You're not having a very good month are you? Sometimes the Z gods test us more than seems fair. Chin up!
The coolant certainly passed through the front cover, so it appears likely that the gasket between the cover and the block is leaking or the front cover is cracked. You did put new front cover gaskets on after the change, didn't you ?
The quantity (all) of coolant in the oil pan sure points to it coming from the front cover straight down and into the oilpan. Head gasket leaks tend to be more subtle. Coolant gets burned off or mixes with the oil.
To test this, remove the thermostat, put the housing back on, with the oil pan empty, plug out, I'de just fill the rad, and wait and see how long it takes coolant to leak out into the oil pan. If you don't get much of anything in 10 minutes, take the fan belt off and spin the water pump by hand (same direction as engine rotation of course) and see if that speeds up the coolant leak. Take the valve cover off and look down the chain way with a strong light and try to see where coolant is coming from as you spin the water pump.
Hint: Use an electric drill with the fan belt just on the water pump pulley and over the drill chuck to spin it faster.
In any event, I think you're pulling that front cover to have a look at what is going on. Water doesn't make a very good lubricant either, hope you didn't run it much.....