't complain about being able to drive her again
Pulling my hair out!
Hey John, you hit the nail on the head! According to Haynes, which gave a measurement of how far the rod should be protruding, mine was way too far out! Even after adjusting its length as far as it would go, I ended up putting small spacers to adjust the length a little more. Worked like a charm, but I think I'm going to look for a different mc that has the flange that makes up that space correctly. At least I know now what it was and I have normal brakes Thanks for everyone's help!
Pulling my hair out!
Well, I can't get the locknut to budge. Is it safe to use a little WD40 to loosen it up?
Pulling my hair out!
Sweet!! Will do, test drive her and be back on here to let you know how it went.
Pulling my hair out!
Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. John, I'm sure the lines aren't reversed. I made sure when I swapped the mc I had it right. The new mc is identical to the one that was on there. I don't remember if it was nabco or tokico. I also rechecked this morning following the lines and making sure they are indeed hooked up to the right reservoir. I don't mind dumb questions at this point. I'm sure its something simple just because its driving me so nuts. Nigel, I am bleeding them exactly as you described. I'm not sure what shape the valve and switch are in, is there a way I can test them? Here's the reason for the replacement in the first place. When I would stop at a light, the pedal would feel like it should, would go down just a little as the car came to a stop. But as I sat there the pedal would slowly push in, real slow actually. The first thing I did when I noticed this was inspect the whole system for leaks. Nope, dry everywhere. Once the pedal was down as far as it was go, I was still held stopped. I could pump them to get the pedal back up, but only for it to do the same thing and slowly go down. Do you think I was wrong in assuming it was the mc? My maiden voyage with the new mc I could feel a considerable difference. The pedal and brakes felt just like they should. But the further I drove the stiffer the pedal got until I was forced to pull over because the front brakes had totally locked down. To get back home I bled at the mc to release the pressure and drove her home. Does this help anybody with more ideas? I'm about to take another stab at it. I was thinking of driving it till I got them like that, get home and try to bleed at the calipers, well as fast as I can get the wheels off! What do you guys think?
Pulling my hair out!
Yup, I've gone through the whole process several times. After using the hose to assure there's no bubbles, I go to the calipers and I have the same set up there. Always keeping it topped off, then I check for pressure at the mc with the hose removed. It just kinda oozes out. Same at the calipers, just fluid pours out, no pressure. Can it be a bad mc if the rear bleeds fine and has pressure??
Pulling my hair out!
Hey Gary, I didn't mess with the rod when I removed the old mc, so I guess the reaction disc should be okay, right? I've bled and bled that mc I don't know how many times. Used a jar of brake flued with a hose attached to the bleeder screw till the bubbles were gone. This would suck if I have to buy another mc.
Pulling my hair out!
Yikes! I read up on that. It's a big fat maybe. I didn't notice any leaks, and I've been watching for them. But I haven't checked through the firewall. I have to pack it in for today, but I have all of tomorrow to take another stab at it. Thanks for the pointers, I'll be back on here if I come up empty again.
Pulling my hair out!
I got it off of ebay, new in the box Nabco. What are the odds its bad? Other than it not working right, any other way to test it?
Pulling my hair out!
Cool, I'm almost in the Stapleton area between Colfax and 17th, Havana and Syracuse, I think are the next sort of major streets. I'm getting fluid out of the calipers and the mc, but just no pressure. It just kinda oozes out, like its in no hurry. The back brakes are fine, pressure at the wheels, pressure at the mc.
Pulling my hair out!
Hey Darrel, I replaced the front right caliper, the left is still good. Bleeder screws are on top. I'm in Aurora, almost Denver actually. I'm just about 10 blocks east of the line. It's a '78 but manufacture is November of '77 if that matters.
Pulling my hair out!
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums and have been searching for an answer to my problem. So far all the advice I've read, I've already tried. Here's what's going on. I replaced the master brake cylinder and bled the system. I started with mc first, then to the calipers furthest away first. I have pressure for the rear brakes, calipers and at the mc. But on the front I can't get pressure at the mc or the calipers. The only thing I didn't do was bench bleed the mc before I put it on. And from what I've read I've got a 50/50 chance it'll help if I take it off and redo it. Does anyone have any more ideas? I'm not a super mechanic but I do alright, this has really got me stumped. I did the exact same job on a zx I had once-upon a time and had no problems at all. Throw some "did you do this?" at me and I don't care how simple it might be, I'll try anything at this point. I'm about to buy the book "Brakes for dummies". Help!